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The Number Six


I’ve been seeing a lot of six’s lately.  Just today the temperature gauge in the kitchen read 66.6F as I passed by.  Why all the six’s?  Is there a secret message I need to search in number 6?

I began my search in the book of Psalms and this is what I found:

He changed the sea to dry land,
    and his people went across the water on foot.
    So let’s celebrate because of what he has done!

Psalm 66:6

Think about this passage!  After they completed the Passover Seder dinner, the children of Israel gathered their belongings and set out for the promise land on foot.  I can imagine the hope and expectation they felt as they began their pilgrimage to freedom.  They left oppression and slavery behind them in Egypt.  That was until they realized the enemy was chasing them.  Panic filled their hearts, but the Lord made a way.  The Psalm tells us they walked across the Red Sea on foot!  It takes courage to hold on to the hand of your little child, grab everything you own and trust God to make it over to the other side.  But look how God protected His own.  They celebrated because He drowned their enemies behind them.

I’m convinced God wanted me to see this today as we begin a new year.  What is ahead where I will need courage to walk through?  Will I trust Him when it looks scary?  He promises the sea waters will part supernaturally.  Clearly, it is going to require faith muscles to follow His lead and make this journey.  Will I focus well and make it to the other side knowing my enemies will taunt me and try to discourage me?

I choose to trust God this coming year.  Who’s walking with me? 

I’m betting on God, not myself, to make it to the other side!  I pray and ask for His hand to lead me.  I thank Him because He hears me.

Now I will celebrate because of what He is going to do, just like the last line of Psalm 66, verse 6!


  1. What a start, seeing your post title! You see, for years and years, the Number 6 has been off-putting ... let's not even talk about 66:6! I've been known to change grocery check-out lines bearing that number; even quitting a game of Solitaire if three 6's parallel one another. Silly, isn't it?
    Thank you for this post. I need to turn to Scripture, not 'The Omen" and bet on God!

    1. What a great point, Myra. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. What a positive way to view that numbers focusing on the Lord's faithfulness & goodness! Oftentimes I wonder what meaning it has when I look at the clock and it is 1:11, 2:22, 3:33 etc... But all I know is that life is short that I just pray for the Lord to make me spend each one wisely! Blessings to you sister! Stay strong in the Lord's mighty power🙏❤️

    1. Blessings to you, Rosel! Yes! Let's stay focused on His goodness and truth. Amen.


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