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Because He Lives, I Can Move

I’m currently in one of those places where you lay out all the options and then you make the best decision. It seems, however, like none of the choices are fair or attractive. I know God will help me in my situation because I desire His guidance. I’m clinging to His Word which promises that ALL things work together for good for those that love God and are called according to His purpose, Romans 8:28.

I heard a great teaching this week about seeking God’s will and all the freedom that surrender brings. We can know that God is bringing about a victory if we trust Him with each and every decision. The speaker illustrated his point with a famous painting.

The painting depicts a look of despair on the chess player’s face. He’s playing Satan and his soul is at stake. It looks like Satan is winning. Checkmate! When Paul Morphy saw this painting back in the 1800’s, he set up a chess board and aligned the pieces to reflect the painting. Being a world champion, he studied the board. His conclusion was that this painting should not have been titled “Checkmate.” Morphy found a last move setting the man free!

I’m praising God for Jesus. He defeated Satan when He died on the cross. He is going to show me the winning move and deliver me from checkmate. The game is not over as Satan wants me to think.

Spiritual Sundays is a great place to be built up in the Word and praise. Many thanks to Charlotte and Ginger for hosting this meeting place of inspiration as well as fellowship.


  1. I'm an avid chess player and now when playing the game...will remember your illustration :)...great post.

  2. Mary,
    So true. He is our Hope, our Source.
    And He keeps us.
    God bless and guide your every move, my friend.

  3. Loved your post! It gave me a lift as I wait for God to lead, guide and deliver me from a certain situation in my life.


  4. You're so right - the game is not over! And when it is, you win anyway, thanks to Jesus.

  5. I always pray that God will help me with each and every move. This is a wonderful post,thank-you.
    God Bless,

  6. I love this! The devil laughs with glee when he thinks we lost our wiggle room. He should know by know that "with God all things are possible" -- Including wiggle room!

  7. Romans 8 is what our study scripture in church today. Blessings and God's very best!!! Linda J.

  8. I'm in that place too where I don't even know if I have any options with this trial I'm in. Yet, I only know of one thing that the Lord had given me victory no matter what sides I look at! So thanks be to God!

    Thank you sister for your prayers and I appreciate them. God bless you and protect you all always. Love you sister!

  9. Praying God will lead, guide and direct you to the right choice, Dear. We have victory in Him. Hugs ~

  10. cynthia Heald covered that same point about surrender bringing true freedom. We covered it a couple of chapters ago in her Bible Study, "On Becoming a Woman of Simplicity." Gaining little truths from it.

    And your Ann Voskamp book is packed to be mailed tomorrow :)


  11. Hi Mary,

    As I read this beautiful analogy of salvation, faith, and deliverance, I pictured Paul Morphy as a type of Christ, intervening on my behalf because I cannot compete against spiritual demonic forces in this frail human body that houses my life. Christ has become my Advocate and His blood has set me free and achieved a checkmate against my oppressor in one move. Praise God!

    I will be remembering you in my prayers, agreeing with you that, our Lord is going to show you the winning move and deliver you from checkmate.

    Blessings and peace.


  12. It's so true that God gives us victory when we trust Him with our decisions. I pray He'll give you wisdom in all the decisions you will be making.

  13. Praying for your family, Mary. Stand firm! I have seen God's hand move in this same kind of situation, and His answer was true and faithful, and could not have been pinpointed beforehand. His ways are mysterious, and His answer is YES!

  14. I've always loved that painting. Satan would like for us to believe we've lost the battle, but we need to keep reminding each other who the real winners are. Thank you for doing that.

  15. Thank goodness for the ultimate Checkmate - a move played out on a lonely hill - the Champion on a cross.

    The game is over in some ways - because the victory is already won. We just have to recognize the truth of that...


  16. Mary my friend...

    just trust me when I tell you that I NEEDED this hearty laugh today!!!



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