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The Honest Scrap Award

Thank you, Andrea, for awarding me The Honest Scrap Award. Do visit Andrea’s blog, Arise 2 Write; you will enjoy it, dear friends. Andrea writes about her passion for God, her love for her husband, children and granddaughter. She’s precise and a wonderful writer. You walk away with so much and it doesn’t take long to read it. Amazing how she does it.

To receive this award, I have to list ten honest things about myself. Then I have to pass this award on to other bloggers who inspire and lift me up.

Here are some honest scraps about me…

1. Jesus is the Lord of my life and my number 1 love.

2. I have been married for 37 years to a funny and very smart guy and have two grown daughters, 34 and 31.

3. I have a granddaughter, Susanna that is 8 months old. She makes me smile.

4. I enjoy trains. I still think about the time we took a train from Flagstaff, Arizona to Chicago just a few years ago. My husband must really love me to go along with that one.

5. I rise at daybreak. I love the early hours and meeting Jesus in my prayer garden with my first cup of coffee.

6. Birds make me happy. I love to hear them chirp outside in the morning. I have a Black Hooded Nun Finch, Sister Mary Joseph, and a 27 year old cockatiel, Baby.

7. I can pass up ice cream, but it’s hard to say no to a cookie, especially if it’s peanut butter.

8. I tend to choose a movie with Diane Keaton in it to make me laugh out loud. For drama, I choose Jack Nicholson, Merrill Streep or Renee Zellweger.

9. I fantasize about what it must be like to dance with John Travolta. I told this to my husband, and wondered if I was in shape enough to dance with Travolta. He bought me “Sweatin’ to the Oldies” with Richard Simmons, but it’s not the same.

10. My favorite way to be used by God is to pray for people and see His comfort enfold them.

I can recommend some wonderful blogs for your inspiration:

Humble As I Go, Alleluiabelle will inspire you with her poetry, and scripture writings and her deep love for the savior.

Off the Beaten Trek, Rosel writes about sharing Jesus and being salt and light in a world that needs a savior.

Laurie at Women Taking a Stand, has a ton of inspiration to share and you will feel uplifted.

Karlene, Joyful Scribe, loves stories about life’s lessons. You’ll be inspired.


  1. Oh Mary! I love learning these things about you!
    Congratulations on this award :)

    Have you seen "new in town" with Renee Zellweger?? It is such a cute kids quote it all the time

    My favorite thing on your list (besides #1)is #10! You have definately been used by God through praying for me, it brings me comfort daily knowing you ARE praying!

    oh ya, congratulations on 37yrs woohoo :) that's awesome!
    Love you....LOTS

  2. GOD bless you and thank you for being a faithful prayer warrior. I am a late night person, but as GOD always has a sense of humor, my wonderful hubby is a morning person. He awakes singing and dancing!!
    GOD bless, andrea

  3. Thank you so much and wow! I learned so much about you. lol. :) -Laurie

  4. Oh my! Thank God I brought "cookies" last Sunday, instead of ice cream :) It's soo great to know more things about you. You have a loving heart that seeks the Lord always and I thank you for loving us as well and even praying for us. I can be a morning person too but only at home. Love the smell of freshly-brewed coffee! Sister Mary, you're an awesome lover of Jesus and I'm so blessed to have you as my friend and sister in Christ. God bless. Congratulations!

  5. Mary,
    I love these awards that help us to learn more about each other. I do feel like I know you more now.
    Congrats on the award. You definitely deserve it!

  6. I saw you over at Angies and wondered why you call yourself the saleslady. I like your blog by the way and yeah, there is nothing like having the #1 be Jesus is my Savior.

  7. Mary,

    I left you an award on my blog today! You have gotten sooo many, I hope you truly see all God is doing in you! You touch soo many lives through this blog! I cherish you!

    love you!


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