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Spiritual Sunday

But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. James 1:6

The pharmacist told my daughter that the excessive vomiting reaction from medication requires hospital emergency care. How could she go to the hospital? Who would care for Susanna? The neighbor across the street forfeited three hours of sleep before going to work to feed the baby and put her to bed. Another neighbor dropped off some Pedilayte and Gatorade. Others wanted to help too, but one had the flu, another just had surgery and couldn't get out of bed, and another was over 90. That's when my husband frantically searched the airlines to find me a seat on the next available flight. I packed my suitcase. I heard his command to make a decision right now. He found one available seat left on a flight. Do I want it? "Yes," I replied..."No," and then "Should I?" "Never mind," he exclaimed. He booked it.

Why couldn't I decide quickly? I'll tell you why. With only one seat left, I didn't trust that it would be mine. What if someone else was booking simultaneously? I wouldn't have any seats to fall back on; what was my guarantee? And I bet this seat was in the last row right next to the toliet. I'm embarassed to say I had no peace that night. I entertained thoughts of traveling all the way to the airport only to find the check-in clerk at the airline tell me that no seats were available. Would I have to negotiate my way to my sick daughter in San Diego like some loopy people I've observed when confusion arises? Peace came the next day. I printed out my electronic ticket and noticed not just a seat but a wonderful seat, 15F, in the middle right by the window. Whew, relief!

I wish I could write that anxiety does not exist in my daily life. I wish I could fill my blog with how I pray and trust that "all things will work together for good for those that love God and are called according to His purpose." When will that day arrive when I can make decisions quickly and be less tossed around like a wave in the sea?

A special thank you, fellow bloggers, for your loving response last Thursday in my cry for help. I loved hearing your prayers and your comments and getting your loving emails. Just like Jesus, my Rock, you steady me with your support. My daughter is healing from a nasty viral infection. And I know the wonderful airline seat was favor from above!

Thank you Charlotte and Ginger for hosting Spiritual Sundays.


  1. So glad for your daughter's continuing healing and for your presence in her life.

    On another note, I wanted to let you know that you're the winner of my Gatlinburg give-away. Please e-mail me your snail mail, and I'll get it to you ASAP.


  2. I think all of us would have to be like a "worry wart" at one time or another. But there is a good reason sometimes as we feel helpless. But thanks be to God, for His awesome blessings that covers all of our needs. He is our mighty Zapper of those warts! For He always makes our paths smooth when we commit all of our plans with Him.
    There must be some kind of nasty stubborn virus [aside from H1N1] going on. Remember when my son was sick for 2 weeks, he was nauseous, too. Threw up only after they gave him something for pain in ER. After IV fluids, he was fine.
    Praying that your daughter is in complete recovery now. God bless those helpful neighbors. May the Lord protect you and your family and those people. I'm glad you're there for your daughter and precious Susanna. Going to work tonight sister but carrying you in my thoughts and prayers. Love to you in Christ.

  3. Oh Mary, bless your heart....I am soo glad you made and that you had such a great seat :) and that you are able to be there for your daughter and your sweet Susanna. I am just praising the Lord for HIS provision, His love, HIS favor and for the Healing HE is doing in Carrie. I love you Mary and am praying .....and praising Our Father!

  4. Wow, Mary! You are a sweet, dear mama! I'm glad your daughter is on the mend. (BIG HUG!)

  5. Mary, thank God for kind neighbors that your daughter has. And I'm so glad your flight worked out well. I tend towards worry too but lately I've been learning that our Lord is absolutely trustworthy.

    Please give Carrie a hug from me and tell her I am praying for her. God is good. Much is going on in my life and I can't wait to be able to share more with you.


