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Mama's Lipstick

I always wished I could do things with my mom like shop in the mall, share makeup secrets or go to the movies and watch romantic comedies.  My wish never materialized.   My mama behaved like a tomboy.  She loved baseball and pitched with a strong right arm.  She could care less about the latest fashion or the latest movies featured on the big screen.  She never polished her fingernails.  

One day after elementary school, I walked into the house to find my mom all dolled up in front of the bathroom mirror, foundation crème, powder, eyebrow pencil and rouge all over the counter sink.  “Who are you?” I asked, thrilled to see my mama putting on the Ritz.  Makeup in place and blotted, she immediately took it off.  “I don’t like the way it feels,” she exclaimed.

She retired in Arizona and protected her dry lips with a light rose lipstick, the color of natural lips, a step above ChapStick.  She wore it a few times experimenting once again with makeup.   I visited and she showed me her new tube.  “I want to give it to you.  I don’t like it,” she said.  I accepted it not for the color, but because it belonged to my mother.  It became a treasure.  For years, it lay next to my pens, staples and paper clips in my top desk drawer at work.   You never know when you just need a touch from mom to ward off a bad day.

I still have the tube of lipstick.  Occasionally I’ll apply it and think of her.  It’s a connection point for me like a kiss from Heaven.

I’m a different mom than my mother.  I have more in common with my adult daughters.  They resemble models with their beautiful Czech features and tall height.  Most of the time, however, you’ll find them in sneakers and tee shirts. They’re athletic, but not tomboys.

I received an early Mother’s Day gift weeks ago.  The girls combined their cash and bought me a Fitbit, a wrist device that records my steps.  I am forever receiving their challenges through email.  I perform or I get the pep talk.  Oh, they are so competitive!  I get it.  They want connection with me like I wanted with my mom.  I embrace it with gusto. 

This Mother’s Day, I reflect on my itty bitty babies whose steps I encouraged their first years.  I ponder how now they are encouraging mine.  We don’t have everything in common, but the most important steps we share together lead us in the right direction.  The direction of our Christian faith and that brings us ultimate fulfillment.  

    If they modeled tee shirts, I would buy one.

Love to get my steps in at this pretty park near my home.


  1. This is so beautifully written- and I especially love this line- "You never know when you just need a touch from mom to ward off a bad day."
    Oh how I know what that means.
    I enjoyed visiting so much today,

    White Spray Paint

    1. Hi, Laura:
      We love the point of contact with them; so comforting. Thanks for the visit. God bless your week!

  2. Such a beautiful post! My mother was meticulous with her make up and I'd watch her put it on amazed.Now she doesn't even want to comb her hair. Your daughters are beautiful!

    1. Oh, no. I hope she is doing well, Melanie, and you also. Thank you for the nice compliment; my daughters are my pride and joy.

  3. Hi Mary! Is that first photo you as a mom, or your mother? It sure looks like you.
    My mom wasn't much for makeup either, and so neither am I, or my three sisters. It's funny what reminds us of our moms though. She did use perfume, so that is a big reminder of her.
    My daughter and her family just left after a weekend here, and you know, even though she has three children of her own, she'll still be my baby. I love her big hugs!
    Your daughters are beautiful! And who cares what they model? Whatever they wear, they infuse with their joy and enthusiasm. What a blessing they are to you!!
    Happy Sunday,

    1. Hi, Ceil!
      That's my favorite photo of us three when they were little! My mom liked perfume too, and fine China! I inherited much of her best tableware because I liked to entertain. I learned it all from her! I know you enjoy being a mom and grammie, too!

  4. She wasn't a 'tom-boy', but I can't recall my mother ever applying cosmetics. Aside from her ever-present bright red lipstick, she was a natural beauty whom I longed to emulate. Mary, you've unleashed some powerful memories. :)

    I've never shared this with anyone before ... but I've Mother's little Estee Lauder powder case; and, in fact use its worn and ragged pad to apply 'just a dab' above my heart each morning. I adore what you said about needing a 'touch of mom' to ward off a bad day! You get it, too!

    Love ya lady,

    1. Thanks for sharing that secret, Myra. It is so precious to me! Love you!

  5. My mother always put makeup on around four o'clock in the afternoon, about an hour before my Daddy got home from work. She was petite and feminine and taught me to how to be a lady. But you know, we never had much of a relationship. It took over forty years and now we have a bit of one. I visit her every week in the nursing home and she really appreciates it. I wish we hadn't lost forty years though. There is a story there but I won't go into it. But it's better late than never, so they say. I found your post very touching, Mary, and thank you for sharing it with us. Happy May and have a lovely week.


