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The Venomous Intruder

It’s the middle of rattlesnake season here on the ranch.  The local news anchor confirmed it.  I’ve seen two already.   While driving along our dirt road yesterday, I mistook a virulent enemy for a branch. I backed up the car, looked again and noticed the branch shifted revealing a rattle at its end.

At one of our road association meetings in the barn, Shelby stood up and shouted, “BOB!” to my next door neighbor.  He’s our vice president and the one all eyes were on as he gave a presentation in the middle of the room.  I sensed fear in the way she yelled his name.  I learned after the meeting that Shelby called out to him like that because she saw a rattler slither in the barn door where she and I sat.  Bob yielded to the interruption and quietly dispatched the enemy.  Ten minutes later, this tough guy was back to center stage falling right back in step with the business at hand.  Bob is my new best friend.

In the Corner of the Garage…

Last week a neighbor family left on vacation.  We agreed to care for their chickens, dogs and pigs.  Just before we arrived for our instructions, we learned that in the corner of their garage, sat a coiled rattler.   The dad showed us a photo of it on his cell after he cut the snake’s head off with a shovel.  On the way home, I remember saying to the cute cowboy, “You feed the chickens and the dogs when we go there.  I’ll stay in the truck and prayRemember, we’re a team!”  He smiled and came back with “The snakes would be more afraid of you.”  

In the popular movie, War Room, the praying Christian mentor teaches her disciple and us, the viewers, the importance of praying with strategy.  She cared little about the specific details of life's daily tensions which, in this case, unfolds a riveting story to watch on the big screen.  However, the teacher was more concerned explaining the deeper truth of how the enemy of our souls invades our lives to steal, kill and to destroy.   She taught us to spend time with God, to listen, receive strategy and pray with faith to the only One who can save us from the deadly intruder.

 Has anyone rattled you lately, snakes or otherwise? 


  1. Hi, when we lived in Ca. we dealt with rattlers that came down from the hills; here we just have Bull snakes but they can be as scary as a rattler. I loved the movie War Room-I want to buy it when it comes out and watch it again and again.
    Have a blessed, safe week.

    1. Bull snakes--aren't they the ones that are huge? Noreen, I think the movie would be a great investment too reminding us of what is important.

  2. Mary, My most dreaded subject: snakes....Please be careful. Yes, the evil one does come to seek and destroy and we must put our armor on everyday. I loved the movie and I am so glad it is doing well at the box office. I had no idea Pricilla was the main character and she did a wonderful job. I had just finished one of her Bible studies and she is a great teacher....

    1. You know what they say, Nancy, about how good writing evokes emotion. Haha. I agree Priscilla is an excellent teacher and her passion for God's Word makes her a good actress in this movie.

  3. Hi Mary, thankfully I don't really come across any snakes living in a big city like Montreal, but I am sure a few pet stores sell them. However, I am not interested in seeing them, so....LOL! :) Be careful, dear Mary. Even though I don't see snakes or know much about them, thanks to a documentary I saw a few months ago, I know how to tell if a snake is venomous...or not. The man in the documentary said that non-venomous snakes have round eyes, like ours, but the venomous snakes' eyes are slanted.

    1. Thanks my fun friend! I'll make sure I keep on both my boots now as well as my bifocals. Goodness, I hope I never get that close to one.

  4. I practically chortled out-loud at your 'strategy' to remain in the truck and pray! Off-hand, I can think of little that terrorizes me to the core (than do snakes).

    Yours is another great example of evil that seeks to intrude via any crack or cranny. Sometimes lately I feel it in those fuzzy moments between sound sleep and consciousness. Nothing like that sort of a scare to come fully awake!

    1. I had to look up “Chortle” and learned that it means to laugh or cackle. I will do anything with you—hike in the mountains, go to the movies, out to dinner or even a girlfriend’s weekend, but I will never play Scrabble with you. Never, never never. I will lose.

  5. I think I would be wity you, praying in the truck. I had the snakes of anxiety and worry that I need to tame or bannish.


    1. Meet me in the truck, Betty, and we will pray those venomous worries and anxieties away!

  6. First of all, I totally dislike snakes! I can deal with spiders and such but snakes ...oh my! I would run and pray in the truck with you Mary. I'm so glad you wrote about the movie "The War Room". I hope to get to see it.

    Blessings and love,

    1. It's funny how for so many seasons I rarely saw a rattler in this wilderness, but this season I've seen or heard of several! You're going to love War Room!

  7. Several years ago, a baby snake bit our dog, and yes, a baby rattler can kill you. quick intervention took us to the Vet who gave us medicine and our dog survived. Then Robert snake proofed our yard with fine mesh wire along the bottom of our fence on three sides. I am so glad BOB was able to get that snake in the barn - - also that your neighbor killed the big one. Thanks for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.

    1. I'm so glad your dog survived that snake bite! Thanx for hosting all the stories!

  8. That's really scray there Mary! I'm not fond of snakes (as if anyone is!) hahaha. But i wish you guys there to take care! :)

    I know you already read my random post, and i nominated you.
    Here's the URL:

    1. Hi, Steve:
      I'm grateful for the way you care for me. What can I do for you? I know, I'll send you a snake.

      Thanks, Buddy,

  9. I've been a horrible snake person since I was about 4 years old in Portland area. That was just a yard snaky thing wasn't serious, but a few guys had put it right in my face. THEN when I was 5 in Klickitat, WA, a rattlesnake nearly grabbed my hand and there were a LOT of rattlesnakes in our area and I could see them when looking out the door or window. I was horrified. THEN in Uganda...all those years later... I saw some of the horrific portions of snakes, but usually they were being killed by the missionaries or Ugandan kids. Anyhow, even in our yard, if a snake shows up... and it's a garter snake... I try to throw them out. I'm a terrified snake person. But, trusting the Lord for the consequences is all I can do! Thank you for sharing. Bless you!!

