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Squirt Gun Strategy

My liberal girlfriend celebrated her birthday.  She’s the one who worships the sun, moon, stars, trees and the air.  She wants a woman president.

I sent her daisies and a cute sentiment.  I fought off the temptation to send trumpet flowers wishing her a trumped up day, encouraging to smile bigly.

What would that accomplish?

“Sarcasm is the last refuge of the imaginatively bankrupt.”
Cassandra Clare

Sarcasm, I kiss you goodbye.  I don’t want any part of you.  We live in a country where freedom reigns in worship as well as in elections.  We can be on opposite ends but still love each other!

Can’t we?

A few weeks ago, I attended an open house party for our new neighbors on the next block.    I found myself in a circle of conservatives gathered around the couch in the family room.   The hostess’s bold father captured our group’s attention as he spoke about his conservative political views.  Our new neighbor, his daughter, walked past our group and heard him. 

“Knock it off, Dad” his liberal daughter said and challenged him to fight it out with her using their imaginary squirt guns.  What a cute way to disagree, I thought.

I think of the times my opinions induce a caustic reaction in my liberal friends.  Like I think of them, they must think of me:  “How does she accept that view?”

We’re entitled to our opinions.  It helps me to put myself in the other person’s shoes. 

I remind myself that to let sarcasm go allows God to show me the higher road.  The saying “Better to love than be right” comes to mind.  This does not mean I change my views to fit in or refuse to state them.

This may take a while!  

If you’re with me in this, here are some convicting scriptures for us! 

Take control of what I say, O Lord,
    and guard my lips.  Psalm 141:3

Look after each other so that none of you fails
 to receive the grace of God.

Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness
 grows up to trouble you, corrupting many.  Hebrews 12:15


  1. This is sooooo hard, Mary!
    I had to do a double-take at your cartoon. My co-worker (sometimes girlfriend) may well be the same person as YOUR girlfriend ... put up that same image on her office door just last week!
    Lately, Diana and her liberal agenda, has been grating on my nerves. Then, totally out of the blue, she gifted me the other day with a copy of a book in which her story had been published and wrote, "Thank you for being so supportive, so thoughtful; thank you for being you."
    Why, I wanted to howl in shame .... and frustration!

    1. We are on the same page, girlfriend. I've got to make a trip down to Phoenix so we can go shopping...for squirt guns.

  2. Oh, I know! I've been there. God has had me bite my tongue several times because my first response to some of what I hear is a sarcastic response. You have made an excellent point!

    1. Well, that makes two of us, Melanie. Let's work on this together!

  3. The cartoon made me smile, and it is true, perspectives can be different but it doesn't necessarily make us wrong. Great points you have made here. I don't consider myself liberal by any stretch of the imagination, as I am quite old fashioned and a christian, but as far as a president goes (or even prime minister, as in my case, living in Canada), I wouldn't mind if the president is a female, so long as she has a heart for people and some good and solid ideas. I guess this is because over the course of my lifetime (I will be 60 this Thursday), I have had a few lady bosses and they have been very nice and ran things constructively and well. And I do like Queen Elizabeth II very much. :) I hope you have a great week, dear friend.

    1. Hi, Linda!
      I'm with you about the female leaders if they are qualified. I was being sarcastically funny here because the candidate is not well liked even by her own party. Hope you have a great birthday week, friend!

  4. Oh, my, I just find it SO hard to even be around people like this. In fact, to be honest, I just try to be sweet, but avoid them. They are so far away from a Biblical view, and that is the part that bothers me the most, because God's Word is the only absolute we have. I have to say, I got a kick out of your thoughts about the "trumped up" day!!! Sorry, but I just thought that was cute. But, like you, I would have chosen not to do it...I hate sarcasm in any form. It was funny, though. We are going to participate in early voting tomorrow, Lord willing. Frankly, I am very concerned about the election, but have to continually surrender it to God, as it is the only path to peace! Sending you love and hugs, sweet friend!

    1. Never easy to rub shoulders with opposites, but I get stronger and confident in my beliefs! And it's hard to love people, agreeable and disagreeable! Hugs and prayers!

  5. I need to bite my mouth more with a current situation we are going through. I need to love and love unconditionally; God reminded me of that today (ouch). And your post further convicted me of where God was wanting me to go :)


    1. Sorry it was a painful read, Betty! We are in this thing together!

  6. What a timely post as you wished your friend a Happy Birthday despite the opposing views you guys have! We are facing a tough political season and I know not all truth are out there. That many are deceived. Putting God first for those who believe is truly a must in order for us to understand how He operates. There is a time to fight, time to defend the truth, time to confront lies but all done in God's ways. That is aside from love, always has honor and respect towards others. We are all the same...Sinners that is...I love all the verses you shared for Him to "guard our lips" but may we also examine the conditions of our hearts. Prayers...We need to pray for this nation. I am heartbroken for what's going on. But I know He is always in control. Love the Fall header. Love Fall coz I know it means cooler weather...Hopefully :) Hugs and prayers to you sister!

    1. I love fall too. I'm praying for our great country asking God not to give up on us, to rescue us once again!

  7. Hi Mary! I grew up with seven brothers and sisters, and you have never met a more wonderful, funny, and faithful bunch of people. And can we be sarcastic? Oh my yes.
    We mean nothing mean by it, it's usually just really funny, but I can see where it could sink to be demeaning too, if it's meant to hurt. Using any speech as a weapon to somehow feel more important, or leave someone else feeling 'less than' is just awful.
    Good for you to transcend your political views to wish your friend a happy birthday! You are a very sensitive and lovely friend...your friend is a lucky lady to have you in her life. I suspect she knows that already!

    1. Same here, Ceil, with the sarcasm growing up. And I agree with you; it's not funny when someone feels put down...even if they do the same thing. Ha.

  8. That's one powerful illustration. Thought-provoking.

  9. Mary, my granny used to say, "Honey, I had to bite my tongue so hard I thought it was gonna bleed". Of course I knew what that meant. She also would say....some things are better left unsaid. I knew what that meant too. Bottom line is....will my words cause life or death. The Lord recently got a hold my heart as that seems to be my problem...that old ugly heart at times....and He convicted me before the WORDS spewed out my mouth. And believe me I had practiced what I was going to say...body moves and all. Thank You Lord for hushing my mouth. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Your granny sounds like she gave wise advice. Thank you for sharing with me! Hugs to you.

  10. Most excellent advice, Mary. Being right means nothing without compassion. And how will the others see the love of Christ if they don't see it in us?

    Very timely advice. I'll work on dropping the sarcasm and frustrations. God first.

    1. Looks we are on board together to make some changes for the better, Floyd. Bless you.

  11. As always, you present a marvelous truth in a compassionate way that grips your heart. Thank you Mary... kindness and love always trump who is right. We have Jesus to follow, don't we! Hugs to you today dear friend!!

  12. As the only liberal in my family, I appreciate this post - we can all disagree without being disagreeable :)

  13. Stopping by from Floyd's blog. I know what you mean about guarding our words but not compromising our stance, speaking the truth in love--while not insisting on our own way, agreeing to disagree in an agreeable manner. Good thoughts, Mary!

  14. Thank you, Friend, for this timely reminder. I needed to be reminded to ask the Lord to set a guard over my lips!

  15. to let sarcasm go allows God to show me the higher road. The saying “Better to love than be right”
    I am going to use these quote my blog friend, they are profound. Lovely post..


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