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When There's a Crack

I flew out to San Diego days before the kids left town for their well deserved R&R.  Alongside my daughter, I learned the routine of the household so that the transition would be an easy one when the “changing of the guard” took place.  My daughter posted instructions on the computer lest I forget which days I must water and when the garbage truck comes. 

I reviewed the written reminders.  My eyes dropped down to paragraph three, “In case of an earthquake…”

I peeked out the window, past the front yard into the street-- the designated safe place.  The plants, homes, gardens looked lovely!  But I believe in earthquakes and that all it takes for this perfect scene to come crashing down is a crack underneath the foundation where no one sees.

Sometimes we Christians have cracks.  Where do cracks come from?  They come from broken spirits leaving us wounded.  How does this happen?

Wounds come to us this way:
1.    We sin, ask the Lord to forgive us, but can’t get passed it to receive His forgiveness & freedom.

2.    We inherit them.

3.    Something was done to us

We are amazed when a powerful Christian leader falls prey to scandal and wonder how this can be when we’ve seen his amazing ministry.

In our own lives we may vow never to mistreat others the way we have been mistreated and all of a sudden we find ourselves abusing someone.  


Brokenness Where No One Sees
We can look so good on the outside all spruced up even going to church every week, praying, worshiping, studying and ministering.  Unfortunately, we can have a crack underneath the surface.   A wound is the crack in our spirit.

When that happens, it affects every relationship closest to us:
 our marriage,
 our family, 
 co-workers or team work.

How do I know if I have a broken spirit?

What is the root of a broken spirit?

The root of a broken spirit is rejection, abandonment, broken relationships, greatly criticized, abused physically, verbally, sexually or racially. 

Drum roll…Here’s the Answer!
The answer is Jesus our Savior, our Healer, our Deliverer, our Redeemer.  Isaiah 61 proclaims that Jesus set the captives free.  He took every spec of brokenness upon Himself at the cross so we can be free!

By His death, Jesus took our shame and dishonor giving us a double share of honor and joy everlasting!

That is good news for us who believe in Him, repent of our sins and receive His promises!

The Spirit of God, the Master, is on me
    because God anointed me.
He sent me to preach good news to the poor,
    heal the heartbroken,
Announce freedom to all captives,
    pardon all prisoners.
God sent me to announce the year of his grace—
    a celebration of God’s destruction of our enemies—
    and to comfort all who mourn,
To care for the needs of all who mourn in Zion,
    give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes,
Messages of joy instead of news of doom,
    a praising heart instead of a languid spirit.
Rename them “Oaks of Righteousness”
    planted by God to display his glory.

Isaiah 61:1-3


  1. What lays beneath! (or, is it 'lies'?)
    How often are we left stunned when someone we think we know falls apart or acts out their anguish.

    I love this verse!

    1. I'm not sure either if it's lay or lie but I love your comment because it reminds me that when things get ugly, it's due to anguish even in the ones we look up to. We all need a Savior every day!

  2. So true that we are all broken; so grateful Jesus takes us as we are, but will heal us if open ourselves up to him :)


    1. You hit the nail on the head, Betty. We're clueless if we don't think sometimes "it' ME, God, standing in the need of prayer."

  3. Hi Mary! Imagine having to face earthquake instructions! Yikes, that would get my attention...
    We are broken, with the Lord being our only hope for mending. I liked the list "Signs of a Broken Spirit", it's a good reality check. I just read that frustration is really just me not being happy with life because it's not going MY way. That leads to anger and silly behavior. Sigh...

    So thankful for our merciful God.
    How did the babysitting go?

    1. You are not alone, sis, in that anger & frustration. This post was birthed on a teaching that was given to me because I was frustrated and angry this past week. I figure if it helps me....maybe it will bless someone. I had a blast in San Diego, even when the toliet broke and when we lost power for about 80 minutes. The challenge I had was deprogramming those silly Wiggles Songs from my mind when I returned home!

  4. This is really lovely and timely of you mary! As i am bothered and spiritually demotivated and broken about discipleship fresh this morning. May i ask your prayers about this situation i have. I ask God why these troubles happen even though we give everything for His ministry, but we know that this is our cross we carry anyway.

    Brokenness, in a way maybe a cross to carry but this is an opportunity for us to see our Lord shining even brighter in our lives. :)

    I love you! continue inspiring mary!

