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Gloomy Skies


The predicted snow started to fall in large, fluffy flakes from a gloomy dark gray sky.  It was late morning and the pines and crusty, dry ground soaked up the moisture.  This winter scene contrasted our usual bright Arizona sunny skies.  We, and the earth, crave moisture.  It's been so dry without rain for over 150 days.

In my kitchen, my crock pot alerted me with bubbling sounds so I switched my homemade chicken soup to low.  Chocolate chip cookie dough waited on the counter for the oven to reach 175 degrees.

My cell phone notified me of a new text message and I saw my best friend's name appear at the top of the screen.  "Oh, good" I thought.  She responded.

My bestie lay in a Phoenix hospital awaiting surgery after a slew of tests.  I had sent an encouraging text with a Scripture earlier with hopes to deliver peace and quiet rest for her soul.  "No surgery tomorrow,"  she wrote.  It's cancer and they're sending me home to start Chemotherapy immediately.

My heart dropped.  I began to pray.  I asked Father God for a new pancreas from his heavenly storehouse of all kinds of body parts.  I asked the ladies from my church to pray.  I was in a fog, but I asked Alexa to play my favorite worship playlist.  Praise is a weapon in times like this even when I didn't feel like singing.

I felt frozen and memories flooded my thoughts.  We've been close friends for decades.  We're both mothers of girls and we faced widowhood together.  We have history; we know everything about each other.  We both love Jesus and enjoy uplifting, inspirational lunches together.  God blessed us with one of those unique friendships where we speak life into each other's purpose.  I can't put a price tag on such a treasure.

It was just before the holidays when we last met up for lunch and enjoyed delicious crepes in Sedona.  We talked about my trip to Tucson to be with my kids while she awaited her girls to come home with their families.  She bought a tree and a high chair for her toddler grandson.  We felt hopeful because her daughter's cancer treatment for stage four breast cancer worked well enough for her to travel home for the holidays.

Now this.

I'm incredibly sad today.  But as the song says, "Our Redeemer Lives."

The oven timer rang.  The cookies were done and I swiped one for comfort.  I noticed it stopped snowing.  The gloomy sky described my gloomy mood.  We will take each day as it comes.  We will hang on to Jesus for strength as we trust in His promises.

We will choose joy in the journey.


  1. Good evening sister. I just happened to see you posted.. I just prayed for your friend's strength & healing and for you for the Lord to comfort you and strengthen you always.
    It is tough to worship during trials but we also trust the Lord's faithfulness and His promises that are true. And I pray that the Lord increase your guys' faith all the more as you worship and praise Him. Praying joy continue to fill your hearts and may the bond of friendship between you both even stronger than ever before because of His love. Stay strong in the Lord's mighty power. 🙏 God bless.

    1. What a beautiful comment, Rosel. Isn't it amazing how worship lifts our spirit? Thanks for all your encouragement.

  2. I sound like I just had some wine... But I type sometimes without seeing the "typo's" 😬😱 I meant "may the bond of friendship between you both even becomes stronger than ever before .. "

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog. I am so sorry to hear of your dear friend's cancer diagnosis. I will pray for her as well. I understand gloomy skies. I left Florida with sunny and warmth to return to chill and rain.

  4. Oh no! What a low blow ... just when I was ready to sing you, "Happy New Year!!!" (shhh!) I'm lifting bold prayers right now. Like my friend Victor (Time for Reflections) says, "God's not in the habit of losing His followers." Please keep us updated ... and have another cookie.

    1. Thanks for the prayers, Myra! We know He's got this.

  5. I'm sorry to hear the sad news about your dear friend. Will say a prayer of healing for her. It's been gloomy here on the Texas coast for several weeks. We had snow and then we had days of rain, but the sun was out today and it felt so good.

  6. It is very sad that your best friend is going through cancer, it is a terrible sickness. I pray that she will be granted God's blessing and healing. God bless you and your lovely friend as you wait upon the Lord for answer to prayer.

    1. That's it, Brenda. We will wait on Him each day.

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your friend's cancer diagnosis. The Lord is watching over her and will be by her side as she goes through treatment. I will be praying for her. What is her first name? With your permission, I would like to ask my small group Bible study ladies to pray for her.

    1. Oh, Regina, I'm hugging you. Maureen and I thank you for your prayers and the ladies praying in the Bible study. Also, Her daughter, Ashley, is fighting cancer, too. God's blessings to you.

  8. Hello Mary - so good to stop by for a visit with you, and I'm happy you had some snow. I'm so sorry to hear about your dear friend's cancer diagnosis. Praying with you for her healing! I think of you often and always enjoy your posts. Sending much love to you dear friend!

  9. Praying with you regarding your friend's diagnosis. I am so very sorry. I know how this feels as I had a very dear friend diagnosed with lung cancer...she who never smoked a day in her life. She fought it valiantly for almost two years, but God was ready to call her home. I still miss her, but am very thankful for the friendship we shared for the time we knew each other. God used her life and testimony in some wonderful ways in my life and in my family's life. It was very hard to say farewell to her, but I know I will see her again some day in heaven, where she will be waiting to meet me. My dear son will also be there, having preceded her as well after his 4 year battle with cancer. People come into our lives for a season. God is in control of those times and relationships, and the wonderful thing is when we are believers in Christ, that friendship/relationship is eternal. Praise God. Still, it hurts to say farewell here on earth. Sending you (((Hugs))) and prayers.

    1. Thank you for the hug, Pam, and your kind words of encouragement.


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