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My Mom Fought the U.S. Post Office and Won

My mom embarrassed me years ago when she called our small town post office and complained about slow package delivery.   I gave the eulogy at moms memorial service, and I told the mortifying story at the chapel. Respectful laughter filled the room.  However, embarrassment doesnt bother you when youre dead in the grave and maybe thats the lesson here today.

Mom loved to send packages to me in Arizona.  She often mailed pencils, recipe clippings, bars of soap, cereal, odds and ends that were meaningful to her. 

Mom never understood that her mailings to a hick town in the west take a heck of a lot longer than it does in Chicago.  I got umpteen phone calls from her before any shipment arrived and she would ask impatiently:  Did you get my package yet?

It was about six years ago when retrieving my mail, Toni, my favorite clerk shouted to me across the room from the front desk, “Your mother called me yesterday.  Shes had enough of our delays and complained that your packages arrive way too slow. 

I learned mom chewed Toni out for sluggish service.

I imagined what that phone call looked like:  mom taking charge of the conversation telling Toni how to do her job.  

I felt my blood rush to my head.  My face turned crimson. 

“I apologize for my mother, Toni.  Please forgive her.  Shes in her 90s.” Toni laughed.  Your mom is a delight.

Apparently they made up.  Moms humor must have, again, saved the day.  Or, maybe it was Toni’s social skills that validate every listener.

Rapid changes took place at the post office.  You are always lucky if you get a key in your mailbox to one of the few lockers which save time from standing in line during business hours as well as retrieving your packages when the desk is closed.  Guess who always finds a locker key in her post office mailbox slot whenever any package from anyone arrives?

I never did tell Toni from the post office that my mom passed away.  I dont want the speedy service to stop! 

My mom fought the United States Post Office and won.

“The embarrassment of a situation can, once you are over it, be the funniest time in your life. And I suppose a lot of my comedy comes from painful moments or experiences in life, and you just flip them on their head.” – Miranda Hart

Does your mother ever embarrass you?  


  1. What a feel-good post ... your testimony just made my day, Mary!

    For some reason, it reminded me of Tom's (late) friend from Chicago who'd call several times each week, to relay national news stories. I suspect Ken thought our news sources were, perhaps, delinquent -- or themselves, uninformed. Ours is, of course, the wild, wild west! (*smile*)

  2. What a dear your mom was! I have heard that the mail here in Prescott goes down to Phoenix to get processed, no matter if it is going to be delivered to Prescott address or not and then it comes back up to Prescott, so I'm sure there was some validity to the fact that mail did run slow to your neck of the woods.

    I think it is a "standard" things that kids will feel their moms embarrassed them on this or that, but in the end we really come to see our moms had our best interests out all along :)


  3. A very heart warming story. How are you Mary? I thought of you this morning. My last 2 months have been very unusual. I have lots of blogging friends I am yet to visit. I hope I would be able to conclude this week, if the Lord permit. Thank you for your encouragement. I truly appreciate you.
    Sweet Blessings from Nigeria

  4. Hi Mary! Does my mom ever embarrass me? Isn't that a mother's job? LOL! Whenever we'd go clothes shopping, my mom would flip through the racks, and then look for a clerk. If there wasn't one handy, she'd start raising her voice "YOO-HOO!! HELLO??" Oh my...I wanted to crawl under the racks and die.

    My mom has gone to heaven too, so she knows all about my feelings on the subject. That was just her. Very outgoing, very funny...and very embarrassing at times!
    God bless your mom for standing up for herself. And making a long distance friend in the process :)

  5. This is such a cute story! Your mom was a real pistol! To answer your question I haven't been embarrassed by my mom lately but as a teenager I lived in constant angst of what I thought she MIGHT do.LOL

  6. Good for your mom! I guess some things are worth fighting for?!

    One of my favorite stories about my mom *embarrassing* us happened when we were on a family vacation in Hawaii. There was this hotel that had a special dinner and show, and you had to sign up in the morning for tables. We made sure that we signed up early, and reserved a table right next to the stage.

    Well, when we arrived that night, we found that some other people were sitting at our table, and they absolutely refused to leave. They were snotty, snide, and selfish. My dad caved in, and removed himself to the back of the room. Not my mom. When she couldn't talk them out of moving, she refused to leave. She started eating her dinner, standing up, while giving them the evil eye. I believe she also kept saying in a loud voice, "These people are sitting at our table and won't leave." Needless to say, they finally did leave, and we got the best show ever (even the one on stage was good! LOL!)

    We still joke about this event, nicknaming my mother "Maui Mama" for her out-of-character behavior that night. I guess when it came to fighting for her kids, she became an avenging eagle!

