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Spiritual Sundays ~ Persecution on the Job

“If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you…. If they persecuted Me they will persecute you… for they do not know the One who sent Me.” John 15:19-21

I got an education about discrimination against Christians in the job market when I watched a documentary on Daystar this week. A secular counselor, who is a Christian who refuses to separate her faith and leave it at home, was persecuted while working for a secular business. She had helped her client in a work-related matter and the client then asked her to help her repair her same-sex relationship. The counselor mentioned that she would not be the best one to assist and asked if she would mind a referral to another counselor. The client agreed and within ten minutes a new counselor was on the scene. However, the original counselor was fired when the client filed a complaint against her for refusing to help her.

We know as Christians this had to do with faith in our God and taking a stand for Him. We are in a war.

The documentary went on to target the losing of religious freedom in our current laws of employment. The president of Family Research Council warns that gay rights are given priority over religious rights in religious businesses and organizations.

I see this spiritual warfare in my personal life these days as I live out my freedom of my personal Biblical view in a liberal world and it’s threatening and painful. I’m praying for our great nation and the laws of our land. Oh, how I love our country. I don’t want to lose our freedoms!

Thank you, Charlotte and Ginger, for hosting Spiritual Sundays. I so enjoy everyone’s participation and feel revived reading their posts.


  1. We are not of this world although we do have to live in it for now. The Lord warned us in His Word that we would be misunderstood and yes, even persecuted for our faith. He Himself was! We really shouldn't expect to be treated any differently. It's not easy and it's not always pleasant but as long as we are true to Him, we know we are walking in His will. His blessing will be upon us and He promises never to forsake us during those times of testing. What a wonderful God we serve! We can't lose! {James 1: 2-4} Thanks for sharing, Mary. I pray you have a beautiful weekend.


  2. Praying for you sis, love you.

  3. Oh boy, I sure agree with these words Mary. There are some days even though I'm not in the actual workplace arena, when I feel like WE are the weird ones and this culture embraces anything BUT Jesus and what His Word says. It's so true... we are not of this world... and I always need to remember that they don't KNOW Him! And that thinking leads me straight into 'get busy and share Him more'...

    Good thoughts for me today. Thanks for sharing!

    Sunday hugs!


  4. Hi sister Mary. Miss coming here! We surely can't just keep talking and our actions are not showing what we say about the Lord. I think the spiritual battle is truly fierce especially nowadays. If believers are not knowledgeable with His truth, some will easily give in to the world's wisdom. Scary as we know that our spiritual enemies are very deceiving. Even for them to pretend that they are angels of light.

    I'm glad I had the opportunity to drop by and wish you a great rest of the week. God bless you and your family and always keeping you in my prayers. Thanks be to God for His truth! May we not compromise! Love to you.

  5. Mary, I beleive Christians are among the most persecuted people in the world these days. The "rights" of others are placed above our views, yet we are the ones called "narrow minded."

    Thank you for this post - a great reminder to pray for our nation.

  6. About sister Carrie blogging? Amen! God is truly good...We know that He will turn everything into good! He is truly in control! Glory to God! God bless you and protect you...

  7. Hi Mary, this is a great daughter and I were just talking about people saying things that are wrong and calling it right and vice versa....You words confirmed what we thought. Take gentle care. Sarah

  8. Boy, could I relate to this post. In my previous position, I was really persecuted. I asked God whether I was to stay and fight the battle, or if there was something else he wanted me to do.
    I stayed firm, but in the end chose to resign. God led me to where he wanted me to be. By being obedient, I have been so blessed. Looking back now, I hope my conduct and attitude in that dreadful situation was a witness to others. The fact that you recognize the spiritual warfare in your life is a very good thing. No doubt you have "put on the full armour of God." Have a blessed week!

  9. What it really comes down to is that things are black and white, but the world wants to make everything a comfortable shade of grey.

    ;) Love you mom,

  10. How true that scripture verse is. I retweeted a LINK on Twitter about gays going to the White House for a religious meeting. After an atheist questioned me, I blocked him to avoid a confrontation. They have been harassing me. Unbelievable, the world we live in ~ Hope things are better for you ~ Blessings ~

  11. That is a sad thing. I do pray that we won't lose our religious freedoms in this country, but it seems that we are more and more... Thanks for this reminder that we need to stay in prayer for our lawmakers.

  12. Thanks for being bold. We will be hated of all me, Scripture says, for his name's sake.

  13. Thankfully, we've read the back of the Book. We win! It may get tough between now and then, but God will be our strength.

  14. how true that we go through Spiritual warfare in todays work places... i can totally relate to the story. but in times like this what comforts is that we do not face this alone. God is right there with us and He takes us through. Thanks for sharing.

    And thank you for visiting me..:)
    Have a blessed weekend!!

  15. I understand all too well. I work in a job where the stated requirement is separation of faith and work. Although I don't separate well, so far instead of being fired, my organization has gradually become more spiritual. I think God has been helping out with that.

  16. Great read Mary, thank you for sharing. Blessings.

  17. It is true: the darkness grows thicker, having little or no esteem for The Light.

    Thank God even a small candle can still set darkness on it's tail end!

    May we live on high ground regardless of the rising tide around us. These are amazing days: wonderful yet perilous.


  18. So true! I think we will have to endure more persecution in the coming days.

  19. How wonderfully thought-provoking, Mary!
    I'm reminded, "When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high ... and don't be afraid of the dark!"
    Have a blessed day, my friend.

  20. You are so right. It is so sad to see how far left our great country has gone. I cannot understand for the life of me why a small minority in our country seem to have their way about just about everything. The scripture you quoted is proving to be more and more true every day. Thank you for sharing.

  21. Thank you for sharing this. I will just say "Amen" to my wife's comment and not repeat it.

  22. It is a difficult challenge to balance it all, but God does come first and obedience to Him and His word means we need to take a stand even when it is dificlut. Thank you for this reminder .....

  23. This is so sad. I'm sure the Lord will show her a new path.

  24. A great reminder! We need the Lord more now than ever it seems. I pray too that as Christians we won't become so fearful that we stop sharing our faith. We must trust God to be our supply in all things.

  25. I love you my friend and continue to pray for you and your family.


  26. Hi Mary,
    This is so true! I never experienced this myself when I worked, but have heard about it from others. Thank you for sharing about this!

    Have a wonderful week! (I'm feeling much better, thank you for your sweet comment.) :)


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