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Bonnie told me she needed a break in life during an interview for a receptionist position.  Her impressive resume’ stated that she hoped to be able to work her way up in the company.  Her references checked out.  I hired this enthusiastic, creative girl resolving to help her reach a higher goal. Unfortunately, she fell from grace.

Immediately, I noticed a desire to please.  Bonnie not only caught on quickly, but offered wise suggestions.  She proved herself time and again and I trusted her in my office not just to water my plants or grab a good book from the shelf but to read my notes, bone up on my customers’ files and step in and help me manage the office.  She designed personal stationery for me and a business card that rocked.  I told my boss this time I found a winner and having this confident single mom on board would boost our team to the top.

With the economy on our side, business was good!  Sales were up and I got the company’s trip to Hawaii.   Like a protective mom, I wrote reminders for Bonnie, stacking them on my desk.  She reassured me that she could handle it all and wished me a fun trip.

Vacation Day arrived and Tom and I headed out to the airport.  We passed the office and I stopped to add one more note to the pile and drop off donuts.  The office was closed!  I waited impatiently while Bonnie’s mom drove up informing me that Bonnie had been arrested for drugs and it didn’t look like she would be back. 

It hit me hard.  I wondered why my petty cash drawer was wiped out.

What a con artist.
In a daze, I called my boss in Phoenix.  I will never forget how lovingly he handled everything…sending someone to cover our office, calmly reminding me that Tom and I have a plane to catch and an earned reward to enjoy but, most importantly, protecting my bruised ego by saying “he was fooled too.”

Today I read Chapter Ten in the book of Romans.  God had a great plan for his chosen people, the Jews.  He invested the best, His one and only son.  Verse 11 goes on “Anyone who trusts in Him will never be disgraced.” 

The Jews Wanted None of it.
Then the Lord said I’ll rouse your jealousy and save the foolish Gentiles and He did. 

I love the sentiment in the last part of Chapter 10 where, regarding Israel, God said:  “All day long I opened my arms to them, but they were disobedient and rebellious.”

I couldn’t help but think of Bonnie today as I studied.  I made an investment a few years ago, not in material goods but in a person, cheering her on to seize her impossible dream.   I understand how the Lord feels when we choose our own way and throw away the very best leaving the premium prize unclaimed.

Lava Collage:  Several active volcanos in Hawaii, most of them on the Big Island.  Our tour was safe, and we saw steam and gas rising from a vent in the crater.  Interesting to see the beaches black with lava.

Don't touch the turtles!

Foliage –  God’s creation, Hawaii

Enjoying Hawaii with the cute guy…amidst the Tiki gods!

When co-workers become your fun girlfriends, so happy they’re still in my life.

You’ve seen this amazing waterfall on the Big Island on many photographs, I’m sure.

Beautiful views from the resort.


  1. Hi Mary...glad you had such a wonderful time.
    It looks so lovely...Ive always wanted to go to Hawaii.
    Hugs xo

    All my heart,
    Deborah xo

    1. God redeemed the trip with His beauty! Love to you, Deborah.

  2. Such beautiful pictures of your time in Hawaii :) I do think we all have a story or two of being deceived by someone; but so glad your boss told you to continue on with your well earned trip and covered the bases while you were gone. Interesting thing with God, he knows when we will deceive him and he still loves us.


    1. My boss was a gentleman at all times. He even called us at the resort the next day to make sure we were having a great time. Yes, that’s the way God is when we repent. I prayed that Bonnie would find God and find purpose.

  3. Wow, what a sad, disappointing experience you went through, dear Mary! I am so thankful you still got to go on you much-deserved trip, and to know that God redeemed your part of the story for good. And, Bonnie...I surely hope she has also found redemption by now. I trust God has helped her to find hope in Him and that she has turned her back on drugs. So sad. There are so many out there like her. I'm so sorry you had to go through this, dear friend. Thank you for sharing this story and also the wonderful pictures here! You are such a blessing!

    1. The whole thing caught me by surprise that day and I hope I expressed that in my writing. I start my day off in prayer and want those in my life to be blessed. I guess God chose to deal with those secrets first though as I prayed for her!

  4. In spite of the disappointment, I am glad you were able to enjoy your trip and not worry about your office. Thank God for an understanding boss and thank God that He is a faithful God. Lovely photos from Hawaii.

    1. I am blessed to have seen it and still remember the good times and the beauty there!

  5. Hi Mary! I'm so glad you were able to enjoy your trip to Hawaii, in spite of the terrible realization that Bonnie was not the person you thought she was. Hawaii is one of my bucket list places!
    I love the application to God's feelings about us. He puts so much into our hands, and trusts us. Do we trust Him? Are we led astray by our own wants and needs? Well, only constantly! Yet He forgives if we want to change. I sure hope Bonnie got the help she needed. She is obviously flawed, but just as obviously talented. I hope she doesn't waste those gifts again...

