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How I Overtook an Intruder With the Word of God

The mundane task of stripping my bed turned exciting this week. 

I pulled off the heavy bedspread onto the floor when I noticed him and let out a scream.  Tom ran to my side.  The lizard paused at the bedside, but ran faster than Tom’s grasp and fled under the bed.

“He’s a baby lizard and won’t hurt you or crawl on you,” Tom warned.  But I secretly prayed for some divine help to catch him.

Early the next morning I sat perched on my bed with my fuzzy throw blanket, cup of coffee on the side table and Bible on my lap. The lizard crawled up on the blanket and peered at me atop the pages of my Bible.  I remember I screamed and my hands flew in the air.  The Bible and the blanket fell to the floor.  Tom bolted into the room, this time faster and focused.

“Check under the Bible fanned open on the floor!”  Sure enough, the lizard ventured out to be easily captured this time from underneath the opened pages.  That’s how I overtook the intruder in my home with the Word of God.

God's Word is a Weapon!
God’s Word is a weapon when used in prayer against intruders.  I latched on to the first part of Jeremiah 30:17 when my health problems began. 

I will give you back your health
And heal your wounds, “says the Lord.

I claimed the verse for myself as well as others when attacks against our bodies tried to bring us down.  My friend, not a believer, told me his wife was denied knee surgery due to pre-op screening, leaving her with a cancer diagnosis.  He looked at me kind of funny when I told him I am praying for her.  God healed her of cancer and last week she got her knee operation too!  I don’t take credit for it.  God’s Word stands by itself in power and authority. 

My younger daughter learned the significance of prayer walking through her drug- infested neighborhood, the only place she could afford to live, in her days as a single mom raising a toddler.  During the daylight hours, she pushed the baby’s stroller past the porn shops, the fortune tellers, and the strip bars praying down their influence.  The Word of God teaches us that they are an abomination.  It took time, but one by one, those businesses failed.

I spoke with her this week after the Valentine’s Day Massacre at the Florida high school.  She told me that when her firstborn started kindergarten, she prayed as she walked around the school not only for her daughter’s sake, but for all the children in that school.  She cited Psalm 91 believing no violence would befall them and they shall be protected by God’s angels.

For He will order his angels
To protect you wherever you go.
They will hold you up with their hands
So you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.”
Psalm 91: 11, 12

God’s Word is powerful.  It’s the only thing that doesn’t change.  We can count on it and send it forth against those things that invade our lives.


  1. LOLOLOL! Tom and I so delight in watching the lil' lizards frolicking along the back yard wall ... but I'm not so sure I'd like one sharing my bed!

    Loved the story of your friend's wife's recovery! Unfortunately, the same thing happened to a lady in my social club years ago. She was all set for a hip replacement when the pre-op discovered lung cancer (from which she never recovered).
    Nevertheless, I believe in the healing power of prayer. And, I believe in YOU!

  2. They are fast, aren't they? the lizards. There are many types. The one that appears in my home during summer is olympic, no chance of catching it. They say a lizard brings blessings into the house, so no point in trying to harm it. Especially that it (my lizard) doesn't try to come into contact with people or items.

    Yes, prayer to God gets answered the way we want and need. No doubt about that. HE never lets us down.

  3. Thanking the Lord for how powerful His Word is! What a blessing that Tom was home and was able to capture the lizard...and that your Bible was close by to lend in that capture. I love how God answered prayers for your friend's of cancer and now getting the knee surgery she needs besides! To God be the Glory! And your sweet that girl!

