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Spiritual Sundays

SuperGlue and Jesus

I’ll never forget celebrating my first Christmas as a born-again Christian, filled with the Holy Spirit. My oldest daughter toddled around and I was into story books and child-like fascination in those days. Evie’s Christian Christmas album just came out and I loved her song about the nativity scene where all the pieces come alive and dialog is exchanged among them.

The holiday is personal to all of us individually. This year I wanted to ignore it. I was like Luther in John Grisham’s novel, Skipping Christmas, who wanted to take a cruise instead of preparing for a festive season. That was until yesterday. My DH was enjoying his day off and I watched him through the kitchen window bringing in boxes from the shed labeled “decorations” and “nativity”. If I wasn’t going to celebrate, he would take on the task without me. I joined him in carefully unwrapping the Lladro ceramic nativity set my mother made for me almost 30 years ago. It is my prized possession and I marvel at its beauty year after year and never feel I display it with enough honor. To my horror I discovered one of the kings was chipped along with one of the camels. But I gasped when I saw Mary shattered in several pieces. My hubby told me not to worry. It would be okay. He immediately went to the store and came home with SuperGlue and together we repaired our manger scene. My youngest daughter looked on in the background and stated that she would like to inherit the ceramic Lladro someday. Even with imperfections now, she relished the keepsake her grandmother created for us appreciating not only the expense, but the toil of her labor.

God spoke to me about Mary. Yes, she was in pieces but my cheerful husband fixed her and when he displayed the pieces in the manger, Mary knelt in front of Jesus in such a way with her back in view that the glue filled lines are not apparent. We can display the scene with pride once again.

My life feels like it is in pieces this Christmas season. I don’t like the gaps and the spiritual warfare that has bombarded me. I have to put on armor first thing every morning as soon as my feet hit the floor. It seems like I pray non-stop. When will this mean battle end? I am Mary broken in pieces in the carefully packaged box that read “Nativity” that was jostled around in the shed. However, I realize that just as all the pieces of the Christmas story are displayed with all their imperfections on our credenza, our family with all our imperfections take our rightful place in Christ this Christmas season. Jesus is the super glue that holds us together, regardless of our human limitations. I am reminded that this is the reason He came.

My husband is right. This year more than ever, we need to decorate our home and remember that our savior is celebrating a birthday. He came to save us over 2000 years ago and He saves us today. Hosanna in the highest to Jesus Christ, the Son of God who was born of a virgin in Bethlehem and died on a cross at Calvary so that we can live not only eternally with Him, but today! He is the real true living Word. He saves! His claims are ever true. Merry Christmas everyone!

A special thanks to Charlotte and Ginger who host Spiritual Sundays. Click here for more entries!


  1. See there...girl friend...I told you God gave that wonderful hubby to balance you! What a wonderful analogy. I love you and I am praying for you.
    BIG HUGS, andrea

    PS: You have an award on arise 2 write.

  2. Powerful message of transparency and truth dear sister. Yes, over 2000 years ago the LORD came to us and for us and He has made our lives complete and abundant in HIM and even through the warfare we can, we must praise Him and celebrate Him realizing that His love, power and protection covers us at all times. May His peace be with you and your family.

    Love you lots.

  3. What a treasure your Mother has given you! So beautiful! I'm glad you DH was patient enough to fit it all back together.
    Remember that thanksgiving and praise are powerful weapons against our enemy. Praise Him and let God fight your battle! (I really felt led to share that with you. Your victory is right around the corner!)

  4. Many years ago there was a Christmas I skipped altogether. My heart was far too heavy to be buoyed (or, at least it seemed so), and it also seemed wise to avoid any additional stress. I have not found that necessary since, but I sure understand how you might feel this holiday season.

    May He flood your heart with joy this Christmas, and always,


  5. I absolutely loved this post!! It is soo heartfelt and so true. What a wonderful thing to have from your mother to pass down to your daughter, but what a wonderful husband as well. I just love that the Lord touched your heart and helped you to remember just Who it is that we are celebrating this season. Don't you just love the way He works? I pray you will have a meaningful and blessed Christmas...Blessings to you, Debbie

  6. Broken Mary? as in my sister Mary? But in that brokenness, she was transformed by the power of the cross!!! Amen!!!
    Looking at the way Mary was looking at the baby Jesus with adoration I'm sure, Jesus had been telling us even when he was born in a manger: "Look at ME!!!" And stubborn us, get distracted, of course...
    God blessed that name "Mary"...Mary, the mother of God; Mary, the one who loved to be at His feet....and now, Mary the awesome sister in Christ and friend and prayer intercessor..On Monday, I'll go to court and change my name to "Mary"...I'm not making fun of you...I want you to know I love you and I'm so blessed to have met you. Thank you so much for all of your prayers. Yes, we are all in shattered pieces. But thanks be to the Superglue Who loves to never let go. For that...I'm sooooo thankful! Hugs to you sister and have a blessed weekend...That Armor? Sleep with it ;)

  7. Oh Mary, I do understand. I haven't decorated for Christmas yet because I had no idea where I would be or what would happen. But I'm determined to get my decorations out tomorrow after church and deck the halls. The enemy will not destroy my celebration of the birth of Jesus, my Lord and my King.

    Praise and worship and let the enemy be scattered.

    Love you,

  8. Your nativity is such a gift! How beautiful, and how absolutely inspiring for you and your family to enjoy it each year for its message and for its memories of your dear mother.

