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That Squeezed Feeling

While speaking with my very pregnant daughter on the phone the other day, she reminded me of the discomfort I felt when, like her, I was 37 weeks along and she was in my tummy!  Oh, yeah, a baby pressing against my bladder, I remember.  Feeling elbows and knees kicking me and wondering if I was black and blue on the inside.  I thought of my little granddaughter growing bigger and getting ready to make her debut into the world.  How uncomfortable the squeeze must be for her.  I spoke out loud: “She’s in that too tight place!  Imagine her displeasure too.”

That too tight place.  When I got off the phone I thought about a message I once heard about that place that’s too tight – a place of nuisance.  It’s temporary.  It’s horrible!  I found my journal notes and revived my spirit.  Here’s what I read:

A tight place is a place when you are not there yet.   You’re getting closer, but you have not yet embraced the answer, or the result or arrived in some way.  You may look okay on the outside, but people do not know how miserable you are on the inside.  Change is coming.  It will be good, but right now you feel uncomfortable.  It’s the middle place, and that’s stressful.  You have to wait; waiting means pressure.

The teacher cited Jesus in the Garden.  Gethsemane was the place of temptation.  It was His too tight place.  He prayed, alone.  His friends slept.  He was afraid.  His emotions were raw.  The Father strengthened Him.  He was able to go on.  Jesus understands the too tight place.

I’ve experienced the too tight place many times.  Things don’t always make sense.  So what’s the best way to get through it?  I read further in the journal.   Jesus is right there in it.  His Name, Savior, means peace!  I close with this encouragement:

But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:32

This post links to Tell Me A True Story.


  1. Your post about tight places reminded me of the caterpillar who pushes and bends until he escapes his cocoon and emerges as a butterfly. Our old earth suit will one day be shed and we shall at once appear in our glorified body. In the mean while we know these tight places in life are only temporary and the light shines at the end of the tunnel. Thank you for sharing with us here at "Tell Me a Story" Oh yes, congratulations on your new granddaughter!

  2. I am so happy I stopped by...your post explained exactly how I have felt a tight is encouraging to be reminded that Jesus is right there....My tight place is not so cramped anymore and soon I will have wiggle around room :)

  3. I am so happy I stopped by...your post explained exactly how I have felt a tight is encouraging to be reminded that Jesus is right there....My tight place is not so cramped anymore and soon I will have wiggle around room :)

  4. Great lesson, Mary. This made me think of the caterpillar, having to endure the cocoon on its journey to become a butterfly.

    It's a girl?!? Yea!!! I'm so thrilled for you all, especially Susana. Can't wait to see pictures and learn her name!



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