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Breakfast with the President

As the holidays came to a close and the New Year approached, my daughter and I shared about upcoming January events we were looking forward to with anticipation.  We spoke of President Trump's big win which we believe will place better laws into effect in our country after he's inaugurated.  That's when my daughter mentioned she and her husband might be going to one of the inaugural balls.  A couple they hang around with invited them to a formal watch party to celebrate his swearing into office.  They would attend this inaugural ball, and participate with the elites, but from afar!

"You know what this means," she said.  We will have to make an investment into formal wear.  "I haven't worn heels in a while!"

We spoke about the details and I began to feel excited for her.  Actually, I felt envious.  I would love to go to something like that with a date and get all dressed up fancy.  We talked about the nice formal wear available at thrift stores to save money.  As it turned out, her husband was scheduled to work and they had to decline.  I, however, couldn't stop thinking about how much fun that would be to attend!  

Yesterday, my friend invited me to a watch party in Sedona at the American Legion Hall and I had a great time!  We had breakfast with all the patriots there and we clapped and hollered loud as we watched our president commit to make America great again.  We followed the events on a big screen with a loud speaker as he stood before the nation and took the oath.

I cannot capture in words the merriment in the room.  Being a holiday, Amy didn't have to work so she joined us, too.  I reconnected with an old friend at my table.  We took a class together in town and caught up on each other's life.  I also enjoyed meeting  people like me filled with hope for a better tomorrow.  

I pray Psalm 47 over this driven man, now our 47th president.  

Applause, everyone. Bravo, bravissimo!
    Shout God-songs at the top of your lungs!
God Most High is stunning,
    astride land and ocean.
He crushes hostile people,
    puts nations at our feet.
He set us at the head of the line,
    prize-winning Trump, his favorite.
Loud cheers as God climbs the mountain,
    a ram’s horn blast at the summit.
Sing songs to God, sing out!
    Sing to our King, sing praise!
He’s Lord over earth,
    so sing your best songs to God.
God is Lord of godless nations—
    sovereign, he’s King of the mountain.
Princes from all over are gathered,
    people of Abraham’s God.
The powers of earth are God’s—
    he soars over all.

I took a long nap when I got home.  I hoped to stay up late into the night to watch the festivities in the ballroom, eager to see Melania's gown and watch her dance with my president.  However, it was very cold here last night and so windy!  I think the wind blew out the Wi-Fi Signal because I could not connect after 7:00 p.m.  I was disappointed.

Cheers to a new term for our president!

"The land of opportunity.

You just need the right people

and the right work ethic

and you can accomplish anything."

Bob Poser


  1. What a super fun idea ... joy shared with like-minded friends! I may be a wee bit envious, lol. Happy for you, dear friend.

    1. No doubt in my mind that you would have loved this event!

  2. Oh that would have been so fun to go to the ball. I'm so happy Donald Trump won. And I don't care if some people from a certain community call me a "sellout". My absolute favorite was seeing the Mississippi Valley University Marching Band. They did so well with the limited space they had. The Lord made it possible for them to come to DC. Our God is amazing!

    1. Your words exactly! The "feel" at the breakfast watching it with 150 patriots is just what you expressed. It's like liberty and sanity and common sense made an appearance.

  3. All glory be to God for protecting Pres. Trump & putting him back in the White House. 🙏. That's great you had fun with fellow patriots and I love your prayer for him. How fitting of Psalm 47 for his current term.

    My husband and I watched it too.. What! Breakfast needed to be prepped? 😱😬 But I couldn't skip prepping nor watching the oath taking. So I hurried making something easy and savory as we watched the inauguration from my cell phone. 2 birds @ one shot! 🤣

    God bless & protect our hardworking President who had already done so many things and it's only his second day!!! 🙏 Take care and stay strong in the Lord's mighty power... Love and prayers as always.

    1. So whereas I celebrated with that loud bunch, you enjoyed an "intimate" watch party with your bestie! You probably heard better. Yes, Praise God for saving his life and I continue to pray Zechariah 2:5 daily, praying God's firewall around him.

  4. Yes, we definitely need to pray a hedge around this man, his family and those in office too. May he find favor even with those against him.
    Sorry your daughter had to miss the ball but I'm glad she could be with you and it sounds like you had a great time at the hall.

    1. Yes, I'm praying, too, for our great nation. Stay well, Sue.


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