    1. Love you back, Bro. Steve! I’ll be praying for your ministry specifically. As you well know, I pray daily for those who comment here calling your names out before the Lord. May God give you wisdom, Steve, and Godly boundaries to bless you as you reach out and help others. I never feel closer to Jesus as when I am helping the broken and see Him in action but the downside is how nasty they can become sometimes! Take time for self care and keep your armor on!

  5. \Crack Moments can only take Jesus filling to bind up those hearts Mary.
    This is very much needed these days.

    We have lots of cracked people and fewer messages in the church to reach such people. I personally wonder if we are doing enough to encourage those who have beeen hurt?

    Thank you for the blessing today.

    1. You make a great point, Ifeoma. I can tell the church is not helping as much as it should in these areas if our leaders only believe we need to say a sinner’s prayer and we’re in! That would be like having a shiny new 2015 car in our driveway with the keys in our purse yet we continue to take the bus to work when we don’t seek Jesus for the abundant life He promised here as well as for eternity.

  6. Mary, I love the analogy here. Yes we definitely have cracks from the sin in our lives but as you have so beautifully explained God has taken our sin and will help us to turn from sin if only we will ask.....I hope you have a wonderful week....

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words, Nancy. You say it so well!
      Love you,

  7. Most times, people only try to cover up the cracks on the surface without dealing on the roots causes. Only Jesus is able to totally uproot these roots and bring complete healing!

    1. Awesome, Nancy, how you really got that! This is the main point. Yes, and He longs to bless and prosper us every day by showing us the freedom we can have by exchanging our brokenness for his sacrifice on the cross.

  8. Love that "changing of the guard" reference😃. I'm so glad that Jesus came to heal us of our brokenness.

  9. Thanks Mary, this is such a needed subject as many are still hurting from early childhood. Just a crack is where it all begins. Choices and decisions in life will open the crack until it become a Chasm leaving a hollow place in the soul. Inherited? Yes all the way back to Adam, but also inherited in family generation lines. When a person comes to Jesus Christ, the Master potter, He reshapes us and makes us into something new that never before existed - old is past and we are made new. So why do so many Christians have problems with lust, anger, depression and other emotions? A crack remained? or a new crack revealing hurts by someone, either verbally, or physically need healing. Find a quiet place, and allow the memories to be brought up. Now it is time to forgive the person who made you a victim. Even if it is hard to forgive, we can allow Jesus the forgiver to forgive through us. Continue until no more hurts surface. Then praise Jesus that he has also forgiven you. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story. Glad you were able to house sit for your loved one!

    1. Thank you ever so much Hazel for saying all the things I wanted to say as well but lacked the space in my post. This completes the message. You are so good to us.

  10. I have always said that I am a *cracked pot* in desperate need of The Potter. It's hard to confront the brokenness in ourselves. Sometimes even harder to butt up against someone else's. Because sometimes brokenness can come out in ways that hurt us.

    Might we all remember that we're ALL broken in some way. And that God is the only One who can fill the empty places, bind up the broken hearts, and restore crushed spirits. And might He make us instruments of His healing to others.


    (Earthquakes? Here in California?? I've gone through many - and they are always unsettling!!)

    1. Someday we will have to exchange earthquake stories too! That would be fun. I've got a good one as I'm sure you have many. Thank you for your insightful comment!

  11. Beautiful post. So thankful He can fix those cracks and put us back together. We have to admit we are broken! Blessings, your neighbor at Hazel's place ♥

  12. As usual, you did a beautiful God-job, sharing and explaining in special ways for people. Greatly appreciate you. Thank you much, Dear.

    1. Appreciate you as well, Joanne. We're on this journey of faith together!

  13. Oh I love this post! Such a wonderful way of portraying the cracks! Thanks so much for sharing this. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Cindy and reading my post!

  14. Nice. All that from a note about an earthquake? Must have been Divinely appointed to prompt you for this. This is Truth and healing. I love that quote by Hemingway, we are all broken, but in our weakness and confession is where His light begins to shine from within us. Awesome and comforting post, Mary.

    1. Thank you for the nice comment, bro. So glad you were comforted here. Your writing does that for me all.the.time.! God bless & keep you.

  15. Thank you for this good blog! I will place it on my Pinterest!

  16. this is really good. Wishing you a beautiful weekend. I love reading your thoughts and seeing your pictures.


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