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Let's Stop Pretending

I smiled when the kids dressed in costumes for their harvest parties.  Carrie’s family looks like they stepped out of the story, Frozen.  Mark looked great with Tom’s red tie for his Trump suit and Amy borrowed my grey pantsuit to go with her Hillary mask. 

Oh, the fun and laughs when we pretend to be somebody we’re not!

Masks, however, are no longer fun when we see hypocrisy in the Body of Christ.  I’m troubled when Christians teach Bible studies and write Christian books but rebel like the world.  Are they deceived?  Is it all about financial gain?  Do they believe the gospel?

They lead people astray.

A popular female Christian Bible teacher whose books line many women’s shelves appeared on a Christian TV program and talked about her latest endeavor, a fiction novel.   I liked her ministry back in the days when she, though molested, chose to leave it in the past and focus on victory in the Word of God.   I noticed on the TV program that she spent too much time on the molestation topic.  Redeemed women still have days in the pit, she moaned, almost inviting self pity. 

The next day, she appeared in the media again, this time ranting against Trump’s hot mic incident.   In her tirade, she lashed out to her evangelical brothers who dare back Donald Trump after his disgusting locker room talk eleven years ago, even though he apologized publicly and asked to be forgiven.  She whined that the brothers should protect her and the barrage of abused women who follow her.

Now I’m Mad.
I scheduled an imaginary coffee time with Father and asked him to tell her to knock it off.   But God, a cool parent who knows how best to deal with sibling rivalry, showed me my own heart and the man who abused me.

What a surprise.

Whereas I never suffered sexual or physical abuse, his rudeness and mean words cut me down. I hated the holidays and his visits especially when he drank too much and humiliated women.  I couldn’t escape our family celebrations and I became bitter over the years.

I am no different than my Christian Bible teacher-author-sister, really.  I have confessed my anger many times, even shared the gospel with my abuser on his deathbed and watched him commit his life to Christ and repent of his awfulness that broke my spirit.

You may be stronger than me but I can destroy you with words.
But I admit, I still fall in the pit.    A memory appears and I grab what I think gives me power, angry words that reveal hurt.  I get the whole “abused woman’s anger” cycle.  Thank God it happens less and less.  I am working out my salvation, too.

God doesn’t seem to care if his daughters influence millions in the faith or a handful.  It is compelling to hear God’s voice say He loves me and His mercy never ends because I’m His.

Let’s not pretend to be something we’re not.  If God forgives us, we who follow Him should forgive others.  Let’s leave the drama for Halloween.

We who belong to Jesus have been saved by His blood.   The gruesome beating and crucifixion cost Him his life, and anyone that believes it and finds refuge in Him is saved.  He is no respecter of persons.  One tiny drop of His powerful blood brings cleansing.  Even for Donald Trump.


  1. Great testimony, my friend. Forgiveness is SO difficult sometimes, but I suspect it's far easier to forgive others than ourselves.

    I love the thought of scheduling an imaginary coffee klatch with Father!

  2. What a great post! Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. Our pastor spoke about forgiveness this morning. It was related more to spouses forgiving each other, but he did touch on the whole infinite topic of forgiveness to anyone we think has wronged us. Forgiving someone is freeing. We don't necessarily have to forget and we don't necessarily have to trust them again, but we do need to forgive just like we have been forgiven.

    My son had tumultuous teen years (it was only by the grace of God he is still alive and we are still speaking to him, LOL, but that's the power of the Holy Spirit). Anyway, I would remind myself (God would remind me) that he and his friends of 18 would not necessarily be the same people at the age of 25. I think we need to remember that about Donald Trump. He's probably not the same person he was back in 2005 when he made some of the statements I bet he has come to regret. We need to remember God is not through working on him yet, like he is not through working on us either.


