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He Cares for the Sparrow, the Orphan and the Widow


My alarm went off this morning on my cell and there it was, the Bible verse of the day staring at me on my Bible App.   Ah, this verse, it described yesterday to a tee. 


For I hold you by your right hand—
    I, the Lord your God.
And I say to you,
    ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.

 Isaiah 41:13 


Yesterday’s surprise threw me a curveball.  I got home from my workout about mid-morning.  I drove up to the driveway and discovered what looked like a geyser shooting up on my property.  I guess a low of 19 freezing degrees can easily burst an outside faucet.  Panic began to grip me and choke me as I inspected the overflow but at the same time I noticed very thirsty sparrows lapping up moisture and having a good time in my dilemma.  I can’t blame them.  Their bird bath is frozen.  I hated to put an end to their excitement in this super fluent water park, but I had to think fast.  I was unable to stop this flow and my shoes were cold while I sank deeper in the wet soil.  I paused and took a deep breath until I could calm down and think in the midst of the fountain blast.  I remember being told the outdoor faucet on the other side of my property had a shut off valve that regulated both faucets.  That solved the problem!  But my little furry friends’ lost their entertainment.   Now where will they drink?  Where will they fly gleefully over an abundant water source and practice their backstroke moves?

I called my friend, Kim, right away.  She’s my go-to source these days having endured times like this in her own life with twice as many years of widowhood problem-solving behind her.

Kim gave me a list of plumber’s phone numbers she felt safe to recommend.  I began my search not knowing any of them.  They responded:  “I’m overloaded with work,” or worse, I got voicemail greetings which allowed me to leave a message telling these plumbers my tale of woe after my great workout this morning!


What’s a Girl to do?


I’ll tell you what I did.  I got into my prayer closet and prayed to my Lord, Jehovah Jira, my provider, my husband. 

I belong to a private neighborhood on line chat and they recommended a freelance guy who is fair and friendly.  When he answered my call on the first ring and heard my sob story, he shouted “You have a mess on your hands, lady.”  

Justin just finished a job in the mountains and was en route to my part of town!  He promised to arrive in twenty minutes!


Great Things Happen When You Pray


After friendly Justin hoisted a new insulated faucet pipe and installed a new hose bib, I called Kim.  “Justin?  Do you mean like just in timeJust in answer to prayer?”  She’s funny.  It felt good to laugh. Justin was going to be her next suggestion.  We agreed he is going on our widow's list of names to call. 

But that’s not all.  A few hours later, I decided to wash a few dishes which had accumulated in the kitchen sink.  That’s when I discovered very low water pressure.  Oh, no; now my well needed attention.  But this time I started with my prayer husband.

None of the on line articles I read seemed to fit my situation.  But then I saw a video that explained my problem and I memorized the way the You Tuber technician moved a similar lever I’ve seen at my well. When I held it in the direction he suggested, the well pump kicked into gear and my pressure gauge rose!  It felt like Christmas Day hearing the roaring pressure kick in like that.  

So, again, I refer to this morning’s Scripture verse in Isaiah which points to a faithful God, a powerful Father who loves His children, especially vulnerable widows. 

I noticed a funny thing on my property today as I peered out the window to check my newly repaired hose bib.   It became a gathering place for some sparrows, probably the leaders of the pack in my yard.  They remembered it supplied them water and just maybe if they hang around, they’ll get another drink.  That would be a disaster! 

I’m not sorry all this drama happened.  With each and every challenge, I learn to trust more deeply and become more of the confident woman I long to be.  That’s how I fight my battles and how I relate to Isaiah 41:13. 


  1. Your post this morning just gave me goose bumps..all in a good way... God is so good and gave you what you needed JUSTIN-time.
    You have a delightful writing style too.
    I'm glad you found me and then I found you...

  2. Oh Mary, what an ordeal! I do love how you took that situation "by the horns" and gave it to God. Meanwhile, His tiny birds were delighting in their unexpected shower. (Your mention of their backstroke moves cracked me up!)
    You're not going to believe this, but another of my blogger besties had a plumbing crisis of her own. If you're in need of a giggle, check out Sandra's (MadSnapper) trilogy here:

    1. It was wonderful to see the birds so happy again, and chirping but not at my expense! This is the desert, as you know, and it has been so dry! I'll check Sandra out and read her story. I can always use a giggle.

  3. I'm sorry about your pipes. I noticed The Weather Channel app showed the low tonight in Chino Valley to be 15. My family wants it to snow if our temps are going to be so low!😆
    I want snow however it can snow all it wants but I don't want snow for my neurological appt in Cottonwood. I hate those mountain roads heading into Jerome. Have a blessed weekend coming up and a blessed worship time on Sunday.

    1. I used to drive that mountain drive like it was nothing and now it intimidates me! Especially in winter and the black ice. I woke to 22 this morning. Be safe and stay warm!

  4. Its almost 8am and its 19. Brrr!

  5. thanks for stopping by my post today, I have been praying a lot lately, 2024 was a worse year for us than 2020 was, and 2025 has been nonstop things for these first 2 weeks. our entire house stoped draining, bathrooms and kitchen. I knew it was bad to hit all at one time. but we did get it repaired. I have always counted on my hubby like you
    did yours, he is still alive but can barely walk and is in first stage of dementia so I understand somewhat what you are going through. Now when something breaks he can't do it and I have to find someone. I will remember to pray before during and after

    1. Oh, Sandra, may God's mercy hold you close during this season. I pray you have a strong support system, too. It means everything! Love & hugs!

  6. Oh no sister Mary! But as I said that, sometimes it's best not to describe anything despite what happened as your story was more about God's faithfulness. I saw His love, protection, provision etc in your trial🙏 and knowing He's always in our midst, there's only one thing we must do: that is to "worship Him" because His promises are true!

    " You are... Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, Light in the God that is Who You are...(Song Way maker)..

    Glad you're okay and that you have a friend you can call and talked with your Best Friend in the prayer closet Who's available 24/7...🙏☺️

    Stay strong in the Lord's mighty power! Love and prayers.

    1. I read my comment again and I realuzed how it could be misinterpreted so I want to apologize sister. I meant "It's best FOR ME" not to describe anything because as I read about all the troubles you had gone through, I didn't have the right word to say anything but instead felt God's love and protection over you. That there was no word for me except to worship Him reading about your testimony. Hope it helped. 🙏 To Him be the glory. Take care and God bless.

    2. No worries, Rosel. I know your heart and share a special sister love with you. I agree, in fact, about worship and I love the song Way Maker for that reason, too. Thank you for all the uplifting words you speak over me. Hugs!

  7. Mary, this is a beautiful story regarding the scripture you have shared and your answer to prayer. I am a great lover of birds too, and have taught my cat not to touch them in the garden. Thank you for sharing this lovely story, and God bless you with all He has for us in Jesus.

    1. Hi, Brenda! Thanks for reading my story and I hope the Scripture encouraged you today. Another bird lover! And you speak to your cat the same way I do to mine. Bless you!

  8. Thank you for your understanding. God bless and hugs right back at you!!!


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