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The Tiny Pie

When I stopped at the corner store to pick up some dog food on the way home, the guy ahead of me in line waved to pass him on our way to the register.  He reached for another bag of comfort food to add to his mounting stash of Oreo cookies in his basket.  I joked with him that I am not judging.  I gained four pounds during this Apocalypse. 

I can either flatten the curve
Or flatten the stomach,
But I can’t do both!

Have you seen the cute and tasty miniature pies in the grocery store which sell for fifty cents?  This is the story of the tiny pie.

My daughter, the germaphobe, rarely leaves the house except to exercise by walking around the neighborhood with the dog or the kids.  She does not shop in grocery stores but orders her groceries on line and picks them up at the store.  The process works well for her even when requested items cannot be filled and substitutions come into play.  Like the little pie.

She didn’t want a whole pie since only her and one of the kids like pie.  They occasionally share one of those tiny pies when they want a sweet dessert.  She ordered two tiny pies last week with her groceries.  She got the groceries and drove home and when she unpacked everything, she noticed a large, gourmet lattice-covered apple pie.  She immediately retrieved her sales slip to learn the store charged her only one dollar. They had pie for days!  Talk about favor.

It got me thinking about the times I have prayed and asked the Lord for something and He outdoes Himself.  Our friend, Carolyn knows Tom and I pray every morning together and asked us to pray for her healing of throat cancer.  For months, Carolyn lost weight and grew fatigued but her faith increased as she held on to the promises of healing.  God not only healed her, but she is able to eat more foods and gain weight regularly.  And she learned last month she is going to be a first-time grandmother!  I cried when I heard how she is able to help design the nursery.

I don’t want to take God’s favor lightly.  I want to pray and ask for big things and praise Him wildly when double blessings fall from heaven.  But I want my eyes to be open to little blessings, too, like tiny pies.  


  1. I'm glad I logged on at Blogger this morn and to see your new post blesses my heart! I have a sign in the kitchen that reminds me to start each day with a grateful heart. Despite all these troubles going on around the world, you're right! We can't take God's blessings even through these trying times! Isn't that His nature? He always gives us more than what we ask for! It's inspiring to hear about your friend's miraculous healing. I know that this proves that God is always working and never sleeps.

    Life is short. We have to enjoy God's blessings each day and not take them for granted. Even pies! :) Nothing has changed with our lifestyle except hubby and son working at home more and I'm limited to my grocery runs each week that became every two or three weeks. I see all the lies behind this but I see God's provision, protection, guidance and revelation that is always bigger than all the troubles. May God continue to bless you, keep you and please stay strong in the Lord's mighty power. Love and prayers to you sister Mary.

    1. When I read your comment, a memory came to mind. Didn't we use to do a viral coffee & pie? Or was it cookies? We've got to get back to that!

    2. Sure we did sister Mary! Coffee and pies. Iced tea on summer days! :)

      This stay at home order is challenging my baking abilities. Hubby had a birthday and I told him not sure if it was good he had choco cake then yellow cake after that. Tummies not complaining though. I'm all for sharing snacks! Brought you coffee now. God bless and keep you. ((sister))

  2. I meant..."We can't take God's blessings for granted!" Need another cup o' joe I think :)

  3. Praise God for finding favor Mary. I haven't seen those little pies. Maybe that's a good thing huh? I have been baking and cooking more these days. Marty said I needed to slow it down as I would be cooked and baked everything in the house! LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  4. We love to get those little pies and cakes too from Wal-Mart. They are so tasty. And what a blessing for your daughter 😊

    1. Yes, she felt so spoiled. I ate the one in this photo, sweet potato. Soooo good.

  5. Praise the Lord for Carolyn's healing!!! And what a generous act on the part of WM's staff. I've seen those wee pies, but never indulged. Since curbing my appetite has always been a challenge, this makes me realize those portion-control treats might be just the ticket!

    1. I loved hearing from Carolyn and getting such good news at this time. I had to share it!

  6. I love how the Lord gives to us so abundantly! He is so so good, always!

    It was so nice to meet you over on Homespun Devotions! I am looking forward to following your blog!

    Annie :)

  7. I like that about flatten the curbe or flatten the stomach.
    I love the story of Carolyn's healing. God's miracles, of course.

  8. Great post, Mom!
    The Germaphobe 😆

  9. Oh, this post was a blessing to me!! Hello to Carrie who commented above me! :) I read the part about how you can flatten the curve but not your stomach to Zach, and we both laughed out loud. That is hilarious, and I think you should make it into a meme! You are such a dear blessing to me. I love and appreciate you dearly. Have a wonderful day with Jesus!

    1. I'm glad you got a kick out of it. I hope the laughter relieved some stress.

  10. God has been answering those little prayers for the last month. We are moving up to Mn. to be near our daughter and family. Our son bought a house and my husband was over there helping them. We had talked about getting someone in to clean after we move so it would be easier on us. Ace leave our son house and he sees this lady carrying a bucket full of cleaning supplies walking. So he stop, get out and ask her if she is a cleaning lady. So for 100.00 dollars she and her Mom came and cleaned the biggest portion of our house. She is coming back next week after we totally get out to clean more. Our car is shot and someone gave us a good chunk of money to buy another one, a newer one since our Buick is old, old, just like us. There is so much more but the best is how He is helping us adjust to this new move. His grace has been in abundance This past Sunday at 2 in the morning Ace woke up with racing heart. Long story short, he ended up in hospital having an angiogram which showed no new blockage. They doctor was able to adjust his defibulator and along with some new med his heart is doing better. Guess his house in heaven is not ready yet. I stand amazed at all God is doing in this crisis, but then He works the best when we need Him. Blessings sister, blessings.

    1. I really like the story of the cleaning lady and how you blessed her. So glad Ace is better!

  11. I do not think I would be here without the power of God in my life. I have had many things wrong in my body,both large and small, but through trust in my Saviour and receiving both miracles and healings I am still on this earth and in not too bad health. God bless you for sharing. I shall try not to add to my three cupboards full of cakes and chocolate bars. :-)

    1. I know you share the goodness of the Lord, Brenda, and I enjoy reading it. Yep, that weight comes on easy when we stay home day after day.

  12. Yes, it's true God cannot, will not be outdone in generosity. Sometimes I don't ask for big things, thinking they're not possible, but of course, all things are possible with God. And to be thankful for all God's many blessings. I try with that.

    1. I'm convinced Thanksgiving is the healthiest medicine we can take!

  13. It is the little things in life that really mean the most! A little pie, but a big blessing! God loves to outdo Himself, doesn't He! So much to be thankful for, appreciate the message in this post :)

  14. Good Morning!
    You have made me chuckle over Flattening the curve or stomach but not both. Great writing and affirmation of living with a thankful heart.
    Happy Mother's Day to you!


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