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Jubilant Triumph

This past week has not been fun for me even though my daughter and her little one spent the week with us celebrating two October family birthdays. You see, in the midst of celebrating, I got sick. I was actually happy to go to work midweek thinking that my germs would be contained away from home, but by the time I got to my office on the second day, I could not stand long or keep anything down. Our precious Hispanic cleaning lady entered my office to clean and shook her head and began speaking Spanish using a lot of “citas, citas” on the ending of her words. Must be an endearing term. Her gaze said: “you poor, dear little thing.” I know I looked awful.

I will say though that we were able to get in some good times with the kids before influenza hit me and I’m grateful for that. Then this morning came. Sadness loomed large when we had the vet put Frankie, our Great Dane/Lab, down. I feel most sorry for Dice; they were a close twosome for almost fifteen years. It’s quiet in our home today. The kids returned to their homes and Frankie is gone.

It is little wonder why I latched on to a Bible teaching that uplifted my spirits. The focus is on Jesus as our “Jubilee!” The teacher quoted in Luke 4 how Jesus entered the temple and sat and preached to the people as to why He came. He quoted to them Isaiah 61:1-2 in Lu 4:18 which my Amplified says this way:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me (The Anointed one, Messiah) to preach the good news (gospel) to the poor; He has sent Me to announce release to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind; to send forth delivered those who are oppressed—who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed and broken down by calamity.

Then He says in Lu 4:19 “to proclaim the accepted and acceptable year of the Lord—the day when salvation and the free favors of God profusely abound.” If you refer to the Old Testament, Leviticus 25:9-13, it talks about the acceptable year of the Lord. The passage shows us:

Jubilee was a culmination of all Sabbaths
Every seventh day was a Sabbath to the Lord, a day of rest
Every seven years , the land rested, no planting.
After seven years of Sabbaths, or 49 years, the 50th year, a new cycle would start
The year of Jubilee began on the Day of Atonement with the sound of the trumpet. Day of Atonement this year was October 7th, just two weeks ago.
During that next year, all property was returned to its owner and all debt was cancelled. Slaves were set free.
No one was excluded because all residents of the land qualified!
Social status, color, sex or financial position did not matter.
Unfortunately, Jubilee only lasted one year. You had to wait for 49 more years to be liberated again.

Now compare this to Jesus. He says in Luke 4:21 “This day this scripture is fulfilled in your ears.” Jesus is our Jubilee! He’s living in us now. We don’t have to wait 50 years; we’ve been liberated from the curse of the law. Sound the trumpet of freedom! We’re free from slavery to Satan, sickness and disease, fear, debt, lack and poverty. We are free to receive the fullness of the blessing.

For me personally, Jesus is my comfort and my healer. I praise Him as I look back over the week’s events and remember how my family checked in on me at my worst hour. Each of them called on the Name of the Lord and prayed for my healing. I started to get well quickly. I am blessed. And when we left the veterinarian and his wife this morning, we were given compassionate hugs and caring words. Jesus is near. Everything is going to be okay.

I'm linking this post to Spiritual Sundays hosted by Charlotte.


  1. There are days or weeks or even seasons like this past week was for you. But the final paragraphs say it all... even then, God is going to have the victory. He understand heartaches of every kind, and He shares them with us. Isn't that amazing!

    I pray that next week will be much sweeter. Just take a quck trip over to Carrie's blog and you will be blessed one more time!!


  2. I am so glad that you were able to enjoy some good moments with your daughter and her little one.

    Our pets do become part of the family and it is sad when we must say goodbye to them, but they are worth it for all the laughter they bring us.

    Glad you are recovering quickly. blessings to you - Marsha

  3. So sorry you were sick. I really like what Sonja had to say. Says it all dear one. Blessings.

  4. Oh friend, I'm so glad weeks like this don't happen all the time. Sorry about your precious pup and I'm so glad that you are feeling better.
    What a blessing it was to have some family near at this time to pray for you and help you out.
    Have a lovely Sunday!

  5. I'm sorry you got felt so ill and you had to put your dog down. Funny how things always come together...the good and not so good. Your attitude though is the best....and praying this week totally makes up for the tough stuff. ☺☺

  6. Hi there, You poor dear girl-such a hard week. I am so thankful that the Lord gathers our tears in a bottle for us. It is so hard to lose a beloved dog; our is very old and near the end too so I well understand. Sending prayers up for you today that you will be totally well and that God will comfort you in the loss of you dog.
    Hugs today. Noreen

  7. I 'm sorry you had to put Frankie down. I know how quiet the house gets when family leaves-and I also know how Jesus can fill up those empty places. I couldn't make it without Him.

  8. Jesus is our Jubilee. AMEN! And thank you Jesus! I am so sorry you were sick while family visited :( That is the pits. And for the loss of your beloved dog. That is always so terribly hard. I pray this week brings you peace and jubilee. Thank you for the sweet reminder of the word.

    Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God

  9. My goodness, you did have a terrible time. I hope this week will be a much better one for you. I'm glad you had these scriptures (and the one who gave them to us) to cheer you and help you through your trials.

  10. Apples of Gold. God just seems to send the right people, or the right scriptures to turn lemons into lemonade.

    I hope you're feeling better, Mary. Somehow I can't envision you being out of commission for any reason for very long.


  11. Hi Mary -

    Thank you, Mary, for shining through the midst of whatever....

    Your attitude inspires me!

    Yes Jubilee - we are jubilant about our Lord. Yes, indeed.

    Thank you, Lord!


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