I noticed a behavior pattern in little Amy, twenty months old, that I want to imitate. She moves fast engaging in one toddler activity after another spinning like a whirlwind from one room to another. Yet, she pauses, intermittently , long enough to get refreshed. I want to be like this grandchild of mine because she knows where to go and how to get comforted. Amy moves at record speed, putting more miles on a pedometer in one hour than my accumulated weekly workouts at the gym. She can build a skyscraper so tall, I wonder why those bright pink Lego’s don’t topple to the ground as she continues to stack just one more piece on top. I learned never to leave the room to get another cup of coffee. Once, when I returned, I found her climbing past the couch with hands and feet reaching for the living room drapes. She has a consistent habit that I admire. In the midst of her activities, as she moves robustly from one play...
I am reading the 2nd volume too and Cheryl always has wonderful life stories to go right along with the living Word of God. Hugs and blessings to you. Cindy
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