I slept right through my birthday last week. I got hammered with a nasty head cold which kept me bedridden for four days. It's okay. We celebrated the week before.
The weekend before, my daughter was off from work but told me she had to work on the weekend of my special day. I got to pick a place for dinner that night and chose Javelina Cantina in Sedona. It was wonderful and so was the homemade white cake with coffee we enjoyed back at the house.
My immune system is strong so I'm surprised I got hit so hard. I admit, I've been down in the dumps since my closest friend, Maureen, received the severe cancer diagnosis. Our friendship is pure gold. I let myself feel the deep sadness and perhaps, I stayed there too long. Is that why I got sick? Was I depressed and vulnerable and open to attack?
I want to say a big "Thank You" to all of you who stopped by and offered prayers for us. It meant so much to me and to Maureen, too. The night before she began chemo, she sent a text which really comforted me. "Mary, God is in this!"
When God is in something, we know it's going to work out for good because we love Him and we're called according to His purpose. May He get all the glory in the days ahead. We know He didn't send sickness; but He will use it.
A friend called to wish me a Happy Birthday and realized I could barely talk. But he prayed for me (and Maureen) using Psalm 103 which reminds me of the healing in my covenant with Almighty God.
Recently, I reflected about my journey on this earth, of how it is a mixture of ups and downs. It's okay to feel my feelings to the full as long as I then choose good choices which lead to a healthy state of mind.
This morning I read Psalm 86:15, But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth.
I remind myself I cannot always control the outcome. God has the final say. He is always good, compassionate and gracious. But I still try to strong arm Him to have my way in my prayer closet. Surrender is hard. It's hard to trust.
My health returned after all that rest! I wish you a wonderful week ahead, with more ups than downs.
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