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Flying Higher

As a little girl, I would get underfoot and my busy mom would say something weird like “Go fly a kite.”  Now I see how she was speaking prophetically over me, well kind of.  This past week I stumbled over Winston Churchill’s famous quote:  Kites rise highest against the wind not with it.

The life lesson of this, to me anyway, speaks of opposition.  What opposing winds in my life have caused me to excel higher?  There have been so many circumstances that God has used to shape me.  One in particular is my marriage to a partner with ADHD.    I have had to learn patience, to compromise, to pick my battles, and to ask God daily for the strength to walk in the power and fruit of His Holy Spirit and not swing my rolling pin as a weapon of mass destruction when I get angry.   I’ve learned never to compare my marriage to others or be jealous of girlfriends whose husbands bring them surprise gifts of delicate pastries or dozens of roses.  Oh, I get surprises too like the gift I received over the weekend…a pair of pink boxing gloves so that we can exercise together with a new punching bag he just installed.

So I tell myself…roses will die and pastries will make me fat…but my arms and waist need some toning.  

Seriously, the ADHD disorder is painful.  It steals your self confidence and composure while leaving your brain beautifully exposed.  People think you’re a genius who just can’t keep track of your wallet and keys.  You cut people off when they’re speaking; your social skills always need improvement.  And you desperately need a friend even when you’re wired differently…from everybody.    Trust me, we are never bored.

I like what Paul says in Acts 27: “A tempestuous headwind arose” while he was sailing and he and the crew lost everything, even the ship, but not their lives.  Sometimes my life seems dramatic and I feel like so much has been taken away.  But then I think of Jesus’ words in Mark 8:35:  For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.”  I’ve had to shelve a dream or two to be the wife I need to be or should I say the Christian I need to be.   Do I think commitment is worth it?  Yes!  God’s grace reaches higher than the sky.

I wonder how you interpret Churchill’s quote.  What strong winds are shaping you?  Are you like me dreaming big dreams and then finding out God is really most interested in your character? 

 “Strong people are made by opposition like kites that go up against the wind.”  -  Frank Harris

Linking today to Michelle:


  1. Good Morning! (That was very brave of your husband to give you boxing gloves...)

    Living with a partner with ADHD must be exhausting at times. You know he can't help it, but still the irritation would seep in for me. But, I am not as used to it as you are. I love that photo of you with the gloves! So cute :)

    My husband doesn't have anything like that, but we have found that we speak 'different languages'. He'll say something that is exactly what I said, but he didn't understand it when I said it.

    Same goes for me. It's interesting and infuriating sometimes, but I'm learning to make peace with it. Just like you!

    Have a great Wednesday!

  2. Oh Mary. I just really loved this post. First of all, I appreciate your honesty in sharing about your husband - and I admire your commitment to him.

    My *winds* are arising in the situation of taking care of (and making some really tough decisions about) my elderly parents. The opposition is especially tough, because I can also feel the enemy getting in the middle of EVERYTHING.

    But yes, I have also grown in my relationship with the Lord so much in the last few months.

    Love those pink boxing gloves! YOU GO GIRL!


  3. My hubby to is not very fond of giving gifts, but he shows his love through his action.
    I believe too that our faith grows more agsinst the wind or the storms of life. I am so thankful for what God had done in my life:)
    I share also what I receieves from God or hear from him in my everyday life in my other blog:
    Thanks for the visit.
    Nice inspirational post:)

  4. What a blessing you are, dear Mary! Your honesty and commitment are so precious.

    My husband doesn't give the typical gifts either...there have a few times when he's given me cut flowers, but for the most part they are plants/and/or something that he has heard me say "one day I am going to get this"...and there it is. He hasn't given me boxing gloves YET...that is just too cute! I love that picture of you with them on.

    You are a gem, dear friend! And although I'd not heard that quote of Winston Churchhill's I have to say I agree. It does seem that the more the winds of adversity blow when we are committed to Christ the stronger our relationship with Him becomes.

    Love you!

  5. I screened one last weekend when I got scheduled to work at Intake. He said he had ADHD. Then I couldn't remember some stuff because I was barely done with one question and he was already giving me a different answer. Me who also talked fast! No fun with this disorder...But it doesn't change any with the fact that he was a human being loved also by our great God. I admire the patience and love evident with the way you always spoke about your husband and the respect you have for him.

    Cute gloves! It's fun to box because when I do it with my hubby, he tries not to hit me hard and yet, I give my best shots so he quits all the time ;) In reality my jabs probably aren't that hard. I see my flabby arms.LOL...

    I often wonder how airplanes fly. Until I read a quote that says it has to go against the wind like how you described it with the kite in order for it to fly. Ahhh... Who loves life's pressures? But overcoming them seem to make us wiser, stronger, and sometimes can be humbling. If not for His wind of grace what heights could we achieve?

    When they demoted my position and which was against the law, I couldn't believe that even the federal government s office would do nothing, it was tough to see the lazyness and injustice. It was hard to fight those people at work on higher positions because no one did. I left it to our good Lord and now, their actions actually put me in a safer place. They can't force me to work with their terms. Now it's on my and God's term. Praise the Lord! It's hard on them now because our staff is very, very short. People think I'm rich because I hardly work. I tell them "Yes, I am rich. .. rich because of God's Grace that doesn't go bankrupt. .." glory be to our good Lord Who will sustain us with whatever we need. Your post always give me a nugget to ponder and use in my life. ..Love and blessings to you sister. Sorry for the short comment. ..:)

  6. Mary, this post touches my heart because you are open and transparent. I think the closer we get to God the more we can abandon the opinions of others and be lead to freely express our heart to others. I have not experienced ADHD with my spouse but I have had struggles, disappointments and lost dreams in my marriage. I think God gives us the spouse we need in order for Him to form us into His image..."Iron sharpening iron"....

    Thank you for trusting us as you shared your heart....


  7. Mary,
    What a beautiful and wise post. And loving. I am learning to embrace the differences.

  8. None of us are perfect....just ask my husband. :) I think God gives us our mates for many different reasons...but true love will survive. The pink boxing gloves is a great and fun gift...and will last a lot longer then flowers. :)

  9. I know in a way what you are living with - my grandson has ADHD and it is tough sometimes!

    I do love the boxing gloves.


  10. I have to admit that I'm wired the same way as your husband... and it's a chore for my wife. I'm better, but it's a life long struggle when a mind goes at light speed and never shuts down.

    The trees in the Biosphere in Tucson kept losing their biggest branches... The scientists quickly figured out that absence of wind inside the dome made the trees too weak to support their limbs... That'll preach, won't it?

    Pink boxing gloves for his wife... How come I didn't think of that?

  11. Funny you should ask, Mary! :)
    Earlier this year, while on my drive to work everything seemed so hum-drum and purpose-less. Out-loud to God, I asked him to show me my purpose.
    Now, things haven't come about the way I'd prefer, but I think I'm learning to become more flexible and bend with whatever winds come our way.

    PS -- Love, love, love the pink boxing gloves ... You're so cute!


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