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The Brown Couch Lesson

My daughter, Carrie, moved over the weekend and I was stressing out because her brown leather couch is so big.  I couldn’t imagine how they would get it through her narrow staircase.  I chatted with Paul’s mom about it and she reassured me that if Paul analyzed the situation and had a plan, everything will be fine. 

I will never forget the day two years ago when Carrie moved into that two-story apartment.  She toyed with the idea of selling that couch thinking it can't be carried in, but it was the most comfortable piece of furniture she owned.  It served us well over the months, giving family a good night’s sleep when we visited her.  The guys from church that moved her saved the day!  Two of them raised the couch to the top of the U-Haul and standing on top of the truck, they wrapped it with a rope while two other guys on the balcony hoisted it to the second floor where they carried it through the sliding door to the living room!  Too much drama for me!

With every visit to her place, I had to discipline my mind.  I had to remind myself that God always provided for her and He would help her solve the couch puzzle too, when the time came.  This is a lesson I’ve become familiar with over the past years, that is watching my daughter face the uncertainty of each day.  I’ve had to stop analyzing so much and trust that God specializes in helping single moms.  His grace is sufficient as He promised it would be. 

Here’s what Joyce Meyer teaches in her study Bible in the gospel of Mark:

The “reasoning” I refer to is reasoning that is contrary to the truth in the Word of God. God wants us to use common sense! There is nothing wrong with using our minds in an attempt to understand something. However, when we reason to a point of being confused we need to recognize that we have gone too far. At that point we need to pray for discernment and wait on God to reveal to us what we need to know.

You cannot have peace of mind & heart if you reason without God’s truth to enlighten you. If you lack peace in your life, it may be that you are trying to figure out too many things. Stop asking, “Why, God, why?” Just say, “Lord, You know, and I need to be satisfied with that. When you are ready to show me, do so. Until then, with Your help, I am going to enjoy my life, trusting that You are in charge and that You will take care of everything that concerns me.”

Joyce Meyer
I got the call mid afternoon on Saturday that the move went well.  “What about the brown couch?”  I asked.  “Easy!  Paul orchestrated that so well, the guys had it out in five minutes,” she replied.  I thought about my wasted energy worrying in the beginning and how it snatched serenity from me!  How did I do learning this lesson?  We’ll see.

To read more true stories, click here at Hazel’s place:  Tell Me a Story 


  1. Thank you! This is just what I needed today!

    "when we reason to a point of being confused we need to recognize that we have gone too far."

    I think that's exactly what I was doing!

    So, I too say, “Lord, You know, and I need to be satisfied with that. When you are ready to show me, do so. Until then, with Your help, I am going to enjoy my life.."

    But you know, I'm so bad that at the end of your story, I wanted like everything to know HOW they got the couch out!

  2. Oh, dear ...
    "reasoning to the point of being confused..."

    Ouch! :)

    Glad the move went well, with no serious mishaps.

  3. We get in the habit of worrying I think. We get used to it like a cup of coffee. It does rob the joy of each event in life. If God causes or allows all things and He knows our future, why do we stress so?

    Part of living in a fallen world I guess. It's nice when we can learn from even the smallest event in life. If He can take care of the small things surely He can manage the big ones too.

    You're not alone... but we're getting better!

  4. I hope Carrie is settled in to her new place. I am glad she has such great help from friends at church.
    I know my church was a source of life changing support for me through the single parent years.

  5. Great post mom! Sylvia- we took the feet off the couch, turned it sideways, passed it over the bookcase and rode the rail down! It was quite the sight! God is good!


  6. Happy to hear that everything went well with your daughter,.
    Timely post for me coz I a little bit uneasy for my daughter who is in mexico, but I just have to entrust her unto God and pray for ehr.
    Dropping by from " Tell me a story". My entry: I hated my life:

  7. With everything that had happened with my workplace and my relationship with my brother that was restored...God is constantly reminding me daily:

    "Nothing is impossible with Me!!! Get it???"

    Thank you for your prayers always sister Mary and I'm glad that sister Carrie got to keep the fav couch!!! Praying God's blessings and protection over you all.

  8. I can relate. It's hard to let go of daughters and trust God to take care of them. But He always does.

  9. My daughter had a brown leather couch as well that she left when she married. That couch was so comfortable, that when the leather began to split, my hubby decided he would recover it. So a trip to the fabric store, and that is what he did. We still enjoy that couch. It is low for my short legs, and does make a bed for someone with a sleeping bag if needed. Thanks for sharing about your daughter and her couch at "Tell me a Story."


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