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Lunch With the Girls on Gurley Street

While vacuuming a few days ago, I had a conversation with myself wondering if I should delete my blog. It was just a stray thought that came into my head while I was on a self pity trip. When life gets hard, I don’t always feel like rejoicing and with a blog dedicated to smiling in life, well it is just too much pressure! Then something wonderful happened. I am smiling again and can’t wait to write about it! Two precious sisters-in-Christ, amazing Arizona bloggers from the valley, drove up north and offered mega doses of encouragement. Today I would like to feature the wonderful afternoon I spent in Prescott with Debbie from Heart Choices and Kathleen from Sassy Granny.

Debbie and I met last year at a blogger luncheon, so I knew this charming lady would have us laughing with her friendly ease. She is beautiful inside and out and oh, what a heart of love this gal has! It was such a blessing to meet Kathleen in person after following her blog this past year. I was surprised that this petite, soft spoken woman wasn’t over six feet tall like I pictured her to be. I knew by her writing she was a powerhouse of wisdom. She shared her faith and several scriptures marked in her Bible that she carried. This lovely woman will always be a giant of encouragement in my eyes.

Chatting with these precious women would have been enough, but in addition, we enjoyed lunch. Delicious!

Kathleen and Debbie were great sports when I interviewed them with my camera! Here is how they responded to my probing:

I thank God for delivering the antidote for weariness by sending His two servants, Debbie & Kathleen, into my life today. It was a beautiful day in Prescott; I’m blessed!


  1. Oh Mary. You don't have to always smile on your blog. Don't feel that pressure. I certainly am glad you're smiling now. I love Debbie (and I'm sure Sassy Granny is awesome too). What a fun day for you all!

    Love & hugs!

  2. But it's not only your smiles that make us come here a lot! There are so many wonderful things about you sister that make us long to visit your site. It is what's in your heart. One time, I had thought of deleting my blog also. Then knowing that the battlefield is in the mind, I was quick to run to Him and ask what He wanted. True enough, it was a dart that I needed to repel.
    What a fun time you had with 2 precious sisters and it's great to see them and hear their voices. Both of them are so encouraging and full of wisdom. And so are you!
    Precious sister, blogging had brought us together. And through it, we developed precious friendships and have met wonderful brothers and sisters in His Holy Name. As His children sharing the bond of unity that comes from His love, I'm sending you my own love and prayers that everything will be okay because of Him. God's Word do not return void! So, to God be the glory! Take care of yourself sister Mary. It's okay to frown sometimes. We love you for who you are! God bless.

  3. What joy! I'm still grinning; so thankful that our day together was marked by laughter & "treasures of darkness".

    Bring it on, life! We're ready!!!

    Huge hug, and much love to you Mary - today & always.


    P.S. Your videos cracked me up!

  4. Alright, now...I don't know about this decision of Sassy's...I mean, I'm SURE you and Debbie are wonderful blog buddies, but I can't believe that Sassy didn't pick her two southern belle blog buddies...Elaine (from Peace for the Journey) and me!!!! ;-)

    I've enjoyed your blog. I came over to visit at Kathleen's suggestion. Come visit me sometime!


  5. Loved hearing all of you; Debbie I hear that northern accent, and Sassy, did you eat all that pizza? Honestly, where did you put it? You're shrinking away to nothing...

    Thanks, Mary, for giving us a little glimpse into your day. Don't delete your blog, friend, we'd miss you.


  6. I was thinking of the 3 of you all day yesterday, and knew you were having a precious time of encouraging one another and also laughing together!! What a perfect day!



  7. I thank God for sending these two blessings your way to uplift you. Please never delete your blog, I love you, and appreciate your real heart, through good or bad times. You bless me.

  8. Oh Mary I am laughing and yet tears are stinging my eyes just knowing that you are/were hurting. It breaks my heart and I am soo very thankful the Lord heard the cry of your heart and blessed you with such amazing and powerfully anointed women...or better called angels with skin on right ;)

    Please know Mary we are here for pray, to encourage, to love and support. Smiles or no smiles we love you ~ the good the sad and well everything in between!

    We are the body of Christ and I am so very blessed to be standing beside you ~ precious YOU ~ and fight this battle together!

    I love you so!

  9. Mary, you are blessing with or without smiles....we love you and life would NOT be the same without you, here. You exude the LOVE of CHRIST and I treasure your friendship. I wish we lived closer! If I ever get to Arizona...U are first on my list to hang out with. I can just see us...sitting casually with our toes in the sand...chatting away...yep...that is how GOD works! What a blessed bond HE has given us. I love you, dear friend! I am here for you, anytime. I may not have the right words to say...but know I am praying for you and I care very much.
    Big hugs, love, and prayers,

  10. Oh it was so fun to see their beautiful faces and to hear your sweet voice. You should have turned that camera around and had them ask you a question too. :) I would have loved to have been able to sit and have lunch with you ladies. How fun!!!

  11. Mary,
    I do love your smiles . . . and you know what it is simply ok to feel a little sad sometimes. God gave us emotions . . . good, sad, happy and you my friend are HIS child so no matter what how you feel HE loves you always. I have come to love you too my sister in Christ.
    Oh I will check out the girl's blog. They are too cute.
    Seeking HIM always,

  12. I have an award for you on my blog.

  13. Mary,

    And that is precisely why the bloggers we all know aren't just people on the other end of a computer, they are truly angels from God and part of our growing and ever expanding family. So glad that you are encouraged! Keep on blogging and don't let the enemy wear you down.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  14. What a wonderful and special gathering. The pictures are filled with joy and made me smile. You all are beautiful women inside and out.

  15. Mary, I had the best time yesterday with you and Kathleen! You recharged me with encouragement too. I have photos but my computer crashed upon my return yesterday. So this is the first time I've been online. I wanted to stop by and read your post and what a blessing. You are too kind to us but I love it anyway.

    Kathleen and I talked nonstop all the way home too. Can you believe it? You probably can!

    It might not be until tomorrow afternoon that I can access my email again. So in the meantime I'm glad you posted a few photos and so did Kathleen.

    Mary, I'm so glad we could be an encouragement to you. Don't you dare take down your blog!!!

    Love you much and remember I'm praying,

  16. Mary, I love it! You are all such awesome ladies, and I feel that through your fellowship with one another, I have had the privilege of knowing you all a little better.

    And, I must tell you that I love the videos! Thanks for posting these as well.

    Love and blessings,


  17. Hey Mary!

    Good Times!!!

    Next time ya'll are in my neck of the woods I'd love to join you!

    Sweet Blessings!

  18. As soon as I visited your blog...before even reading...I smiled really big..I'm not kidding...then I read your opening statement and I thought...what??? Well...let me just say...your blog is a tremendous blessing from the Lord through you to me! I loved that you posted a short video of the beautiful ladies!!! How fun!!!! God bless you!!!!

  19. Oh I loved seeing them both "live" - how fun! Praising God for the time you all had together!


  20. That was just precious, Mary, a great post. What a blessing for you all to get together! I loved seeing you all.

  21. Hi! I popped over here from Heart Choices and Debbie! Thanks for interviewing the girls. It was great to hear their voices and share in your joy.


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