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Summer Touches of Grace

Summer may be behind us now, but the memories are fresh and the lessons they taught me rest deep within my soul.

Do grown daughters with busy lives of their own crave mother-daughter time?  I am so glad mine do!  Summer afforded me several one-on-one occasions with each of them.

I forgot what a pretty city Tucson is although my oldest daughter didn’t enjoy the heat as much as me.  The resort’s pool made up for any discomfort!

My youngest daughter is a power prayer warrior.  We strolled along the Coronado Beach at sunset praying for our family and friends.  I cherish times like these, just her and me….and God. 

I am lavishly fulfilled when I think of the summer days with the daughter of my heart.  Thank you, friends, for your concern for Angie.  She made it through her surgery but complications sent her back to the hospital weeks later.    Chronic pain restricts this compassionate, people-loving gal, confining her to her home. 

The lesson I learned from her is to tell people when I need help and let them know when I’m fragile.  Angie’s vulnerability revealed just how many friends love her and serve her through prayer.  I choked up when one guy shared a memory that describes her perfectly.  On a school class trip over 20 years ago, Angie left the cool crowd to spend time with a guy with a troubled soul.  She helped him shop for new stylish clothes giving him a total GQ makeover as he put it.  He wrote that he will never forget the day that she made him feel part of the in-crowd and how it truly hurts him to see her suffer like this.    As I read dozens of sentiments, I realize that our lives impact others and every day we choose what that impact will be.

By the end of summer, my back needed adjustment so I visited my “body magician,” my favorite doctor and friend, Dan.  We prayed for him at the first of the year, remember?  He’s back in business, every melanoma tumor gone, and he is praising Jesus for what he describes as “miraculous!”  Friends, he was not a believer before this trial.  Please hear my heart full of gratitude for your prayers and kind words...and God’s amazing grace.

I sat next to Brian in church today, the guy we’ve been praying for and rejoicing with because God healed him of liver cancer.  Second report came back same as the first, cancer free!  I told his wife that he’s never looked more handsome.  She replied:  "Or younger."

What are the highlights of your summer?  Anything you want to share as we do life together?  Are you, like me, ready for a new season…hoodies, soups and all things pumpkin?


  1. Yes I am ready for all of those things! I am also so happy to hear of your answered prayers, Mary. God is alive and well and hears and answers our prayers! I also loved the time spent with your girls. I have also been able to do that this summer, and the blessings have been mine My husband and I say it over and over again, our children are blessing our lives every day, and now their children as well. :)

    1. You're a real family girl and I'm happy to hear they are blessing you. It won't be long now, my Texas friend, and we'll be crisp and cool and wearing warmer p.j.'s!

  2. I'm so gladdened to read these updates on Angie and Dan -- and Brian, too! (Last I recall, Dan's diagnosis was a difficult one, indeed.) I think it's pretty wonderful that Angie hears what a blessing she has been on others' lives now. How many people unwittingly say nothing - until a eulogy is called for?

    BTW, we went to see War Room today ... loved it!

    1. Let's not wait until eulogies, Myra. Let's tell people how much we value them each and every day! Glad you like the movie; I was jazzed to see so many couples in the movie theater!

  3. Such great reports of God's healing! So neat to read of the enjoyable time you had with your daughters this past summer :) I am sorry to hear of Angie's health problems though, but what a nice testimony of her love for others through that men's sharing of what she kindly did for him years ago.


    1. Angie is a real lover of people. I just know God is up to something bigger than she can imagine. We believe the very best for our kids, right?

  4. Yes, we appreciate and thank all our friends and love ones. Through the love of Jesus, we are to touch each other's lives and blessing one another. Let us all be a blessing to those that we come in contact with in our daily lives. Hope and pray that you and family will be in good health and strong body.

    1. I agree, Nancy, and thank you for being a blessing in my life. May your family prosper as well!

  5. Dearest Mary, your photos are lovely and you are very blessed! God is amazing, isn't He? :) God bless you and your family.

    1. Thanks, Linda, for stopping by and splashing in the river of blessings with me! God truly is amazing and may His plan for you and yours unfold with much grace.

  6. Replies
    1. I know, right? You and I know nothing is impossible with God!

  7. Hi Mary, firstly your photos are so beautiful. I am so glad you had a splendid time with your daughter. Must have been very special praying along the beach side too.
    You are so blessed friend. Hold on to these treasured moments.
    God Bless

    1. Thank you, Ifeoma, for stopping by and your beautiful comment. I remember being your age with a husband and little one to pour my life into and if I can do or say anything that will inspire, it would be that we reap what we sow. Someday, you too will have a daughter all grown up that mirrors your priorities and values because I know you are teaching her well! Press on!

      Love you,

  8. You had a lovely summer! You are blessed to have daughters like you do to spend time with you. I'm always happy to hear that God has changed someone or someone has become a believer!! Amen!

    1. Terri, Danny went from "higher power" to boldly sharing his faith with his clients! I was excited to sit in his reception room hearing him give all the glory to Jesus! Made my day!

  9. Awesome sister Mary to hear the Lord's Word hush the fiercest storms upon His command. Praying that He will grant strength, comfort and healing to Angie and Dan. And to you and your beautiful family of course. No matter how small or big of a vessel but if that vessel is carrying the Lord on board and with faith, it always reaches the shore without any damage...Praise be to God.
    Please pray for me sister Mary as I am feeling strongly to end my career at Corrections. Aside from my ministry as a mother and wife, I don't know at this time where the Lord wants me. Awesome God....Awesome God...That's all I know and that I will remain to choose to trust and believe...Your faith always increases mine...Love you sister.