    1. Very good point, Ceil. We are led astray by our wants and needs! God is good and I'm grateful to belong to Him. Like a protective parent, He doesn't let me stray too far away. Love His nudges.

  6. The story has a familiar ring for me. It's easy to identify with being deceived. I've been deceived even by a person who made no great claims about themselves. Deception was easy, because I wanted to believe the best about the person. But I was deceiving myself. The boss you wrote about? Where can I apply?

    1. You are right, Cho. Looking back, there were clues that I dismissed because I gave her the grace I want given me. You touch on a great lesson in leadership. It is the way my boss extended grace to me so many times. We never help someone that way; we enable them. Thank you, brother.

  7. Oh Mary, how sad - for you and for Bonnie. Some people are so good at wearing masks, and are experts at fooling others. I've had some of that experience in my own life. It hurts - and the embarrassment at being *taken in* is tough, too.

    But you know what I thought about when I was reading your story? I thought about how we are also easily fooled by the Deceiver, the enemy of our souls. He has such a smarmy way of worming himself into our lives, insinuating himself into our thoughts and emotions. He is subtle, and effective.

    Lord, help us be on the alert. Don't let us be taken in. Keep us from deception. Give us the discernment of the Holy Spirit.

    Let us not believe lies.


    1. Relationships are hard. I want to give people the benefit of the doubt but I want to be insightful, like my boss was with me and so many others. Wisdom doesn't come easy. Great point about the true Deceiver, Sharon. Thank you for putting the finishing touch on this story with such truth!!!!

  8. Mary we have all been there and took a bite out of that apple haven't we? I still like to think that eventually those lost sheep might come around.Perhaps the seeds of trust you sowed will grow in her. It's so sad to see someone throwing their life away with both hands.

    1. It saddens me when one is so talented and the enemy deceitfully sneaks in. But we know who defeated the enemy. Have a blessed week, Lisa.

  9. Oh my friend, our Lord will reward you for what you have done for this girl and....she may not realize it now...but one day she may just thank you for the investment you made in her! Sounds like your boss is Gem! Oh I want to go to Hawaii. Matter of fact I hope to do that in the next few years! May need some ideas and tips from you! Love your posts! You always speak to my heart! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. I too hope you get to go to Hawaii, Cindy. Good idea to talk to those who have been there so you know how to plan your trip and what island may be best for you. My boss has a priceless personality. Great people skills. Big hugs to you too!

  10. Oh dear. I don't know what happened to my comment! Like othera have said, I sure applaud your boss!
    ...And where better to lick one's mental wounds than in Hawaii.
    For sure, yours was a bitter pill to swallow. I'm so sorry.

    1. Oh no, Myra, not another lost comment out there in outer space. It has happened at this website before, so sorry. Amazing how you get to Hawaii and forget every worry or concern. I had total peace. It's just a foretaste of heaven.

  11. Thank you so much for sharing your Hawaii photos with us. A well deserved holiday, I'm sure.

    God bless you and yours.

  12. As usual, you were an attention grabber... by me and many! Nice to know where you've been and who you've been with and how you've seen things. Made me smile! I might write something on the email re: a comment, but not always here. Bless you for sharing!!

    1. Glad I made you smile by the way I see things! Blessings to you.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I know that personal feeling of betrayal all too well. It's sad that most of the ones addicted to drugs are the best actors and actresses and have no limits as to how far they'll go to get what they want.

    Glad to hear about the gracious boss and company you get to be associated with and that you guys had a blast in Hawaii!!! Good for you!

    1. Lots of pretending to live life with that kind of person, at least that's how I feel in such relationships. Eye opener for sure and we sensitive types engage somehow in their pain. Someday I'm going to write about the time I worked for the worst boss in the world too. Think I should?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. It is often difficult to tell a story of one you trusted who turned out to betray you. I understand and we have gone through similar trials. It hurts the most when it is a family member or Christian brother you took into confidence. I am so glad your boss was so good about all this and encouraged you to catch that plane and enjoy your much deserved holiday. I can see from your photos you did just that. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.

    1. It hurts twice as hard when it's family. Thank you for pointing that out and sharing your experiences.

  15. That quote hits home. Oh, what I would give to hear the truth than be slapped with a lie.

    On lighter note, nice photos. :)

  16. I'd rather hear the ugly truth any day over a pretty lie. I'm sorry this happened. It's often hard to discern truth from fiction. Glad you had a great trip, despite the rough patch.


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