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June’s Big Lessons

I learned some things in June.

When you’re a middle child, you’re not cute like the baby and you’re not in charge like the oldest.  I won’t go so far as saying you’re overlooked, but it still happens that when you do open your mouth to share, the rest of them start talking over you like you are not there.  That’s what happened one night at dinner with my family while I was in Chicago. The dynamics kicked in and soon I was overshadowed by the rest all talking at once and not listening to me.  I don’t like it when they do that, but this time I did not quietly retreat into my shell.  I called them on it.  They heard!  Every eye was on me as they told me to finish my story; I told them I didn’t want to now.  (All of a sudden I was ten again!)  Of course, I finished my *wonderful* story!  When my daughter heard about this, she shouted “It’s about time, mom!”   I’m wondering if there is a proverb somewhere for the middle child syndrome.  I just haven’t found it yet!  So in June, I learned to speak up for myself.  

I learned that the Lithuanian language is beautiful.  One Saturday morning, we placed our Wal-Mart purchases in the trunk; the family that parked next to us did the same as they conversed in their foreign language.  As we pulled away from the parking lot, I mentioned how beautiful the Italian language sounds.  Tom corrected me, “They were speaking Lithuanian!”  He would know; his mom’s mom lived with them when he was a child and did not speak English.  I only wish he would speak it for me.  He told me he will not speak in tongues.  Wise guy.

I learned that relationships are still the best gift you can give to another person.  Our oldest truly gets this concept and took her dad on a two-day road trip down Route 66 for Father’s Day.  I loved hearing how much they laughed and enjoyed making a special memory together.  She’s investing in the right thing.

I learned how to make an apricot tart.  I still have apricots from my tree; they’re delicious this year!  The recipe was awesome and made enough for a large tart and smaller one to give away.  You can view recipe here.

I had opportunities to learn the spiritual lesson of obedience in June.  I learned that you don’t have to plan what you will say or do, just go when God says: “Go!”   He truly does take care of the details.  Then He gets the glory for all the good stuff that follows.  And then I look back and say “Wow, God.  You did amazing things!”

That is what I learned in June!  Name something you learned in June.
Linking up with Emily Freeman What We Learned in June.


  1. I have been thinking about you and was wondering how you are doing, and to my very pleasant surprise, I just see your post now! :) Wow, you learned a lot in the month of June. Hmm, I don't think my list is as big as yours, but I can only think of one thing that I have learned. I am not afraid to speak up when I need to. LOL! O.K., it isn't as great as the things you have learned, but God is amazing, and so are you. :)

  2. Awe...great post today! Love it that you spoke up! I have a middle child and I can assure you she has never nor does she now have a problem speaking up! Ha!!! Love it that the Holy Spirit speaks for us when the words don't come! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. I love your learning point on relationship. They are really the best gift you can give to someone.
    Great reflection for June.
    expecting more in July.
    Many Blessings Mary

  4. I liked your lessons learned in June, especially with you speaking up with your family on their family dynamics. My brother is the middle child in our family, wedged between two sisters. He often was the one who ended up talking more than the two of us, LOL, so I guess each family could be different in their dynamics.

    Yum on the tart you learned to bake!

    I learned it is possible to be surprised :)


  5. Mary dear, thank you for sharing the lessons you learned in June...especially the ones about speaking up for yourself! I was the I was always able to be in charge.

    Something that I learned in June was that when a person is under the care of Hospice and they request that no one other than family comes to see them that it is best to respect their wishes.

    Another thing I've learned...just not in that you make one delicious Sweet Potato Pie...and if that apricot tart was half as good as the Sweet Potato Pie then it was just as awesome as it looks!


  6. Would you look at that grin on Tom's face? Amy's 'gift' of time with her dad is incredibly precious!

    I've never been the 'middle' anything ... but I think I 'get' what you mean about people talking over and around you. That happens to me at work. A lot. So proud of you for speaking out and speaking loud!

  7. I'm not sure I've learned a thing in June!! I hope I have, but right now it isn't coming to mind. :)

    I loved this blog Mary! From one middle child to the next... you are so right! I do find that I have found my voice too, through the years. :)

    LOVE the Route 66 trip, what a ball!

    ... and the apricot tart...

    this was fun!

  8. One thing I learned in June is that God is a Master Chess Player. He has orchestrated a series of *coincidences* that have brought an answer to prayer in my mother's situation. It is nothing short of a miracle. I will be posting about it soon when the last few pieces fall into place. But, I know that God can do amazing things, just when you need Him to move...

    This verse:

    "Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God’s unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it]." (Hebrews 4:16, AMP)


  9. Hi Mary! Way to stand up for yourself! My youngest sister always says that she enjoys being the baby "Because I'm never in charge of anything!" But not being heard? That would get old.

    What did I learn in June? I also learned to stand up for myself. I learned that I have worth, and can help people with that worth. I also learned that I can step out and invite someone to coffee that I never met before, and have a GREAT time!

    It was a pretty good month!

  10. It's good to be a life long learner. I'm with you on that. And good for you for standing up for yourself. As the youngest I used to try to push my way into having a voice. Now that I'm older I sit back and listen more than I speak.

    The song from the Eagles will be playing in my head the rest of the day after seeing that picture taken in Winslow. "Standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona, such a fine sight to see. It's a girl, my lord, in a flat bed Ford slowing down to take a look at me..." I wish I could help it!

  11. Awww, this is a precious post. I love your personality! What I learned in June is family is really really important and holding grudges hurts me worse. I also learned that I must accept home wherever it might be and move on.

  12. Wow! Lot of learnings this June, for me, learning is something that we really have to invest with, even for simple things, learning is a lifetime. Lastly, im glad that God has thought you new thing again, and in Him, learning is unending!

  13. Hi Mary! Oh June was a full-of-learning month for me. I learned a lot at the Write To Publish conference, I learned not to get overwrought by my plans for pacing. His pacing is better! The book "The Bait of Satan" should be required reading for Christians. :) I'll stop there! You are a blessing with a voice dear Mary!


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