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Knocked Down But Now I'm Up

I slept right through my birthday last week.  I got hammered with a nasty head cold which kept me bedridden for four days.  It's okay.  We celebrated the week before.  

The weekend before, my daughter was off from work but told me she had to work on the weekend of my special day.  I got to pick a place for dinner that night and chose Javelina Cantina in Sedona.  It was wonderful and so was the homemade white cake with coffee we enjoyed back at the house.

My immune system is strong so I'm surprised I got hit so hard.  I admit, I've been down in the dumps since my closest friend, Maureen, received the severe cancer diagnosis.  Our friendship is pure gold.  I let myself feel the deep sadness and perhaps, I stayed there too long.  Is that why I got sick?  Was I depressed and vulnerable and open to attack?

I want to say a big "Thank You" to all of you who stopped by and offered prayers for us.  It meant so much to me and to Maureen, too.  The night before she began chemo, she sent a text which really comforted me.  "Mary, God is in this!"

When God is in something, we know it's going to work out for good because we love Him and we're called according to His purpose.  May He get all the glory in the days ahead.  We know He didn't send sickness; but He will use it.

A friend called to wish me a Happy Birthday and realized I could barely talk.  But he prayed for me (and Maureen) using Psalm 103 which reminds me of the healing in my covenant with Almighty God.

Recently, I reflected about my journey on this earth, of how it is a mixture of ups and downs.  It's okay to feel my feelings to the full as long as I then choose good choices which lead to a healthy state of mind.

This morning I read Psalm 86:15, But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth.  

I remind myself I cannot always control the outcome.  God has the final say.  He is always good, compassionate and gracious.  But I still try to strong arm Him to have my way in my prayer closet.  Surrender is hard.  It's hard to trust.

My health returned after all that rest!  I wish you a wonderful week ahead, with more ups than downs.


  1. Hi Mary, yes, sometimes it is hard to go through our trials. I go through many trials regarding physical health, but I know that God is still there with me even if I don't get healed immediately. Trials can strengthen us, and I know that God does heal, as I have had several healings including a miraculous one. I pray for you and your good friend Mary, that you receive all of what God has for you in Jesus.

    1. Your words are very sweet, Brenda. Thank you for those prayers.

  2. Happy belated birthday.Your cake looks delicious. I'm sorry you were sick. We have had our sickness here too. We were in Cottonwood on Thursday for my neurology appointment which went well. I just wish there were doctors in Prescott or Prescott Valley. It seems that primary care doctors have to refer their patients out of the area because nearby specialists have six month or more waitlist for appointments.
    Regarding my blog, I'm not sure what's going on. I'm not getting emails when someone posts on their blog and some of my subscribers have the same issues. I don't know if WordPress and Google don't like each other or not. Its really frustrating. Well you have a nice Sunday.

    1. I didn't know that about Prescott healthcare. I hear your frustration about blog compatibility! I get so mad when I can't leave a comment on your blog.

  3. Hey sweet friend, I do pray that you are well on your way with healing. Bless your heart. My immune is low and I am trying to be very careful but sometimes it doesn't matter how careful we are does it? Happy belated birthday. Glad you did get to enjoy your birthday friend. Will pray for your friend today. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Praying for your immune system, Cindy. Thank you for your sweet encouragement!

  4. I never considered (that) sadness/grief plays a significant role in our bodies' defenses. Good point! You're so right, it's hard to surrender, to trust. Nevertheless, I love your and Maureen's anthem: God is in this!
    Still praying!

    1. I always think we're made of body-soul-spirit and our body keeps track! So I try to allow myself to feel, but then surrender.

  5. Sorry to hear that you got sick but I'm glad you already had recovered! Belated Happy Birthday to you. That's great you still got to go out and celebrate your special day. That cake!!! Drooling here :)
    It's my father's birthday today and my mom's was 2 days ago. When my father got hit with cancer, times that my siblings and I should have been so low, the Lord turned into an amazing time of great love among us and that the Lord had given him some healing right in time to still have seen us from different parts of this world. Even if he couldn't get up, we saw that he was stronger than ever and was always clear with things. Instead of crying, we cried with tears of joy. We knew, it was all the Lord Who gave us all strength and increased faith.
    So from my past experiences, I know better that our Good Father never disappoint no matter what situation we are in. Praying for your friend and you, too. And each time I remember my father, I always remember this that I wrote when I blogged about him:
    "The Lord is like a father to his children,
    tender and compassionate to those who fear him." - PSALM 103:18

    You look great sister Mary and may you always remain strong in the Lord's mighty power! God bless and protect you all always. Love and prayers.

    1. Your words empower me. I'm so glad I'm writing about this. It helps me when the sisters speak and I pray it helps others, too. We are family!

  6. Dear Mary
    I was very happy to see you and read your comment.
    I read some of your beautiful posts with great pleasure. I learned that faith and God are very important to you, they are the meaning of life.
    What did I do last week?
    1. I tidied up the garden.
    2. I read a book.
    3. I visited the beautiful Camaldolese Monastery from 1629.
    4. I went to my goddaughter's birthday party.

    It was a wonderful, blessed week.

    Mary, I wish you good health, God's blessing. I send you hugs and warm greetings from distant Poland.

    1. Hi, Lucja-Maria! Your blog inspires me! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your week!


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