    I am finding that as she gets older, and dementia slides in, her *filters* are failing. Sometimes she says things about other people loudly - whispers are not always present! But, most of the time she is really funny. And goodness knows that I've embarrassed her so much throughout the years - I think she has some catching up!


  7. I can't remember my mother embarrassing me, but I sure have embarrassed my own children - and for their own good. My youngest daughter is up for anything fun, and it often embarrasses her daughters. I am so glad you mom stuck to her guns and also became a friend to your post mistress. Thanks for sharing at Tell me a Story.

  8. Does your mother ever embarrass you?---how much time do you have and how many characters can this space take? Haha.

    But this is a great story. Your mom is a force to be reckoned with.

  9. I love this story about your sweet mother, Mary. Thanks for sharing. My mom is in heaven too and I love bringing out old memories and looking at them through new eyes:).

  10. My mom story is about letters also. When I was in Army basic training, my mom insisted that I write her often--like three or more times each week. Because we were kept so busy, this was impossible. So mom called my commanding officer to complain. From that day on, I was required to deliver a letter addressed to mom every morning during role call. I'd love to send her a letter today, but she didn't leave a forwarding address in heaven.

  11. What a hilarious story! You have a great gift for storytelling for sure, and how wonderful that in your little town now you get your packages in a special manner, that is the best gift of all your mother left for you :) Big smiles on my face after reading your story today. My mother is a precious soul, and I can't really remember any time she embarrassed me. :)

  12. What a wonderful story. Your Mum sounds like my Grandma and my Mum: they were also full of life and humor! You know, I can't remember Mum ever really embarrassing me. In her last months the tumors caused her to be much more blunt and direct in relaying her thoughts and feelings and then our family did at times experience embarrassment. But when I look back, precisely this directness was life-giving because so many things she told me then have been an incredible encouragement to me in the right direction since. I'd loved to have met your Mum. I suspect my Mum is having a ball of a time cracking jokes with your Mum in heaven!

    Visiting from #TellHisStory...I'm Anna Smit- had to use my old Google account under my maiden name (unfortunately your site doesn't seem to let me log in with WordPress:

  13. That's a fun story! And spectacular- who knew that could be done?? Thanks for sharing a bit of you and your Mom here!

  14. Well, uhm yeah, many times mary esp on the street whenever she also corrects people and tell them how to do things and that. I just love the idea that real life packages are still happening today since we are on the age of computers already and everything is virtual.

    This is soo cool, makes me miss my mom too. :) <3

  15. Oh sweet friend...I sure needed a good chuckle today! Thanks for the laugh. I think I would have loved your mama a lot! Ha! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  16. You made me smile! I sure understood how things have changed in our lifetimes. Since I'm and old sister and old mom and grandma, I hear pieces of things from the others that seem I'm not smart enough and doing the wrong stuff at the wrong time. Oh, well. Worshiping the Lord and focusing on Heaven is all I can do. And I'll do what I can for everyone else in this world whenever. Focusing consistently. Thanks.

  17. Great story! Moms are the best... I think your mom knew the secret of the squeaky wheel analogy!

    My mom is the kind that will make fast friends with anybody. When I was young it was embarrassing and frustrated. Now it makes me smile... I guess there's a lot of truth in that quote...

  18. What a cute story. I miss my Mom and know you do too.

  19. Lovely story about your Mom. I have a few embarrassing moments I remember about my mother. She was one to speak her mind at all times. When I or anyone else was a little over weight she would say, by god they are fat way too loud. Speaking truth in her mind was telling it like it is at all cost.

  20. What a sweet story! It's interesting how we can see our parents behaviour as annoying to another, yet they are taking 'delight' in the interactions. I see this with my 88 year old dad. He is the delight of all the Supermarket ladies even though I thought his teasing them would be bothersome. They love it!

  21. What a sweet story! It's interesting how we can see our parents behaviour as annoying to another, yet they are taking 'delight' in the interactions. I see this with my 88 year old dad. He is the delight of all the Supermarket ladies even though I thought his teasing them would be bothersome. They love it!

  22. Oh, my! This was so funny! Bless her heart...she is still doing you a favor by the faster mail delivery. What they don't know, won't hurt them! LOL!! Sending you much love and many hugs, sweet friend. :)

  23. Oh, my! This was so funny! Bless her heart...she is still doing you a favor by the faster mail delivery. What they don't know, won't hurt them! LOL!! Sending you much love and many hugs, sweet friend. :)

  24. Delightful story! Yes, my mother has embarrassed me a time or two. How great that you are still getting fast delivery! So funny.


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