    1. Your heart, as always, is caring and loving towards me and my concerns. How long have we been friends? 8 years now and you are so committed and wise, Rosel. I am honored to pray for your request with an excitement in me as you seek a new beginning at this time. I pray that His leading is crystal clear and knowing you so well, you will succeed at whatever He has in store for you. Blessed to be in your corner!

      Love you,

  10. I love hearing stories of your girls and grands. What a blessing they are to you! As for summer doings here, we've mostly watched our garden grow. Which is to say it's been pretty quiet in the land of cattle & apple orchards. Good stuff!

    1. Kathleen, you had me on pins & needles watching those fire alerts close to your homestead. Thankful for God's protection over your summer!

  11. Hi Mary! How fun to meet your daughters? I love Tucson, as you know, I met my husband there. It is such a great gift to know that your children want to spend with you as much you do with them...must have been raised right!

    What healings you have seen, and some sorrow too. I think that's a great snapshot of life. Good or bad, it's all in the plan.
    I loved my summer memories of meeting up with you, and being with my daughter's family in July. And my two new grandsons!! It's been a busy, beautiful summer.

    1. You said it right, Ceil, life is the good and bad. We take them both knowing that when Jesus is in the equation everything is going to be A-okay. You've had a very busy summer, girl. You will have to share your secret to so much energy with me. I, too, am glad to have met up with you. Your friendship is golden!

  12. Mary! My what victories you have seen! It is so wonderful to see saints stand and win over the enemy! Thanks for the praise reports! I will continue to keep Angie in my prayers.

    1. Thx, Lisa, for those prayers! I know, huh? God said I would see His hand of grace this year and I'm super charged!

  13. I'm so thankful my daughters are my best friends as well! Our new season started last Nivember when we surrendered to full time missions. What a ride it has been after 20 years of pastoring. God has been so faithful and we love doing what God has called us to!

    1. Thanks for your beautiful comment, Beth, and the update. May God's favor lead you, protect you and empower you in the mission field.

  14. So sorry your youngest daughter is suffering with pain. May our God the healer reach down and bring her relief and total healing. I love to hear those miracle reports of cancer healed. Especially where they still have so much work to do in this world. Thank you for sharing your awesome story with us here at Tell me a Story.

    1. I love to hear testimonies of God rescuing His people. I like writing about them even better. I pray for encouragement for you and all my friends commenting here that God will pour out His favor and order your steps.


  15. One on one time with our children never tires no matter how old they are! You have seen prayers answered in healing, God in action. Thank you for sharing. And like Hazel, I also pray comfort for your family and healing for your daughter.

    1. You're a doll to help me pray for Angie. God bless you, Lynn. Only wish you guys could see the text messages from her or her husband that are filled with gratitude for all the prayers. In all her pain, she encourages.

  16. Hi there, so glad to have found you here. I love that you have such a great relationship with your daughters. Its the desire of my heart too. I didn't have such a great one with my mom, but work hard at my relationships with my girls. Love all the praise reports too. God is good all the time.
    God bless

    1. Thanks for your visit, Tracy! Amen to God is good all the time; good times and bad. I stopped figuring it all out--I just trust He's up to something good all the time because He only is good!

  17. I love you, Mom! You are also a great MIL to our husbands, too! I appreciate that!

    1. I love our times together. Just wish we had more!

  18. Nothing cheers me more than answered prayers - or the announcement that someone has accepted Jesus as their Savior! I celebrate the good news. Dear Angie, prayers continue for her.

    I just visited my two sons, and yes, it's a blessing when our adult kids want to spend time with us. Hugs and laughter abound, and I always leave with my momma's heart full...


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Sharon, and celebrating with me. So grateful for your prayers for Angie. It was neat to hear about your time with your sons!

  19. I dont know what's with summer but, i guess everyone loves this season, and thank You Lord for giving us this heat so that we could make memories, and great great memories and adventure during this season.

    Christmas is coming though, but for sure those memories you had this year was extravagant!

    i also love your new blog look. I miss this mary!

    1. Hi, Steve:
      I guess it does sound a little like Christmas at my blog this week! All we need are some cut out cookies in the shape of bells, stars and trees! I'm still praying for your ministry.

  20. Wow. What an awesome summer and gift from God of loved ones and to see His hands of miracles prayed for by the lips and hearts of his saints.

    Wonderful and uplifting post! God is good. Thanks, sister.

    1. Thank you, Floyd, for support in prayer and just being encouraging friend.

  21. Nice to see how you are connected with your daughter. I've been a spiritual warfare, spiritual mapping person for years and years. It's a good way to deal with the reality of our world forever and ever. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Joanne, and encouraging my faith.
      Love you, dear lady.

  22. Mary, it's been so long since I've popped in on my blogging friends. I'm glad I stopped by to visit you. The photos and tribute to your daughter-mother time and the love is so beautiful. I'm not sure of what is happening being out of touch but I prayed for Angie. I praise God for Dan and Brian's praise reports and I said a prayer for your back. I pray God's blessings over you and your beautiful family and friends. You always make me smile Mary. Much love to you.

    1. Thanks for those powerful prayers of yours Lisa! You have mine as well. Much love to you!

  23. Thanks for your beautiful post. I think you are really blessed to have such sweet daughters. Cherish them. You have had a great summer!

    1. It's been a wonderful summer! I'm looking forward now to fall, my favorite season!


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