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Finish the Race


We’re in the final week of a general election race in our nation.  My spirit sags with advertisements, propaganda lies, debates and speeches.  My spiritual muscles ache with late night prayer meetings, fasting and waking early feeling the nudge to pray, once again, in authority and power for protection for America and all who love her.  I know God’s hand is upon us.  My part is to pray and to vote!


Persistence is key when it comes to getting the victory.  Here’s the definition of persistence:  firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition!


Recently, my friend Gail shared photos of her daredevil hike in the Grand Canyon.  As I viewed her breathtaking pictures, I remember her words.  She felt worn out and asked herself:  “Why do I put myself through this torture every year?”  But the next day, she began to plan next year’s Grand Canyon hike!

Our family toured Mt. Lemmon in the Catalina Mountains last week where we inhaled fall foliage. The 9,000 ft. mountain offered several interesting terrains as we drove to the top.  Not only did we experience the beauty of autumn, but felt inspired when our tour guide told us an incredible story of persistence.  Mrs. Lemmon who, on her honeymoon in Tucson, Arizona, in 1881, decided to climb the mountain with her botanist husband.  It took them a few tries.  The razor sharp cacti, snakes and mountain lions along with rocky terrain defeated them, but they reached their goal where they carved their names in a tall pine tree at the top.  No wonder they named the mountain after her!  Their adventure mapped out the existing highway we travel on now!

Persistence in Prayer 

Prayer would be a boring chore for me without God’s Spirit.  His breath enables me to reach the finish line.  The Greek word, Pneuma, means “breath” or “wind.”  Jesus’ followers filled the upper room in Jerusalem where they waited for that powerful breath of the spirit in Acts 2.  I know firsthand, my flesh is weak; I cannot reach the goal in my own strength.  I need the Holy Spirit to breathe on me!   Today, I am thankful for the discipline of prayer and persistence in God’s strength to endure the race.  Can you smell the victory?



  1. It's God who will ultimately decide on the winner of the elections. So one must accept the result and let the President start his work for the nation.

    1. When you look at each candidate's platform, you don't have to wonder much if God is on the side of corruption, greed and communism/socialism or defense of human life, the constitution, freedom and principles on which our country has been founded.

  2. I am praying too.

    I recently saw a youtube video of a race where one of the runners, certain of victory, slowed the tiniest bit to wave to the crowd near the finish line. He hadn't seen another runner was approaching quickly behind him, running as fast he could, determined. The second runner overtook the first as they crossed the line. He won!

    1. Great story of determination. Focused until the very end!

  3. We still haven't been to the Grand Canyon and we have been here four years. From the pictures your friend took, it looks breathtakingly scary though I know there is a spot that has a fence where people can view it. I wish sometimes it was where one could park along the highway and see it. But God knew what He was doing when He created it.

    1. I hope you can get there, Regina. You and the family will love it. Breathtaking.

  4. I held my breath seeing the second pic and thought only faith would have guided me if I was walking on that path/trail with the cliff next to me! And then, it dawned on me as I read your post how in reality that there are a lot of unknowns to overcome as we journey. We don't know the bumps and whatever could come our way that could possibly hinder our walk with God. Yes, without Him, everything is meaningless. I'm joining you sister Mary in your prayers for this nation and all the leaders and the people. Do I smell victory? I know the Lord has overcome so yes, I do! ;)
    Thank you for the beautiful pics and God bless and always strengthen u and bro. Tom. And yeah... the whole family!

  5. My friend is in great shape, working out every opportunity. Her example to me of fitness extends to my journey of faith. My responsibility to do my part in relationship to Jesus opens those doors to see His victory. Praying with you, dear girlfriend, for all the same things! One in mind, heart and determination to believe for the very best for our families and our nation. Liberty!

  6. Loved this post and what beautiful pictures. Oh yes girl.....finishing the race with the mind of Christ is surely what I am aiming at though I feel as though I fail some days. Prayer is a privilege but sometimes I feel worn out from praying. I know, that sounds awful. But, I know that I've been called to be a prayer warrior too and the fight is real and I can't do it in my own strength. ONLY HIS! Love this post so much. Hugs and blessings to you dear lady. Cindy

    1. I am just like you. My own strength won't cut it; the breath of the Spirit gets me through!

  7. YES, dear friend, I smell the victory! Though, I keep hearing the opposite, I am choosing to believe God's power to answer and do what we are pleading with Him to do. My spirit stays burdened all the time, and sometimes it is hard to know where one prayer ends and the next one begins. I loved reading your story about Mrs. Lemmon. We must keep persevering in prayer and not grow weary in well doing. We will reach the top and enter the throne room and find mercy, in Jesus' name. Sending love and hugs your way today!

    1. I love our prayer partnership, believing promises and decrees. A taste of heaven.

  8. Hi Mary,
    I love your pics, as I do all pics of every place in the world that God has created. I am not very good on heights. When we lived in Australia we went to a place called 'the whispering wall' . On one side there was water about fifteen feet down. On the other side there was woodlands about maybe thirty six metres . I had to walk along it sideways looking over the water side. I love praying in the Spirit and have had many prayers answered. Our future is in God's hands, and I have never been concerned about politics. Whoever wins the election in America will be the one who is meant to win it. God bless.


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