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Chicken Soup for a Cold

At the beginning of the year, I froze containers of homemade chicken soup for rainy winter days.  I dipped into my stash last weekend when a head cold flattened me for several days.  What is it about hot chicken soup that comforts a cold…and a soul?

I have not had a cold or the flu for four years.  I forgot the cumbersome feeling that nasty bug brings.  Breathing becomes a chore.    There are never enough tissues in the house.  Essential oils diffuse the air like a chamber of Eucalyptus mist.  Cherry cough drops soothe the throat and herbal teas bring healing relief.  Low energy, chapped nose, sneezing and post nasal drip wipe out each day’s “to do” list.

My bedroom turned into a weekend retreat.  I read a lot.  My brother recently sent me Dr. David Jeremiah’s book, Is This The End?  

Blog post after blog post filled me with inspiration, encouragement and laughter.  I can only hope my opinionated comments made sense.  If not, let’s blame it on my stuffy head!

Outside, the weather looked like it suffered a cold, too.  A Pacific Coast storm drenched California and passed through our state creating drops of humidity, soaking rain and occasional cloud bursts all weekend long.  My darkened room and the ominous outdoors reflected the way I felt inside.

I pictured my white blood cells fighting infection healing and restoring my body as I quietly rested.

Now for the Spiritual…
I hear a similar call to rest in Scripture.

I don’t always like to trust God with weightier worries after I give them to Him in prayer.  Yet He reminds me not to get ahead of Him and to take my hands off the details.  His instruction is clear. Back off; rest because He’s got it.

But Moses told the people,
“Don’t be afraid.  Just stand still
And watch the Lord rescue you today.
The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again
The Lord himself will fight for you. 
Just stay calm.”

Exodus 14: 13-14

Have you made it through the season without getting sick? Are you good at resting?


  1. Second set of achoos in a few weeks... last time I tried garlic (cutting a clove up into pieces and swallowing it like pills). I may try it again. Chicken soup sounds good too!

  2. It sounds to me like you made the very best of this situation, and homemade chicken soup is the best remedy! What also helps, if you have it, is grated fresh ginger, made into a tea, and adding a little honey. Sip it slowly. Sending you many hugs and much love.

  3. So very sorry you have been sick. How smart you are to have made the soup ahead of time. Our warm temps have made flowers/shrubs/trees put out very early and our pollen counts are very high. I'm taking a daily allergy pill, but still my throat is a little scratchy. I hope you will have a pleasant afternoon. xoxo Mildred

  4. I've just have the cold too, and a very nasty one it was. For a soar throat I squeeze a lemon and drink the undiluted juice. To deal with fever I use some cold pads or even ice. Honey, tea, and soup are also part of my arsenal.

  5. Hi Mari! I'm so sorry that you weren't feeling well. The cold/flu bug is making it's second rounds around here. It's been tough, especially with our ever fluctuating temps. I'm glad you decided to just go with it and rest (and read!).
    I did get a flu shot this year, and so far, I've been able to duck it. I hope just saying that doesn't mean I'm jinxing myself :)
    Hope you're back on your feet soon. Chicken soup is the best!

  6. Hope you are feeling better! I had lost touch with you, and I'm happy to visit your blog today. I love the scripture you shared. I also need to give worries to God and rest in Him.

  7. I'm sorry you've been sick, but how wonderful that you had soup stocked up for a time like this.
    There are so many bugs going around in our area, but I have escaped them so far. I'm not good at resting, I must admit. There is a saying that Doctors and nurses are the worst patients, and in my case it may be true. :)

  8. I like that scripture from Exodus 14:14. Now if I could just live it! Brilliant idea for you to put some chicken soup in the freezer a few months back for such an occasion like your recent illness. Last weekend was "icky" as far as weather goes and not fun on top of being sick. Thankfully by the grace of God no one here has been seriously sick this season. We ensured everyone got their flu shots and are just thankful we haven't been sick; truly a blessing I think!


  9. You know, I always say we could learn from our pets. When they don't feel well, they sleep a lot, not bothering to even eat regular meals. Me, I try to muscle my way through and keep going no matter what. I find I have a tendency to do that spiritually, too--finagling how to "make it go away" instead of resting and relying on Jesus. Great post, Mary!

