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Finding the Hidden Things

Once in a while I pick up interesting lessons from my blog friends.  I feel surprised at times when I put them into practice.   

My friend, Dianna, recently shared a way to spruce up her table centerpieces.  She wrote about it at her blog, Forgiven...  Her theory explains that centerpieces for our tables can be the catalyst for good dinner conversation.  I felt motivated to think outside the box of flowers or fruit which make beautiful centerpieces, but would I be clever enough to try something new? 

My eight-year old granddaughter asked her biological father to call me and hint for an invite when she arrived in Arizona for spring break.  Last week they drove up for a day and had dinner with us.  What an opportunity to explore and satisfy my decorating appetite!  I thought about the ceramics my mom made for me years ago hiding way up on the top shelf of my clothes closet and I quickly unpacked them.  I placed some pink flowers in the base circling a white ceramic basket filled with colored ceramic eggs.  

As I lit the candles that night at dinner, I explained to my family how my mother loved art and made seasonal gifts for me throughout the year.  I asked:  “What do you think of when you look at colorful eggs in a basket?” 

My granddaughter piped up first and told us about the egg hunt her family is looking forward to on Easter morning.  Another one shared memories of Easter as a kid, and soon everyone talked about Easter and finding the hidden things.

The Hidden Things
My Jewish friends will celebrate Passover soon.  I love the Seder dinner and the Afikomen bag with three pockets and the hidden broken matzo wrapped in linen cloth secretly tucked in the center pouch.  Before dinner, the father at the table hides it and the youngest child looks for it.  When he finds it, the child receives a reward. 

It makes me think about my own faith and how Jesus mentioned that His message is so simple, a child can understand it.

I Can’t Find Him
During this season, I think, too, how Christ’s followers felt duped after His death.  “Did someone steal His body after they buried Him?” they thought.

Peter ran into the tomb and witnessed the emptiness except for a properly folded burial cloth.  I marvel that Jesus, in resurrected form, chose to appear first to Mary, a woman!   He is alive!

It’s that time of year to reflect on the hidden things.  I hope you are having a meaningful Easter Season and I hope you find everything you’re looking for, too.


  1. Well, now, first of all I loved this post and how special this time of the year is for you as you reflect on the hidden things and how it relates to our faith in Christ. There is much to ponder and it still is beyond my human comprehension how Jesus would be willing to suffer that horrible agonizing death for me. I'm so thankful for His ressurection and that the tomb was empty that morning!

    I was totally surprised to read my name here. Thank you so much, my friend. I love how you not only executed the plan with the centerpiece but how you got the conversation going by asking the question. You are such a blessing to me.

    love you,

  2. I love your thoughts on hidden things and how they relate to this time of year.
    Good job with the centerpiece and using it for conversation too!

  3. The ceramic basket with the colored eggs is lovely! The eggs remind us that we're about to celebrate Passover (the jews) and Easter (the christians). Nice of you to mention the hidden things that characterize both religions during these holidays.

  4. Love the history of these ceramic eggs, Mary! Mostly, how you weave the ordinary into extraordinary life lessons (that) I can grasp.
    There's so much beauty surrounding the Jewish religion, of Passover. I wish I knew more.

  5. I like the concept of the sprucing up of centerpieces to invoke interesting conversations at the table. Sounds like a delightful time you had with your grandchild and her dad during their recent visit. I think a lot about what I would have been like if I was living during the time Jesus walked the earth. Would I have been a believer, a doubter, someone who was afraid to say anything about him for fear of the Pharisees, etc.? What a joyous morning that had to be when they all realized the tomb was empty and he was ALIVE!! Years ago at a church we were attending at the time we went to a Seder meal that was hosted by a Messianic Jew. He shared so much of the customs of the meal and the historical significance of it, and also as it related to Jesus' Last Supper. Very fascinating. May you have a very wonderful Easter. He is risen!


  6. The eggs in the basket is beautiful. Great thoughts, too!

  7. Hi Mary! What a beautiful centerpiece! I'm so glad you got the opportunity to try out something new, using something so meaningful.
    I love the idea of 'hidden things'. The life of the Spirit may seem gone from my eyes, but God is always there, hidden in everything. What a great thought to work on uncovering his Spirit! I love that.
    Have a blessed Holy Week,

  8. Love the idea of using the centerpiece at a dinner as a conversation starter! What a wonderful witness we could spark!

  9. How wonderful that you had such lovely dinner conversation because of an idea sparked from Dianna's, blog! It was a wonderful post that she shared, and I've thought about my kitchen table too. I love how you found something hidden and used it to have such a blessed time with your family. I'm glad that Jesus is risen too!

  10. I love what you are writing about your granddaughter and your conversation. And what a nice (hidden) decoration. Here we don't use eggs here for Pesach. Some christian in The Netherlands see this easter-eggs as pagan symbols of death and life :-)

  11. Oh, how pretty! It is so precious that your dear mother gave this to you...I know that makes it that much more special! So thankful you are enjoying this beautiful Easter season and were able to spend time with that precious little girl and her Daddy. God bless you, sweet friend. I love and appreciate you!!

  12. Mary, your post started some creative thought in my mind...thanks for some ideas and Happy Easter my blog friend.

  13. What an insightful way to utilize centerpieces Mary. It's one I have never considered previously.

  14. Loved your centerpiece and how you used it to strike a meaningful conversation between you and your loved ones! Who would have thought! That victory arose the moment Jesus' body was missing! May you have a wonderful Easter sister Mary! I haven't posted in a while but by God's grace, there are many hidden spiritual things for me to discover each day! Thank you for a beautiful reminder!

  15. Your Easter thoughts were beautifully written, Mary.
    I'm so thankful Christ died so that I might live a victorious life in Him. Hallelujah, what a Savior!
    Your center piece was beautiful and it certainly made for some sweet conversation around the table. Well done. :-)

    Easter Blessings to you~~

  16. Your Easter thoughts were beautifully written, Mary.
    I'm so thankful Christ died so that I might live a victorious life in Him. Hallelujah, what a Savior!
    Your center piece was beautiful and it certainly made for some sweet conversation around the table. Well done. :-)

    Easter Blessings to you~~

  17. This is a beautiful reflection, dear. May you have a meaningful Holy Week!

  18. Your table is lovely and even more so is the basket your mother made for you. Such a treasure to keep forever and maybe to hand down. Loved your story here dear friend. It's my prayer that you have a wonderful and blessed Easter. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  19. Reflecting on hidden things...such a good topic, Mary. Some of our most precious gifts are things we can't see with our human eyes, but God hides them in our hearts. Hope you have a blessed Easter!

  20. How wonderful that your creative centerpiece got the conversation going, Mary! Nicely done. I pray the hidden things of God are revealed to you in a special way this Easter!

  21. What a gift that you get to spend time with loved ones. Especially when they're aching to be with us!

    Happy Easter to you and all of yours, sister. God bless you and them.

  22. Lovely centerpiece Mary, and a wonderful message to think about.

  23. Easter went well for me. Spent god time with family.
    How was your Easter?
    How was yours?
    God bless Mary


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