  6. Thank you, my dear Mary for always being hubby is the best, but making a BIG decision like that is tough for him. He does NOT function well under pressure. He is awesome...a rock, but tell him that he has 2 minutes or less to make a decision and he loses it. I, however function better under pressure. Crazy how GOD puts us together. I will presume your hubby can make a quick decision! That is why GOD gives us help mates! It is not your job to function quickly under pressure, but to listen to the wise counsel of the one GOD has placed on the earthly journey with you. Each of you have strengths you bring into your marriage. Rest in knowing GOD has blessed you and stop picking on yourself. I love you! You are a priceless treasure. GOD has blessed myself and many others with your presence. THANK YOU!
    Big hugs, lots of love, and many prayers, andrea

  7. Glad it all worked out and your daughter is on the mend!

  8. Blessings sweetie, my prayers continue for your dear daughter.

  9. I am so glad to hear that your daughter is doing better and is on the mend. The Lord has brought her to my mind a couple of times so I'd say a prayer. I TOTALLY understand and sympathise how anxiety sometimes can get in the way of the kind of Christians we desire to be. Praise God that he understands our human limitations and loves us anyway. We don't have to impress Him with our great faith. We only have to put our Hand in His and He does the rest. Blessings to you, Debbie

  10. Once a mother always a mother. I'm glad that your prayers were answered.

  11. I'm so glad your daughter is better. We just went through something like this with my son, who lives in Missouri. Nothing gives me more trouble with anxiety than concern for my kids or grandkids.

    Thank you for your post! You're a fantastic mom!!!


  12. I came from a long line of worriers and it's easy to fall into the fretting trap. I've learned through the years though that God is faithful. We need to trust him with whatever comes our way. I'm so glad you were able to get a good seat on the plane and that your daughter is doing better. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. I think the more we share with each other the stronger it makes each of us.

  13. I just read the comments of your other friends and they are so good that I have nothing to add except to say, "I agree."

  14. Bless your sweet heart. Sometimes we just can't help but worry. And as it is said, many times the things don't happen. Thank God for His favor to you. Praying for your daughter's healing ~
    Love and Blessings,

  15. Hi Mary,
    So happy that your daughter is healing! Thank goodness for those wonderful neighbors and I'm glad that you were able to fly there to be with her. I think we're all guilty of being worry worts; I know I am! Thank you for your honesty and for sharing. Have a beautiful Sunday.


  16. I confess to worrying too. Have a super day, Jean.

  17. Oh Mary ...
    I've been so remiss, not playing in blogland, and didn't know about Carrie's taking ill until now. What a frightening experience for you and your family.
    Praise God, everything evolved as you dreamt it would.
    Being a life-long Worrier myself, don't-cha wish sometimes Modern Medicine would invent a pill to chase away "those" thoughts?!

    Have a spectacular new week!

    Love ya,

  18. I tend to be a worrier also...thank goodness, though, for good neighbors! In your case, you had a husband who could make those snap decisions that come so hard! Glad all turned out well!


  19. stressful...and such a blessing to be able to get on the plane right away! Praying for your daughter's complete healing.
    God bless

  20. Hi Mary,

    So glad your daughter is better. I can imagine how you felt, having to make a split second isn't easy when we don't have all the facts or answers. God does give us situations that call upon our trust and faith in Him to work out something that we cannot control. I love His life lessons...we always become stronger and more confident that our God will be in the midst of our lives, working it out for our good.
    God bless,

  21. Hi Mary,
    Sorry to hear about your daughter's viral infection, no fun. Glad she's healing now.

    I totally relate to what you've described, those challenging, anxious moments are very difficult times to make decisions.

    But praise the Lord that He is the author and finisher of our faith. The work He began in us, He is still writing, and will finish. And praise Him for getting you that ticket and all.

    God bless :)

  22. Mary,
    I have an award for you! Please stop by and pick it up when you get a chance.

  23. I loved reading your post. I'm very forgetful so I forgot about Spiritual Sunday. I will have to put up a reminder. I'm thankful your daughter is better. Doylene

  24. Hey Mary!

    I tend to be a "second guesser"! I get ready to make a firm decision and then I play the what if game....yikes I just can't stand that!!! Thank the Lord He understands our weaknesses and makes a way!!

    I'm so glad you were able to catch the flight and be with her!! PTL!

    You and yours are continually on my heart and mind and I'm lifting them before Him!!

    He is Faithful!

    Sweet Blessings!

  25. I am not a worrier type but I can relate to being indecisive :). I'm glad that your daughter is feeling better and that you're able to be there for her.

    Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a blessed week in the Lord!


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