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The Fly Fell Into My Coffee and Drowned


Mid-September triggers annoying flies here in rural land.  The pests understand when seasons transition.  They’re obnoxious like the other morning when I hobbled to my desk with my first cup of coffee, turned on my desktop and set up my Bible study readings on the screen.  The captive horse fly, thirsty for water, endured a couple of good swats as he buzzed around my work space.  He lost his grip when he landed on the rim of my coffee cup and quickly flopped into the hot cuppa joe in his desperation for a drink!  Suddenly, he met his demise.


An Irritating Fly Plus a Bible verse


I thought of John’s gospel, Chapter 4 where Jesus met up with the woman at Jacob’s Well in Sychar.  “If you know the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”


What a contrast.  I identify with the madcap fly desperate for a drink.  Except, I indulge in His living water; I choose to live and not die!


That concludes my story of the irritating fly and a Bible verse for today.  On another note, notice my new pretty mug.  The husband gave it to me and I hope I live up to its message.  The rim on the inside cites 2 Timothy: 2:22 with every sip:


“Pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace”


Over the years, when the seasons change, we give each other a little gift. Those simple pleasures mean so much.  So my new mug not only holds my bold morning brew, but reminds me to be a bold woman of faith. How can I go wrong?


Change to orange and brown


We’re decked out here around the homestead with all things fall.  I always have to include Bonita in photos, my amazing black outdoor cat that survives all aspects of our climate, as well as nasty predators (skunks, javelina, snakes and mean dogs.)  She’s bold, too, and cuddly; I reward her well.


Many blogger friends inspire me with excitement for a new season!  What kind of music do you listen to at this time of year?  For some crazy reason, I like classical.  Happy First Day of Fall from our home to yours.  L’Shana Tova, Jewish friends.


  1. Hi sister Mary. I love the lesson you portrayed with you drinking the Living Water and the thirsty fly that died in the cup o joe! But poor coffee :) LOL. just kidding. You know I love coffee. Knowing you both are a sweet couple, no surprise with the gift giving. Oh those simple things but all done in love!!! Beautiful cup with a good reminder :) Nice gift bro. Tom.
    With all of your beautiful Fall pics, I am not antsy for a cooler weather and pumpkin pie and yellow leaves all around. Be safe and stay strong always. Your cat looks so pampered!

    "“Pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace” What a beautiful verse to include in my prayer for people nowadays. Nothing impossible for the Lord... Love and prayers as always.

    1. I meant "I am NOW antsy for the cooler weather..."

    2. You need a woman of faith cup so we can drink our coffee together in faith! Ha. Love and prayers always for you, too.

  2. I don't have any special music I listen to in the fall. I didn't even realize we had the first day of fall. It was so hot we ran the AC . Maybe by early October we will feel fall weather.
    I have yet to see javelin in person. From a distance. In the car. Looking out the window. I heard they were hateful.
    Does your cat ever come in the house?

    1. Fall is in the air with the obnoxious flies! Bonita has a pet door to Tom's music room. Our dog does not get along with her and he is in the house!

  3. Lovely mug with nice colors and message! Husband has great gift taste!
    I like the story with the thirsty fly and the verse with the living water.
    Your black cat is adorable!
    Shana Tovah!

  4. Oh my goodness! You are indeed a godly woman cause I would have been mad about that dang fly messing up my perfectly good cup of coffee! LOL!!!! I love how you use the every day life to show Jesus dear lady. You always make my day. Loving those colors. A little cooler here this weekend and today and I love it. Wish it would stay this way! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. So Florida is where the cooler weather is! Ha, I knew it. Hugs to you, Cindy!

  5. Well, at least that fly didn't die in vain -- his desperation having prompted this thoughtful post! Love your new coffee mug, Mary. That Tom's a sweetheart!

    1. Flies have a purpose; ha. I told Bonita she made it to my blog today. She's a star.

  6. The fly's death wrought a beautiful purpose, sweet friend - this blog post! I agree with Mevely317! If anyone were ever a bold woman of faith, it is surely YOU. You are such a blessing to me, and your presence in my life is a Divine gift. Praying with you and believing God for the miracles we need. Sending much love and hugs to you today!

    1. The dead fly, and a Bible verse helped me make a point today that the Living Water Jesus offers makes us all bold in faith. Let's always plunge right in, Cheryl, and fill our thirsty hearts! Hugs to you, sista!

  7. We are making our home base in northern Mn. now and I am enjoying the fall colors to the fullest. My grand daughter has a black cat and the other day it was sitting right in front of my daughters fall decoration on her porch, right in front of the orange punkin, pretty picture, just wish I had my phone to take a picture. thank God for the washing of the water of the Word.

    1. Our fur babies are like our kids: hard to get them to pose with pumpkins! You are moving to God's beautiful country! Look forward to pictures!

  8. Hi Mary,
    lovely pics and lovely sign regarding the fly to accompany scripture . I have to say though (and you will probably think I am crazy) :-) I would have rescued the fly from the coffee as quickly as possible. I have always been like it, I have to rescue all flies and spiders from the house and put them outside, and when I was young I used to rescue worms from rain filled gutters and could not step on an ant. Regarding music, Mary, we love listening to two particular Irish singers on YouTube. They are Joe Dolan and Tommy Fleming. I think you might enjoy them too, looking at the type of music you enjoy. God bless you for sharing.

    1. Tommy Fleming's new release "Be All You Can Be" is wonderful. Love him!

  9. By the way, I love your mug! Perhaps the fly had a coffee addiction and just couldn't help himself!🤣
    You are brave to have a door for the cat door. I'd be afraid Bonita might invite friends over, like a skunk, possum, etc.


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