  4. Oh my mercy dear friend! I love this! The power of prayer even against that lizzard! LOL! Our ladies group is doing the Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer on Wednesday nights. This week will be our 2nd lesson and I am teaching. I am making a copy of this to share with our ladies. It just so happens to be that as we read Eph. 6:11-19 notice what the last verse says, "And PRAY". Prayer is what HOLD the armor of God together! God's living word is powerful. Thank you so much for sharing this. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  5. Hahaha...Can't help but let out a loud laughter here. I was thanking God when I read the title of your post thinking it was a human intruder but I'm still thanking Him now that the little creature was captured! And that you're ok!!! I agree with you sister Mary, believing in the power of His Word. I had gone thru a spiritual battle in 2003 that I had no choice but be drawn to His Holy Name and His arsenal of weapons. Truly, a hair-raising experience when you don't see the spiritual enemies but I will bring this story up just to glorify the power that comes from the Lord. How powerful not only His Word but literally, the utterance of His beautiful Name "Jesus", the enemies do flee!!! I'm glad you shared sister Carrie's endless prayers wherever she went. It reminded me of a nearby place here where there were hot springs and a demonic cult once preoccupied. A pastor and his church members kept praying about this place. Glory be to God, this place now is a Bible-based Christian college. That also reminds me of the need to always be vigilant in prayers, lifting up anyone, even non-believers. Thank you for that. Of course, I always feel the love and the power of your prayers. Right back at you sister and always stay strong in the Lord's mighty power. As for blogging, I lag. Not so much about not having stories from the Lord but in the meantime, since staying at home, I've been praying to what direction He wants me to go. He is good! And I'm glad we have the sWORD to slay the enemies!!!!

  6. Your dear daughter sounds like a mighty warrior woman of God! I wonder who she takes that after? LOL! If only there were more praying mothers like the two of you!!!! I LOVED your story about the lizard and how you, quite literally, took that little critter down with the Word of God! I absolutely detest those things. I will never forget when we first moved to FL, I saw lizards for the first time. I grew up in OH, and lizards were all new to me. One day, I was walking through a parking lot with a friend, and one of the horrible creatures decided to grasp a hold of my leg and cling on for dear life! It's tiny "claws" got caught in my panty hose, and they would not let go! You can just imagine the spectacle of me standing there stomping my foot as hard as I could and screaming for my Floridian friend to help!!! She laughed until I thought she would pass out, and, at my expense, found the whole thing overwhelmingly humorous! I don't think she ever did muster the fortitude to stop laughing long enough to help me out, but I finally, after many whacks to the leg with my purse, got the revolting thing off my leg!!!! I will never forget, I truly understand your terror and can only imagine how horrible it would be to shake a bedspread and have one of them fall out!! LOL! Thanks for sharing!! :)

  7. I had to laugh when I read your post. I remember well the first time a gecko fell onto my dinner plate. I hired the boy next door to us to come catch them, paid him 10 cents for each one. He was also to destroy the eggs. And we have woke up to find one dead in our bed from rolling over on it. Gecko were a way of life in Papua New I never got use to and never liked. But I never had the nerve to catch them myself and pull their legs off like the village kids did. You do know their legs grow back...hard to kill those critters.

  8. Loved this post and your story, and especially all the wonderful testimony of the power of God`s word and using scriptures to pray in many situations!! Praise God for His great Healing and hearing our prayers!! Blessings and Love!♡

  9. Amen! So true.

    It is a weapon. Even against baby lizards. :)

    I love how your daughter prayed those places closed!

  10. Love the stories and the solid lessons about the sovereignty of God in all of His creation.

  11. I have to say, when I fear that an insect or animal (that's really harmless) would crawl on me when I sleep, I tell God not to let it. He created that creature. For sure He has control over it. :)

  12. Oh my gosh, I LOVE what your daughter did, that is so awesome. I wish I would have thought of that when my kids were young. So powerful, thank you for mentioning it.
    That lizard thing? I'd have even more gray hair, and the coffee would be spilled on the floor. Yikes! And to think that you trapped it with the bible, that is such an answer to prayer. God is not subtle with you is he? His power is with you my friend!

  13. Thank you! This is a cute (sorry) and a beautiful post. It was encouraging too!

  14. Hey Dear,
    Very Nice and striking Blog. Thank you for Sharing This Information and also for giving important knowledge. Very Useful.


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