    1. You are right, friend. It is all about trusting the Lord and that is my main point because we all fear some things.

  10. Hi Mary, thank God for His protection. Reading your post, I remember the scripture, LUKE 10:19 "We will tread on snakes and scorpions and over the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you" and the other one ROMANS 16:20 "The God of Peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly"
    Blessings to you Mary

    1. Thank you, Ifeoma, for those encouraging scripture verses. I hold them dear! Bless you.

  11. Mary, I don't like snakes of any kind and to be honest...I have a high fear of them. I always had what I called a healthy fear but last year a friend of ours 4 year old grandson got bit by a rattle snake and did not make it. My heart was so torn and from that has leaped a multitude of fear with any type of snake. I too enjoyed the War room and I am reading the book now called Fervent. Prayer...putting on the armor of what will help us to fight the enemy, the old slithering snake that he is. May be be bold in the Army of God and stand and fight. Loved this post today! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. So sad to read about your friend's boy. You're right on about the armor, Cindy, as our enemy takes many forms and tries to surprise us, but we have God's protection! Hugs back to you, dear lady.

  12. I would most definitely be 'rattled' by a snake in the corner, or in a tree, or in the gardens. Snakes are everywhere! And our news anchors tell us of 'snakes' daily, don't they? May we always have all our senses open to deal with that enemy before it gets a chance to rattle us!

    1. I'm with you, Lynn, we are in this army together fighting a common enemy. Wishing you a great day!

  13. You need my hubby! He's kinda garnered a reputation as a "Reptile Wrangler" in our neighborhood. He lassoes rattlers, puts them in a specially designed box he's hand made, and releases them away from homes. I don't mind looking at them in the box, but have been quite unnerved seeing them *free*!

    Great analogy for our enemy - and for the power of prayer. We've got to change our mindset and realize that prayer is a powerful, first-line offense against his wily attacks! Yeah, I've been rattled lately, but with the Lord on my side, life has lost its *poison*!!


    1. Hi, Sharon!
      One of our pastor's is married to a herpetologist and collects snakes. We are going to their house this coming weekend; wish me well. My question is when you do see a snake how can you get it to stay put until he gets there? They always want you to call them.

  14. Replies
    1. I didn't think anything shakes you up. You are a mighty prayer warrior!

  15. Where on earth do you live? Shudder.... We had many snakes in Clermont Fl but not all dangerous. I finally would not weed anymore. Made my husband do it. Plus I made a snake guard for in front of my patio door.

    1. I live in the foothills of a central AZ mountain range, ideal for writers like you and me! Very remote.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. I was cracking up with some of the stories you mentioned...But I know there's nothing funny when it comes to having "snakes" around...I remember years ago, as I was entering the gate in one of the prisons I was supposed to float to, there on the pathway was a small "rattlesnake" already making its rattling sound with its tiny tail. Me? Not afraid of murderers...predators...etc...quickly turned around and called the bridge of the prison that I wouldn't dare walk on that path and start my shift until someone removes that snake!!! Like your "new friend Bob", that deputy who removed that snake was my favorite pal while I worked in that prison :)

    Ahh...awesome reminder in the end sister Mary...What more with that "unseen" rattler we face daily? But thanks be to God for His arsenal of weapons...Even Paul reminds us:

    Yet we who have this spiritual treasure are like common clay pots, in order to show that the supreme power belongs to God, not to us. We are often troubled, but not crushed; sometimes in doubt, but never in despair; there are many enemies, but we are never without a friend; and though badly hurt at times, we are not destroyed. At all times we carry in our mortal bodies the death of Jesus, so that his life also may be seen in our bodies. Throughout our lives we are always in danger of death for Jesus' sake, in order that his life may be seen in this mortal body of ours. This means that death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.

    Love and blessings to you sister!!!

    1. Your prison story is hilarious! I receive all your love and blessings, sister. And from one clay pot to another, we sure do carry the death of Jesus at work in us able to keep us from being crushed. Encouraging word, indeed!

  18. That is a fitting analogy! The serpent cursed to bite our heels...

    I've been rattled by humans that in the end make a rattlesnake seem loving. The enemy controlling the lost is scarier to me than the poisonous snake.

    You know where I am has no shortage of rattlesnakes and I've tangled with more than a few. The one that ended up in our casita is one the family history books!

    1. Yeah, Az is not for sissies, that’s for sure.
      A poignant comment, brother. Stay strong; I know you will. You are tough in many ways.

  19. Thankfully I haven't seen any snakes lately, but my sister-in-law saw one coiled up beside her bed the other day! In the house. In her bedroom. Yikes! She thought it was a ponytail holder or something, until she realized it was a snake. She yelled for her husband and he killed it. Not a rattler though!

  20. Well I haven't seen a rattler but I came home the other day to find a snake slithering across my driveway. My daughter asked why I didn't drive over it. I think I was just so stunned!
    PS I loved War Room! I nearly cried the whole way through. Everyone needs a prayer mentor like that.

    1. Yes, everyone needs a mentor like the one in the movie!

  21. I am not so fond of snakes, we see them at the ranch quite often! And, eeekkk, they are Rattle snakes!
    Happy Saturday~

  22. I am not so fond of snakes, we see them at the ranch quite often! And, eeekkk, they are Rattle snakes!
    Happy Saturday~

    1. So you know how I feel about this!!! Have a great weekend!


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