    1. Thanks, Sandi, for dropping by and sharing your perspective. May you find the closeness with your mother that you desire! Yes, Happy May Day.

  6. What a sweet memory of your Mom! Somehow it seems as though the smallest things bring back the strongest recollections.
    Goodness Gracious I love your early Mother's Day present! It was so thoughtful and generous to boot. Something you'll use!

    1. I am in awe of the gift. And now one of their friends asked me to be in the group too. I can't do what they all do, but I'm blessed to be included!

  7. You and your daughters are such beautiful people. I enjoyed your memories of mom.

    1. What a nice thing to say, Cho. Thank you, brother.

  8. This is such a lovely post, and I really enjoyed your beautiful photos and memories!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Linda. Have a great week.

  9. Today at church the pastor said the most important thing we could teach our children is who Jesus is. I failed at so many things as a parent but the one thing I got right is I did tell them about Jesus and continued to tell about him :)

    Your daughters are beautiful; just like their mom!


    1. I agree with your pastor. When our kids know who Jesus is they will have the answer to everything! God bless, Betty!

  10. Wonderful memories past, and making memories for the future. Good luck with your Fitbit. I have relatives and friends who are into using this tool. I should probably get one, as well.

    1. I love that fitbit. It's telling me so many things about my habits! I actually want to do more housework and errands so I can earn my steps. Haha!

  11. Lipstick does changes a woman. But how awesome to have your mom's lipstick (kiss) ready to soothe your pains at work! I remember my mom having just a rosary & lipstick in her tiny wallet. Now, after reading your post, it reminded me of her unseen monstrous faith she had inside as she constantly prayed for her family, her light reddish painted lips mumbling soft petitions for her family & friends. I could picture your mother who believed in what the true meaning of beauty is. ..That is what comes from the inside.
    I think it's great that your daughters are helping remind you, not just merely to exercise, but at the same time, to reach your full potential of accomplishing something that otherwise is so easy to be put off. How lovely all of you are! But the radiance starts from within. It shows...This coming Mother's Day, may the Lord bless you all. Hugs to you sister. Forgive me, if ny words may seem elaborate??? I only had a cup of coffee so far and still a bit sleepy. I can go for 2 more during the rest of this Monday. Love & prayers...

    1. My words....not ny words....low in caffeine.told you so

    2. Interesting perception about your mom! And look how brave you are to comment before coffee fill up! Ha. Thank you for blessing me. You are in my prayers, too.

    3. Came back to let you know that you're not alone in your prayers. God is indeed our Mighty Healer and Deliverer and I believe with great faith that whatever you guys need are given today. If not, soon! Reading your response about my perception re: my mom, sometimes, God gives me so many wisdom that I can't comprehend at that time...Until much later...Little my mom knew, it wasn't her red painted lips that was moving God...It was the Blood of Jesus she came with that God saw every time she spilled her tears and cried in despair for her children/family. I knew then...Because despite the many storms she faced, she wasn't afraid of those giant waves and remained calm. I pray that for us, His children in blogging world. We are HEALED! Glory be to God!

  12. Aww Mary how beautiful.
    Your daughters are beautiful and so are you.
    What a gift you are to each other.
    Isnt that kind that they gave you that gift?
    Id love to walk with you!
    I loved to here this story about you and your momma.
    How sweet that you still have that lipstick she gave you.
    Love you precious friend xo

    all my heart,
    Deborah xoxoxo

    1. I can see us walking in this beautiful park...and talking...and praying about everything! Love you.

  13. Sweet post. I had a tube of my mother lipstick for years, I finally used it all up. It has felt strange to not be shopping for a mother's day gift. But I love knowing she is getting the best gift any child would want their mother to have, heaven. Happy Mothers day to you.

  14. Sweet post. I had a tube of my mother lipstick for years, I finally used it all up. It has felt strange to not be shopping for a mother's day gift. But I love knowing she is getting the best gift any child would want their mother to have, heaven. Happy Mothers day to you.

    1. I know that day is coming, Betty, when the lipstick from mom will be used up. I pray it never wears out though. Happy Mother's Day and may God comfort you in a special way next Sunday, friend.

  15. Oh, how sweet, dear Mary! What a precious post! So thankful for the bond you had not only with your own dear mother, but with your daughters, as well. God bless ALL of you with a happy mother's day. I still pray for Amy that God will send her a baby of her own.

