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Recognition Relapse

Patriotism is not something everybody understands. I can remember when I didn’t. It was many years ago that I sat in a weekday Women’s Bible Study and an older woman, Ruth, made a comment that I never forgot. Ruth interjected how sad she felt that the younger generation didn’t grasp the price that was paid for our freedom in this great country where we live. I was taken aback when our leader and pastor’s wife, only 25 then, humbly admitted that she did, in fact, take a lot of our freedom for granted not realizing the price that was paid. I was only a few years older than her, but I found myself internalizing the conversation. I remember thinking why is such a big deal being made of this?

Today I get it. America is not the same. The Constitution is compromised and no longer is the politician a role model like in the past. Fighting to restore America has become a passionate cause for many of us. I appreciate the men and women who serve our country. Our country and its citizens need God more than ever.

I attend a great church with leadership that is young and vibrant. They’re humble men and women of integrity. Unfortunately though, when we attend church services on some federal holidays, I leave the service disappointed that the military is not honored and recognized. I’ve been in church services elsewhere where military and vets were asked to stand and it gave me the opportunity to honor and clap for them. This may be a small thing, but for me and I bet for some of the other women my age married to men who fought in war, it would mean a great deal to see them recognized. We know firsthand how the battle has affected them over the years.

Today, like Ruth, I am the older woman in Christian Bible studies. Perhaps it’s my turn to step up express my opinion about Patriotism.

This post is linked to Spiritual Sundays. Click here. A special thank you to the military as well as those who have served our country. May God bless you and your families.


  1. Very well said Mary!
    I love that flag in your photo!
    Have a great weekend dear xo
    Deborah xo

  2. Hi Mary,

    I'm glad that you pay tribute to the many men and women who have served in the armed forces. It is easy to take the freedom we have in America for granted, until one learns that people are wounded, scarred, maimed, and killed wearing a U.S. military uniform.

    Those who serve deserve our thanks and recognition for the sacrifices they've made.

    Blessings and peace.


  3. I know the cost of freedom,I lost a friend in Viet Nam,My Dad lost one of his during WW2.Freedom is not and never will be free,someone pays for it with their life.

  4. I feel the same way you do. I am sad when we have the chance to recognize service men and women in our congregations...and we don't. I have three sons in the National Guard and I know there are mom's sitting in the pews whose hearts are in Iraq and Afghanistan with their child. Not to mention the dads and moms...grandfathers, etc. who have fought in the past to protecting our freedom. God bless them.

  5. I couldn't agree more with this post my friend. It's sad what's happening to this country. Praying for God's mercy until we can vote in a new leader. Though I can't believe the one we have now was voted in, but what do I know?
    BIG Hugs

  6. I think what you true...I'm grateful for those who risk their lives...who sacrifice for us to live free....We've been given so give back and honor those on the front lines is so little.

  7. It is sad that holidays like this many times are just a chance to have a cook-out and have fun with little or no thought to what the day represents. I admit I have been guilty of this. Our church does have members and former members of the military stand and be recognized with applause. I'm glad they do this.

  8. I agree with you that we need to honor our military far more often than we do. Thanks for reminding us today!

  9. Great post! With the huge military presence here in San Diego, my church is holding a banquet for military members and their families. I really appreciate that, too. I think more churches should really take the time to recognize their veterans. Without our freedoms, we wouldn't even be able to congregate!

  10. I second the motion Mary! I MISS the services in our church too, when they stood, one branch at a time. I could never get through it without tears, but they were good tears, of appreciation.


  11. Amen, Mary! Beautifully said.
    Have a blessed weekend, and thank you for your sweet comments and prayers.

  12. How special to see the journey the Lord took you on from being unaware of the price that was paid for the freedom we enjoy today to a deep-seated feeling of patriotism.

    My father fought in WWII, my husband and cousin in Vietnam, and older cousins in the Korean War. I appreciate their service to our country. Thank you for your recognition of them.


  13. I try to thank every soldier I see for sacrificing to keep our country free. We take their participation for granted. My daughter went to Washington DC for her senior trip and when the subject of visiting the tomb of the unknown soldier one of the girls said, "I'm not interested in visiting a graveyard." My daughter was shocked, knowing those men are why we enjoy our freedoms today.

  14. For those who fought for it freedom has a flavor the protected will never know. Thanks for this post and the reminder.
    Pray for Peace.

  15. Truly, what makes a country great keeps it great. The devotion & dedication of yesteryear is pale in comparison to today's perspectives. People - even church people - seem to forget that God-fearing men & women and the God they serve are what gave birth to this great land, and their service is was protected it through many a dark night.

    How about a rousing chorus of "God Bless America"?

    Great post, Mary.


  16. Hi Mary,
    A wonderful post reminding us to honor our military, and remember the price paid by those who gave their all for the freedom we enjoy. Thank you. Have a good Memorial Day!

  17. Honoring the men and women who sacrificed their lives for our freedom is a small price to pay in exchange for what they have done.

    This is a very good post, Mary.

    Yes, it is obvious even to us who are not Americans that your country is going through so much change. It was a country that went through several great awakenings and is home to great defenders of the faith... and was the strongest ally of Israel.

    Thanks for sharing your heart with us here.


  18. Amen Mary!!! I fully understand and agree with you!!!


    Thanks for sharing with us!

  19. Hi Mary -

    I loved what you expressed here. It is so important to appreciate the service of those in the military and the sacrifices that they and their families make.

    Thank you, Mary, for your love and concern for the troops and veterans.

  20. I also leave federal holidays with mixed reactions leaving church. I attend a pacifist church and our denomination has missed the point between opposing war while yet honoring those who serve. It's something I struggle with. I'm also a US History teacher and am finding children to not know how to honor unless taught. Many things cry for the attention of our lives and common threads of the social fabric of the past are slowly fading away.

  21. Thanks for the good reminder that we need to always remember those who gave their lives so we could enjoy the freedom we have today. We don't think about it often enough.


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