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Be Who You Are

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.

If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many members, yet one body.
1 Cor 12:12, 17-20

I like scriptures that talk about the body of Christ. I like to think about how different we all are as members of Christ’s body. When we accept Jesus and God fills us with the Holy Spirit, we become necessary like a unique piece of the puzzle that He can use for His purpose. I like to think about how important every piece of the puzzle is and how we need each other to complete the picture. The power of God flows when we all work together. Whether it’s working together in the church, the community, the workplace or in our homes, I’ve noticed that healthy teamwork is vital to the health of the project.

My faith in Jesus soared in the late 70’s when I developed an appetite for God’s Word. It was exciting to find my identity in Christ and serve Him. Some of my leaders in the Women’s groups wanted to mold me in their uniqueness, not mine, thinking my gifts should be identical to theirs. That feels like when we wear clothes that are not our style or wear someone else’s shoes that do not fit. The big lesson I had to learn was to please God and not people. It goes two ways because I also learned that when I focused on Him, I wasn’t envious of other’s gifts measuring myself by the wrong yardstick.

I’m a fan of Christian meetings with lots of giftedness flowing in the speakers, worship, prayer ministry and helpful workers. Big events with big names are wonderful and it’s exciting to part of them. But I like, also, small groups gathering for discussions of the Bible, Christian books, prayer and encouragement. I call them every day people expressing their faith.

I enjoy bloggers who write about their love for the Lord, and their desire to serve Him. I’m amazed at their distinct styles. Talk about diversity! I know the blog address for a good Biblical study, prayer, family life or creative ways to serve Jesus. So many servants of God in Christian bloggerland are there to encourage, inspire, pray, teach - you name it. And I think the Lord is pleased. I’m thinking He wants us to relax and be ourselves wherever we are and however He uses us.
For more inspiration, go to Spiritual Sundays and be blessed.


  1. You and I agree; He does want each one of us to be our best for Him. Thanks for sharing. Happy Spiritual Sunday.

    I love your smile.

  2. Very, very interesting. I enjoyed reading this good post. I agree we need to rejoice and be grateful for the gifts of each of us have received.

  3. What a great post! I love to see how the Lord touches every body in a different ways, and how we choose to share it.I enjoyed your post today thank-you so much for sharing your thoughts today.
    God Bless,

  4. I sure agree with this post. It is so good to know that God accepts us for who we are and doesn't expect us all to be alike. We may think we are a pretty insignificant part of the body of Christ, but every part is necessary.
    I love your header picture.
    Thank you for sharing this with us on Spiritual Sundays.

  5. Thank You! Thank You! I know I have felt so many times the odd person out because I was not "gifted" exactly like others. I feel the Lord does use my gifts -- it is just not as pronounced as others. Bless you for sharing the insight-- Wish others would see it is for the good!
    and my mother is the one that gave me the different spelling --it is on the birth certificate!Blessing and curse!

  6. Thank you for stopping by my Spiritual Sundays post. Each of us has a unique gift from God and we all use our gifts differently...and that's a good thing!


    P.S. Loved the Friday Funnies!!


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