  4. I think we should all do as Jesus did when the woman who was taken in adultery was brought to Him. Those precious words! He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone. I am SO appalled at the way "Christians" have ostracized Donald Trump for saying things that were not right. Truth be told, EVERY, single one of us have said things that we would cringe if our words were aired out for the whole world to listen to. I am just sickened over the way people are singling out his sins, when each one of his accusers have sins of their own, and when his competitor's sins are innumerable. Whose sins are worse? And, I couldn't agree with you more about the author. Thank you for speaking the truth, dear friend. Sending you lots of love and hugs!

  5. Right on sister Mary! Not only BM, but many other Christians I don't understand when they say they'll vote for Clinton. Liberal ideas I think just don't mix with Him. And no, not because we are perfect and something else when we are redeemed. But because we need to be His follower, not of men. If we vote for another party, what good will it do? We know it's just between Trum and her.

    Long before Trump won the nomination, my hubby and I decided we would vote for him because he's not a politician and he seems to be rushed with words but because he says as it is. No sugar coating like others. In any situation, I don't like the saying WWJD? knowing men apply His Word to their interests. I think in this troubling time, I will always pray, "Jesus, what should I do?"

    Blessings to you sister. I always pray the Lord will put a godly leader for this nation and save this great nation from Him. Glory be to God! Hugs and prayers.

    1. Trump not "Trum" :) Just starting with my caffeine dose this morn.LOL

  6. Hi Mary! Forgiveness is often hard to do, but when we do it, it's such a release and blessing.
    Politics is a very touchy subject these days, with many, many different people running for office, bringing out all kinds of statements for and against them. All of that is fine, and a good part of living in the USA. But as you say, let's not live behind masks. Let's listen to what the candidates say, and then vote the best way we know how.
    Spending time praying for our country right now is a wise thing to do. May he lead us in the right way to go.

  7. Powerful post! Bad things happen to people and forgiveness is key to moving on. Have a blessed day.

  8. Thank you for a loving post even when people are unkind and are terrible with their words and actions. Personally I don't think someone should be held accountable for something said in a locker room 11 years ago, and now asks forgiveness. It is reported that Mr Trump has recently been born again, and we must realize he is a new and a baby in Christ. Babies do not always come up to our mature expectations spiritually. Thank you Mary for an enlightening post shared here at Tell me a Story. I love your family dressing up for fun. Also was so happy to hear you met with our beloved Floyd. You and Tom are inspiring individuals who radiate the love of Jesus.

  9. Great post today Mary. Forgiveness would truly be easier for us if we truly could and would grasp how our Lord has forgiven us and still does. We are redeemed the moment we accept Jesus but as long as we live in this world we are constantly being redeemed as we grow and mature in Christ. But the wonderful news is the moment I step out of this life and into the presence of God....sister, I will be FULLY redeemed. Asking God to do a mighty work in our nation as well as in my every day life. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  10. Wow. Well articulated. I appreciate your wisdom and honesty, it spurs on others to do and be the same.

    I'm surprised that this person, and yes, I'm familiar with her, is so wise in Biblical ways, and yet so blind and lacking common sense.

    I believe it's a Christian's responsibility to be wise enough to vote against the folks that hate God and His church. Never mind everything that the other side defends… mind boggling…

  11. Forgiveness is the key to my joy. Not only God forgiving me but has given me the power to forgive others. God has used the testimony of my Dad who was an abusive drunk all my growing up years, up until he had a stroke. When I heard that small voice in my heart that I was to take care of him...I fell to my face. This is impossible God, he does not deserve forgiveness. God was teaching me I do not have to love someone to forgive them. And it was all worth it, my Dad got saved the night before he died. The doctors said he would be well enough to go into a nursing home but the next morning like the thief on the cross away his soul went to heaven. There is no better joy then walking in forgiveness. Great post.

  12. Oh, I think there are more Hilary-s than there are Harley Quinns this Halloween. :)

  13. There is so much to forgive. If we are not careful, we can hold unforgiveness that binds us. I learning to be more gracious and more forgiving. Lovely post!


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