    My season is not so easy this year either. But God is good and is helping me move into the Christmas spirit, too.

    I have felt at times like your Mary. It has been one thing after another, but His wisdom and the presence of Christ's love has been so real.

    Perhaps Satan meant to discourage you through the breaking of your nativity. I don't know. But if he did, it did not work, for the Lord is using it as a testimony even now, and the nativity is still so beautiful.

    Praise God for His faithfulness!

    Much Love,


  9. I am lifting you up in prayer, dear sister. Thank you for being steadfast and for sharing your heart.

  10. Oh Mary I can so relate and so understand this post. Your Lladro nativity set is absolutely beautiful and I am sure it is not the last time that it will share a beautiful and meaningful lesson in your life. Or in the generations to come as well.

    I was driving with my son a few days ago thinking of my dad and remembering a dear friend (a young mother) we lost last year JUST before Christmas and I shared how when times are hard and you have a loved one sick, or are hurting it just doesn't seem like Christmas.

    I am so sorry you are struggling but I know you Mary ~ you will HEAR the Spirits call and you won't let the enemy have one foot of victory because JESUS loves and adores you and it is in HIM that we have victory NO MATTER WHAT TRIES TO COME AGAINST US.

    We finally decorated today and I have to say the Lord was with us and the JOY was evident in us all no matter what is waiting in the days ahead.

    I love you my sweet friend

  11. That is beautiful my friend.

    The nativity set is beautiful and I'm thankful that your dear husband repaired the broken pieces.

    Isn't it something how he did it with great joy for you? Can you imagine how the Father delights in the healing of His children?

    God bless and hold you this day!

  12. Excellent post. Great writing. Three cheers for your husband also. Thanks for posting.

  13. Hail to the baby King!
    Glad you're not letting the things around you steal your joy this Christmas.

  14. Beautiful nativity ! That was so sweet of your husband . I hope you do enjoy Christmas this year. I am praying for you .
    Merry Christmas !

  15. So beautiful. I have an old cardboard nativity my mother gave me... it's 60+ years old and it grows more precious each year.

  16. Your manger scene is just beautiful, Dear. Praying for you, sweet friend. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. And He cares for us. We just need to trust Him. Love, Hugs and Blessing, Cathy

  17. Your husband is right! I will pray for your family.
    God Bless,

  18. I'm amazed at how all the Spiritual Sundays posts seem to speak to my heart more this week than ever before. Yours certainly did that. Thank you for sharing your beautiful nativity scene and your heart with us.

  19. My Sweet & Precious Sister,

    Your nativity is such a treasured gift made by such loving hands of your mother. It's beautiful!

    As you said, the holiday is personal to all of us individually and I, too have felt as you described here a few times throughout my life...3 years ago the very week of Christmas when my husband had open heart surgery and the long road that it has been since then and my mom passing away 5 years ago December 10...but in the same breath we do rejoice because Christmas is all about Him, about His birth and how He has saved all of us. I battle the evil one with you my dear sweet sister and my prayers are always with you and your family.

    May God abundantly bless you and each one in your family and may His grace cover you way beyond your understanding this Christmas season and the many to come.

    I love you dear friend. You are always in my mind, heart and prayers.


  20. Hello Dear Friend, This is such a heartfelt post, you have such a treasure there in the gift from your Mother. I have one that my Mother made me a long time ago, and it has a lot of flaws just like me., I was so blessed by your thoughts today, It seems like you have a very considered husband like I do.

  21. I'm glad you shared this today, Mary. From one Mary to another, I also feel like the broken Mary this year, and have absolutely no idea why...well, perhaps I do. Things are not as usual in our country, the Lord is speaking to His children about preparing for His return, and we all seem to be considering how we are spending our time and money at Christmas time. We have been caught up in the traditions of "the holidays", rather than being caught up in Godly stewardship and service. I see I'm not alone in finding the thrill of decorating somewhat subdued...I've been at it for over a week, and finally have it done, and I feel as though its choking me. BUT...I also feel as I've read here on your comments. that satan does come to steal our joy. So I will sit back tonight, looking at the twinkling lights around the house, enjoy the Christmas carols playing on the stereo, and having a nice talk with the Lord about His birthday celebration.

    God bless,

  22. I have an award for you at my blog.

  23. I don't know your particular struggle this Christmas, but I do understand the feelings regarding skipping the "fuss" of Christmas. That picture of your husband carrying in the decorations touched me deeply; we need remembrance, sometimes force it even when our feelings lag behind. It's helped me this year to have my lights and tree done early. I take great joy in having them as my backdrop each evening when I sit to ponder and rest.



  24. My precious sweet Mary, you have yet another award on arise 2 write. I love you and I am praying for you.

  25. Just want to thank you for your prayers. Yes...I surely feel them every time...I keep you in mine, too. Every day. I just want to wish you a happy day and may God bless you always sister Mary.
    Yesterday was my dad's 2nd death anniversary. My friend called me and asked how I was doing? I think God made me preoccupied that I wasn't even thinking about it anymore. For He knew I was bummed out as soon as December came. My mom's 9th on Dec. 28. Yes, why should I feel bummed out? When I can rejoice and remain joyful because of what Jesus had done. So, thank You Lord for answered prayers. Thank You that we can dance and celebrate instead of crying and mourning. To God be the glory! Love you sister! Take good care of yourself!


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