    1. Thank you, my sister warrior friend, I am so comforted by all you do for us. Big hugs to you.

  16. Like a kiss from heaven. I loved your post and can understand your mother. My mom was not a tom boy, but she did not wear make up, except for a bit of faint rouge. She just felt she didn't need it. Thank you for sharing your delightful story with us here at Tell me a True Story.

    1. Better to wear makeup modestly and let the real woman show through, right Hazel? Happy Mother's Day to you who makes us all feel nurtured and loved.

  17. Sweet memories of your mom and the lipstick from her. I wear very little make-up and now hardly after my retirement. I do wear some lipstick occasionally. Your girls are beautiful. Most important you all have good relationship and good interaction.

    1. Hi, Nancy:
      I will do anything and everything to have a good relationship with my girls. Retirement is relaxing, isn't it Nancy?

    2. Hi, Nancy:
      I will do anything and everything to have a good relationship with my girls. Retirement is relaxing, isn't it Nancy?

  18. Touching. I don't know what to say about it in English but it touches me. Thank you so much. It's a great post and beautifully written.

  19. Lovely photos and a great story of your mom. My mom has never been much for makeup or jewelry either. Like her, I rarely wear jewelry, except the occasional bracelet or necklace from a friend. I do enjoy dressing up with makeup, although I don't do it very often.

    1. It sounds like a lot of gals have moms like mine! Even as a kid I wanted her to look her best because my dad was a hunk!

  20. Replies
    1. Well, thank you, Neecie. Sending healing Hugs to you, friend.

  21. I love how you shared the story of your mother, and tied it in with you being a mother, and now your daughters wanting that same bond with you, as you did with your mother. Such a special thing, and you shared it beautifully! Good luck with the Fitbit... sounds like a great challenge :)

    1. Thank you for your encouraging comment! Yes, that Fitbit is a great tool to connect with others and promote more active movement!

  22. Oh sweet friend, this post has melted this mama's heart this morning as I read it. Your babies are beautiful like you. There is nothing like those precious daughters but your daughters are blessed to have you!Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Happy Mother's Day, Cindy, from one blessed mom to another! Loving Hugs.

    2. Happy Mother's Day, Cindy, from one blessed mom to another! Loving Hugs.

  23. Beautiful post, Mary. I love your memories of your mom and your beautiful relationship with your daughters. My mom didn't wear makeup but me, I rarely leave home without it.:) She was a preacher and I inherited her robe so when I really need a hug from her I put on her robe and pretend her arms are wrapped around me. Mothers give the best hugs:)

    1. I can picture you wrapping yourself in that robe from mom, Bernadine, in it's anointing and love!

  24. “I still have the tube of lipstick. Occasionally I’ll apply it and think of her. It’s a connection point for me like a kiss from Heaven.”

    Oh, this is precious, Mary. My mother never wore much makeup but one thing she did believe in was lipstick. ha. My sisters and I remember her saying that you look dead without lipstick. :)

    It’s wonderful that you have connection points with your daughters. I feel the same with about mine and it’s such a blessing! Who says old dogs can’t learn new tricks—look at us with our fit bits and snapchats and modern technologies. :)

    1. That's right, Lisa, we need to stay current with the times and connected to our girls. They are great teachers, too!

  25. Aw. Wow a touching tribute/story.
    Your lucky to have a mom like that and to have this memory to cherish. :)

    1. Her love was truly there for us. But it was challenging trying to find things to do together. I look back and cherish those special lunches and dinners we enjoyed together!

  26. Oh Mary, how precious! I just loved the story about your mom and her lipstick! My mom wasn't really *into* makeup, but she loved her lipstick! I had to laugh when your mom gave you hers. My mom could never find the *right* shade. She was always buying it, and then not liking it, and passing it on. Even now, at 83 years old, I'll try something new on her and she'll scowl and say, "I'm just not sure. I think it's a little too bright (or dark, or light, or orange, or pink...)" It's pretty cute.

    Your daughters are so beautiful, inside and out. And though I never had daughters, God has gifted me with one daughter-in-law, and a very soon-to-be daughter-in-law who are just precious. And one of them loves makeup! I'm kinda in-between, love my sports, but also like makeup. Including lipstick. I'm a big fan of the colored lip glosses made by Burt's Bees. I like picking a different color for each outfit.

    I am so fortunate to be able to have a *touch of Mom* whenever I need it - she's still as close as a phone call or a short visit home.

    Happy Mother's Day, Mary - and GOD BLESS!

  27. Happy Mother's Day, Sharon. I like Burt's Bees products too, so healing!


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