  10. It's one of the great moments in Scripture when in the very next verse the Lord speaks again. "Then the LORD said to Moses, 'Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on'"

  11. Oh I do hope and pray you are feeling much better Mary. Chicken soup does indeed sooth what ails us. My family believes in my potato soup. From the time I can remember when I would get sick my granny always made me potato soup. She always said, "Baby, those taters in that soup will give you strength and the broth will keep you nourished. Of course I carried on that tradition with my daughters and now my grands. Recently one of granddaughters was sick and she told her mama, "Please call my nana cause if she makes me some potato soup I will get well really quick". And Mary, you know I did just that! I got a nasty cold with the coughing 2nd week of January. Still have some of the cough lagging! YUK! Getting old ain't for sissy's. Have a good day my sweet friend. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  12. Praying you are feeling some better now. Chicken soup is such good nourishment for when these times hit us. I've not had any of the nasty bugs going around, but I did also spend time in "rest mode" this weekend as well. A change of weather that affected the fibromyalgia symptoms. This too is passing.

    However, when it comes to resting in the Lord and His Sovereignty I have a harder time. It is one thing to rest in the bed and laugh at I Love Lucy DVD's...but another to agree to taking my hands completely off a matter while the Lord God of Israel takes care of it for me. That relinquishing of control over a situation is HARD at times. I've often wondered why it is that I could trust Him for the salvation of my soul without any problem and yet have trouble with those every day to day issues that pop up. Have any ideas?

  13. Dang, I'm so sorry you, too, were bug-struck! So far (knock wood), Tom and I've stayed reasonably OK. I don't know if you've a Boston Market nearby, but I used to swear by the medicinal properties of their mashed potatoes and summer squash.

    Oh!, how I need to remember the "Back Off!" command. Like you mentioned, sometimes I'm embarrassed to be asking Him for "too much."

  14. I love those verses from Exodus! I have them highlighted in my Bible. I had a head cold a couple days last week and I'm still dealing with sinus headaches. Hot tea, soup, and lots of rest are the best remedies and I hope you feel restored soon.

  15. Oh, dear friend! I am SO sorry you were so ill. Bless your dear heart. I know your comments made perfect sense at my blog, and your visits there always encourage me greatly!! I love and appreciate you and trust Jesus to heal you completely. :)

  16. The answers are: No - I've not gotten sick and No - I'm not good at resting. I hope you are feeling better by now. It sounds like you did the right thing - back to bed, rest and think about God's goodness.

  17. Thought you shared a special chicken soup recipe... I'm sorry to hear that you had gotten sick, sister Mary. I find freezer meals to be my and my son's lifesavers during busy times, even when not sick. This year, I opted not to get the flu shot because it seems that I get sick once it kicks in each time I get it for a few years. I have been doing okay so far. I'm praying already though that I won't get hit with the pollen about to be scattered this Spring.

    Chicken soup does soothe a sick body. But God's Word truly is the best medicine for ailing spirits. I pray you have already recovered by the time I'm commenting here! Take care sister and love to you. God bless.

  18. I'm so sorry that you weren't feeling well! Hope you feel better after reading all this warm comments :-) Chickensoup is Jewish penicillin. I like share with you this soup recipe:

  19. Wonderful reminder for what I'm going through now that I'll share later. I'm encouraged. Thanks, sister.

  20. Good for you! You weathered the cold with peace and fed your soul as well!

  21. Hi Mary, I hope by now you are feeling much better. Chicken soup sounds good for a cold. Good idea to have chicken soup kept in the freezer ready when you need them. I was sneezing away and I thought I might have caught the cold bug from hubby but thank God, it went off without any further symptom. Without enough rest, our body weakens. Every now and then, it is good to slow down and be still before the Lord.

  22. I have actually made it through so far without getting sick. Kids have been sick, but we have dodged it. Hope you're feeling better. Sometimes I'll just sip on hot broth. Even when you're sick, you're an encourager. 😀

  23. I have actually made it through so far without getting sick. Kids have been sick, but we have dodged it. Hope you're feeling better. Sometimes I'll just sip on hot broth. Even when you're sick, you're an encourager. 😀

  24. And a good reminder for a worrier like me too. Is it a woman thing to worry? I don't know. But I do try to put everything in His hands because at the end of the day, that's all we can do anyway.

    Thanks for this inspiring read. :)

  25. Just stopping by to see if there is an update....I pray you are feeling much better. xoxo

  26. Hope you are feeling better by now, I'm sorry to be so late getting by for a visit! Chicken soup is the best thing for a cold, agreed! And yes, we have been getting a lot of rain here too, all those storms coming through... but we've gotten our share of snow too. Winter is still hanging around, but we are hoping now for spring. Hope you are feeling better my friend!

  27. I sincerely hope that you feel better soon, my friend. Some cinnamon tea helps too :)


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